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IS IT TRUE? November 27, 2010

The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 27, 2010

IS IT TRUE that there are now 715 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?

IS IT TRUE that the political Dean of the Evansville City Council, Curt John got it right at the last Council meeting? ….that Councilman John corrected hotel industry executives who want baseball to be built on the Roberts Stadium property?…that they said that the Innkeeper’s tax money belong to the Hotel-Motel owners and not to the Taxpayers? …Political Dean Curt John quickly told them that this tax money belongs to the taxpayers and not to the Hotel-Motel owners? ….that political Dean John’s well timed remarks encouraged B J Watts, Connie Robinson, Missy Mosby and John Friend to join Dr. Dan Adams and Dan McGinn in approving the Hotel before Baseball resolution? …the taxpayers are very pleased with 7 of 9 City Council members standing up for the taxpayers of this community?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has gotten much positive feedback for the praise that we gave to Department of Metropolitan Development Director Tom Barnett?…that the realization of the magnitude of the blight problems in South Evansville pointed out by Mr. Barnett seems to have gotten some people’s attention?….that recognizing a problem and acknowledging it is the first step to correcting the problem?…that the $1 Billion Albatross of blight along with the estimated $500 Billion Combined Sewer Overflow problem really drives home the size of the problem in South Evansville?….that former County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave and Mr. Barnett agree that the only way to eradicate the Billion Dollar Albatross is through attracting private money to the area?….that it is refreshing to see agreement emerge from disagreement?

IS IT TRUE that dysfunctional sewers, low scoring schools, and high crime rates are the reasons that South Evansville has fallen into such a state of blight?….that building $200,000 houses and selling them for half of that price will remain the norm until the sewers, schools, and crime in South Evansville are acceptable to the majority of our citizens?….that the price to repair these problems along with the blight may just be beyond the capacity of a city like Evansville to correct?…that throwing massive sums of government money at problems like this in other urban areas has not been successful?….that maybe another solution needs to be considered?

IS IT TRUE that much of South Evansville was once a natural wetland?…that the most cost effective solution to the sewer/blight problem may be to demolish vast numbers of dilapidated homes and never replace them?….that the stress on the combined sewers would be eliminated if the neighborhoods are converted to the wetlands that they were naturally?….that this innovative idea may just make the size of the financial solution to Evansville’s Twin Billion Dollar Albatrosses manageable?

Bundling of Public Projects Masks Accountability of Public Finance

Joe Wallace

By: Joe J. Wallace

Bundling is a commercial tactic that has been perfected by software companies such as Microsoft to sell products and features that are not necessarily things that people would actually choose on an individual basis. Bundling increases prices and provides marginal if any value to consumers but it does increase the profits of the companies that engage in the practice while enriching their shareholders.

It has often been asserted that effective government works in countercyclical ways to the commercial sector. In the case of bundling this seems to be true when it comes to government. Government at all levels has taken the seminar on bundling from the “Bill Gates Academy of Bundling” and has used this practice to daze and confuse the electorate in an expensive game that does not enrich the shareholders of government the way that the shareholders of Microsoft are enriched by bundling products. The recently maligned practice of earmarking and the long term practice of pork barreling are nothing but government bundling. In the case of government bundling, the citizens of this country are continually extorted into borrowing money to buy things they need that are not available unless they agree to buy a bunch of programs or projects that have minimal value or benefit a small select group of self serving elected officials.

Why is it that we are always presented with legislation that essentially says “you can have that highway that you need, but only if you buy a bridge to nowhere, a boatload of $100 hammers, and endow a museum dedicated to buggy whips in the small town where a Senator grew up”? Why do we as citizens tolerate this destructive form of bundling? Maybe it is because in exchange for buying all of the junk associated with a good project that we get to hire someone to watch the grass grow in our little hometown too. Maybe we like the pork from the public barrel or are confused by the complexity of the legislation that we just give up.

There have been two bundled projects floated in Evansville during 2010 that have essentially been ridiculed out of consideration for the cost and lack of practicality that were exposed by the City County Observer and most other local media outlets. Evansville’ bundling projects are of course the Roberts Stadium Ballfields and the recently proposed $2M bond issue.

The Roberts Stadium Ballfields proposal by the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau was essentially a project where the City of Evansville told the ECVB, “We will let you build 8 ball fields if you tear down Roberts Stadium, repair some things in Wesselman Park, and make some infrastructure improvements for the City”. That one for the price of three deal was called out by the media and rejected by the people that lived in the Roberts Stadium neighborhood. It is quite clear that bundling is what raised the price of a ball field to $2 Million in Evansville and it is also clear that this attempt at bundling is what ultimately led to the postponement or rejection of the entire project. This bundling was also a powerful issue in the 2010 elections.

Bundling was recently attempted in a proposed $2 Million bond issue. This time needed parking garage repairs were piled on with three Front Door Pride houses, and a refinancing of some existing debt. This attempt to bundle projects has already had the negative effect of deferring already deferred maintenance that really is needed to make the Downtown Evansville parking garages Arena worthy.

Why were the parking garages and Front Door Pride bundled together with a third refinancing deal? These are separate issues and should have separate financing. Bundling confuses the public and obscures the eventual accountability. Why were repairs to parking garages not included in the budget for the Evansville Arena? The parking garages stand to see a revenue increase when the Arena opens so let the Arena pay for their repairs. Do the garages really only need $500,000 to make them new again or is this another minimally thought through band aid approach to a much bigger need? One thing is for sure and that is that bundling confused the issue to the point that the City Council was not convinced that the proposed financing was the right thing to do. The City of Evansville is now “back to the drawing board” on how to finance the parking garage repairs.

As a customer of the downtown parking garages I can attest to the need for both maintenance and upgrades. My expectation is that to get the City of Evansville garages into Arena worthy condition will be more than a $500,000 proposition but for purposes of the following proposed financing solution I will assume that the powers that be have their planning in order and the list of repairs and upgrades are all that are really needed.

My proposed solution is to charge $5 to park in the City of Evansville garages for Arena Events. Then pledge the incremental revenue for the first 120,000 arena related parking fees to pay off these repairs as collateral for a loan to fix them up. Assuming the attendance numbers that have been predicted the payoff time will be less than 100 events or about 8 months.
This plan would get the garages fixed before the Arena opens, offer an investor 20% return on the $500,000 and avoid adding to the long term debt of the City of Evansville. It also stops the bundling trick before it expands.

Think about it, here is a solution that is cheap, easy, and meets the current needs. What is keeping the City of Evansville from going forward with a common sense solution that meets their stated needs for getting the parking garages into Arena worthy condition?

Evansville based D&F Distributors, Inc. acquired by Texas Company


November 23, 2010

News Release

HOUSTON, Nov 23, 2010 — DXP Enterprises, Inc. announced today the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire substantially all the assets of D&F Distributors, Inc. (“D&F”). The acquisition is expected to close effective November 30, 2010. The purchase price of $13.4 million is estimated to consist of approximately $7.5 million to be paid in cash, approximately $2.8 million in the form of promissory notes bearing interest at a rate of 5%, and approximately $3.1 million in the form of shares of DXP common stock. The allocation of the purchase price between cash, notes and common stock will be determined based upon the amount of D&F debt outstanding on the effective closing date. The cash portion of the purchase price will be funded by borrowings under DXP’s existing credit facility.

D&F is headquartered in Indiana and operates out of six locations in Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio. D&F distributes and services industrial, commercial and municipal pumps and fabricates pump packages.

The 2010 annualized sales and EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) for the acquired business are approximately $22 million and $2.8 million, respectively.

David Little, Chief Executive Officer, stated, “D&F is a quality company with great people and excellent pump product expertise. We are excited with the geography and markets they cover and we look forward to our future success together.”

Mac McConnell, Chief Financial Officer, stated, “We anticipate this acquisition to be immediately accretive to earnings.”

DXP Enterprises, Inc. is a leading products and service distributor focused on adding value and total cost savings solutions to MRO and OEM customers in virtually every industry since 1908. DXP provides innovative pumping solutions, integrated supply and MROP (maintenance, repair, operating and production) services that emphasize and utilize DXP’s vast product knowledge and technical expertise in pumps, bearings, power transmission, seals, hose, safety, fluid power, and electrical and industrial supplies. DXP’s breadth of MROP products and service solutions allows DXP to be flexible and customer driven, creating competitive advantages for its customers.

SOURCE: DXP Enterprises, Inc.

Thai Government Bans Elephants on the Street


Thai Government Bans Elephants on the Street

The tourist want to see them, Thailand has made them their national symbol, but they don’t belong on the streets of the cities and resorts. Elephants are a important part of Thai history and culture, but their role in Thailand has changed. Once they were the work horses of Thailand, but time and modern engineering has replaced these gentle giants with diesel engines and modern hydraulics.

Thai Elephant on the Street in Bangkok

Elephants helped to build Thailand, but now their natural habitat, is being replaced with development and expanding cities. Work for elephants is very limited these days and these gentle giants still need to eat. An adult elephant can consume 140–270 kg (300–600 lb) of food a day. So the handlers, (mahouts) in many cases have taken their elephants to the streets, selling small bundles of overpriced food to the tourist who delight in the wonder of being close and feeding these wonderful animals. With the profits they purchase the real meals for their elephants.

But busy streets traffic, and elephants do not mixed, and several animals have been injured in the past. A survey found 74 elephants wandering the streets of Bangkok with their handlers. Bangkok and Pattaya have now banned elephants on the streets within the city limits. The New Elephant Act is being put in place in Bangkok, implanting the elephants with micro chips for tracking, and imposing, large finds if the elephants are on the city streets.

Deputy BMA governor Theerachon Manomaipibul said yesterday that repeat offenders would be warned three times after which they would be fined up to Bt50,000 and have their elephants sent home.

In a effort to find safe homes for these elephants and mahouts Ayutthaya’s Wang Chang Elephant Camp and Pattaya’s Suan Nong Nuch Park have offered to buy elephants and hire their mahouts. The Elephant Reintroduction Foundation has also said they will pay Bt500,000Bt to one million for any elephant whose mahout can not afford to keep it. With the ultimate goal of returning some of their elephants to the wild.

So if you want to see these wonderful animals, take a trip to one of the Elephant Parks or wildlife areas and enjoy them in a safe natural environment.

Government Standing Pat on Pat-Downs


Michael Hume
They’ve Got Their “Safety” Story Down Pat

The day before Thanksgiving – this year, that’s tomorrow – is one of the biggest days for air travel in the United States each year. If you’re one of the millions of people boarding a plane in the U.S. tomorrow, you have a dismal choice to make when you reach the security checkpoint. You can walk through a machine that will give the security checker a picture of every detail of your naked body, or you can “opt out” of that and instead endure a pat-down that many people think amounts to mild sexual assault.

Yes, it’s taken eleven months, but the U.S. Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) is finally responding to the threat representated by last year’s failed Christmas Day “underwear bomber” attack. And they’re doing it by focusing their energy and resources not on actual terrorists, but on… you.

As a very-frequent international traveler, I’ve had to submit to many types of security checks, before and after the tragedy of 9/11. I remember boarding an American-bound plane in Frankfurt and having to go through security not once, not twice, but three times… with an x-ray AND a “wand massage” each time. I got so tired of removing shoes, belts, and other metal objects that I decided a few years ago to fly in workout shorts and flip-flops every single time – even in the winter. (This got me pulled out of the security line in Munich two years ago exclusively for the purpose of having the security personnel ridicule me – seriously.) And yes, more than once I’ve had a pat-down that made me wonder if someone should be buying me dinner.

I’m a real pro at the security checkpoint. I take it as my personal responsibility to ensure no one ever has to wait one second for me, either before or after the scanner. I show up at the checkpoint with my laptop out, my liquids sealed in my regulation plastic bag, my boarding pass and ID out and ready for inspection, my cell phone and all other electronics safely stashed in my carry-on, and just enough clothing on to keep me out of jail on indecent exposure charges. The amateurs do all their packing and unpacking, dressing and undressing, once they get to the luggage conveyer at the checkpoint. I have to do all that stuff, too, but I do it elsewhere, which is what makes me a pro.

And I’ve suffered all this with what I feel is a good-natured attitude: “I’ll do whatever it takes for you to keep me safe.”

I’ll submit to the naked photo. I’m a former actor. Some actors are flat-out exhibitionists… I’m more in the category of someone who’s changed clothes in front of other people so many times I just don’t care about being seen by people with whom I’m not intimate. But, of course, most people do not have the same perspective, so the naked photo is tougher for most to endure. Several online groups have suggested that travelers opt-out en masse tomorrow, specifically to jam up the system with a lot of slower pat-downs.

That won’t keep the TSA from doing them, though. Get this: you have about a 25% chance of having to endure both the naked photo AND the grope.

The only real way to opt out is to find another mode of transportation.

I’ll submit to the grope, too. Not because I relish it, but because I have nothing to hide, and because I do want them to keep the airplanes safe.

However, there are some things I resent about the way our government has dealt with this.

I resent the unbelievable amount of money the government has spent on expensive naked-photo machines and TSA gropers… especially when they’re willing to raise taxes not only on regular taxpayers, but on the entrepreneurs who take risks, start businesses, and actually create jobs for new taxpayers. Meanwhile, our masters in the government elite – both political parties – grow rich in office.

I resent that I, who have been an upstanding law-abiding American citizen since birth, need to be controlled to the level of intrusions to my personal privacy… but illegal immigrants can get everything from a driver’s license to a home mortgage without submitting so much as a photo ID.

I resent the fact that the TSA gropers wear gloves so that they can be protected from any germs you might be carrying on your clothes… but they don’t wear masks, which might protect your health from whatever bugs they brought to work. When someone’s intimate enough with you to grope you, you can count on airborne germs and viruses from their exhalations.

I resent that they’re locking down the concourse, but they won’t touch the border.

And I resent the fact that, if a real terrorist had to submit to such indignities at a place like Guantanamo Bay, they’d have a real chance to find an ACLU lawyer who would sue the government for violating their rights… but no one thinks grabbing my junk or taking naked pictures of me constitutes the slightest violation of my rights.

Meanwhile, the terrorists must be doubled over in laughter, out there in their caves. Or, dreadfully, in their trendy downtown U.S. lofts.

I know it’s tough to figure out how to keep us all safe. I think most TSA personnel you’ll run into tomorrow are decent enough folks, just trying to do their jobs. They’re not the ones I blame. It’s the government executives who came up with this lunacy.

Want to keep American airports safe? How about starting by keeping the borders secure?

by Michael D. Hume, M.S.

Michael Hume is a speaker, writer, and consultant specializing in helping people maximize their potential and enjoy inspiring lives. As part of his inspirational leadership mission, he coaches executives and leaders in growing their personal sense of well-being through wealth creation and management, along with personal vitality.

Michael and his wife, Kathryn, divide their time between homes in California and Colorado. They are very proud of their offspring, who grew up to include a homemaker, a rock star, a service talent, and a television expert. Two grandchildren also warm their hearts! Visit Michael’s web site at http://michaelhume.net

IS IT TRUE PART 2: November 23, 2010 (The Musgrave Doctrine)

Cheryl Musgrave

IS IT TRUE PART 2: November 23, 2010

IS IT TRUE that the first words out of Cheryl Musgrave’s mouth at the Evansville City Council meeting last night were words of support and praise for Tom Barnett’s presentation and his goals of repairing the dilapidated parts of the City of Evansville?…that to a large extent, Musgrave’s biggest critiques of Mr. Barnett’s presentation were about how it was long on ideals and short on details?…that Ms. Musgrave pointed out accurately that the Evansville Historic District was transformed from a neighborhood at risk to a lively and functional residential area without a TIF District or a Redevelopment area designation?….that her assessment of what made the Historic District thrive was all done with private investment without the tools available to government imposed upon the district?….that Musgrave and Barnett both seem to recognize the BILLION DOLLAR problem for what it is, have similar visions for what should happen, but differ on the means to a common end?

IS IT TRUE that Cheryl Musgrave is for less government, less external control, and more private investment?….that Barnett freely acknowledges that government does not have the resources to even scratch the surface of the BILLION DOLLAR problem and is in complete agreement with Musgrave that PRIVATE INVESTMENT is the only potential solution to the BILLION DOLLAR ALBATROSS around the City of Evansville’s neck?…that both Musgrave and Barnett live in very nice homes that happen to be located in the proposed Art’s District TIF?….that both would benefit greatly in enhanced lifestyle, enhanced security, and financially if the BILLION DOLLAR ALBATROSS were slain?

IS IT TRUE that Cheryl Musgrave proposed a smaller government, lower tax, and more family friendly approach to slaying the BILLION DOLLAR ALBATROSS? …that Cheryl called on the City of Evansville to form and disclose more details about the plan for the Art’s District TIF?….that Musgrave suggested designating the area as a ”County Option Income Tax” Free Zone?….that making such a declaration would encourage businesses and residents to choose that location to live and work?…..that Musgrave suggested that all permit fees be waived for projects in the area?…..that Ms. Musgrave suggested that publishing an acquisition list of homes that “may” be taken by the City of Evansville through the power of condemnation hurts the properties ability to get loans to make improvements?….that Cheryl pointed out that the schools that serve this particular area are perennial underachievers?

IS IT TRUE that young professionals first concern in choosing a place to live is often the performance of the neighborhood schools?….that improving the schools, driving down the crime, promoting private investment, and raising the tax base are all supported by both Tom Barnett and Cheryl Musgrave?…..that Tom Barnett sees INNOVATION and PRIVATE INVESTMENT as the only ways that the City of Evansville will ever solve the BILLION DOLLAR problem?….that last night at the Evansville City Council meeting that Cheryl Musgrave disclosed at least three INNOVATIONS and paved the way to a PRIVATE INVESTMENT friendly set of rules?…..that both of these people are the kind of people who may just form the nucleus of a group that can develop and execute a plan to rid the City of Evansville of its BILLION DOLLAR ALBATROSS?

IS IT TRUE: November 23, 2010 (Barnett’s TIF Approved)

Tom Barnett

IS IT TRUE: November 23, 2010

IS IT TRUE that Tom Barnett, Director of the Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development gave a very clear, truthful, and aware assessment of the housing stock of the City of Evansville before the Evansville City Council last night?….that Mr. Barnett stated that at least 20% of the housing stock in the City of Evansville is in such dilapidated condition that these houses need in excess of $100,000 of repairs and maintenance each?…that he stated that there are at least 8,400 such structures in Evansville?…that he also stated that it could cost over $1 Billion (yes that is with a B) to bring the housing stock of the City of Evansville up to snuff?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Barnett backed up his numbers with picture after picture of ramshackle homes and shuttered businesses?…..that some City Council members seemed to be shocked at the magnitude of the problem?….that Barnett’s presentation was done to seek approval for an Art’s District TIF in a 50 block area of South Evansville that includes the historic district, Haynies Corner, and Goosetown?….that Councilmen Watts and Walker pointed out that vast areas of the Jacobsville neighborhood and the west side suffer from similar dilapidation issues?…..that Mr. Barnett told the City Council that the City of Evansville gets only $4M per year from the federal government with which to address this Billion Dollar Problem?….that Barnett also stated that there is NOT and there NEVER will be a MAGIC BULLET FROM THE GOVERNMENT to fix this dilapidation problem?…..that Tom Barnett admitted that PRIVATE INVESTMENT is the only real solution but also expressed the fact that the only businesses that are currently doing well in South Evansville are SLUMLORDS? ….that truth be told, even the SLUMLORDS are not prospering as is evidenced by the large number of homes that are shuttered and available at tax sales and sheriff’s auctions? ….that the term “Detroit Style Meltdown” was uttered as a possibility by at least one member of the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that awareness and realization of a problem is the first step to recovery?… that Tom Barnett showed much awareness and courage to stand before the City Council and call the City of Evansville out for having a BILLION DOLLAR problem with dilapidated housing stock?….that the same area of town disproportionally suffers from crime, drug trafficking, prostitution, and COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOWS? …..that the CSO problem has been estimated to cost over a HALF BILLION DOLLARS and has brought the wrath of EPA lawsuits and fines onto the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Barnett was questioned by City Councilman Dan McGinn, Cheryl Musgrave, and others about the need to declare some well developed properties in the Historic District to be in need of redevelopment?….that Barnett’s response was that those beautifully restored homes suffered depressed values because of their proximity to dilapidated neighborhoods and criminal activity?….that Barnett’s assessment that a $1 Million home may actually be a $3 Million home if the ghetto next door is rejuvenated as well?….that the BILLION DOLLAR dilapidation problem is costing the City of Evansville more than a BILLION DOLLARS in assessed tax base?….that Councilman Adams asked the question “if I have a wonderfully restored Victorian home that is a block from a crack house do I lose”?….that Tom Barnett simply answered that question with a YES?…that Tom Loesch the chairman of the Blackford Grove Neighborhood Association, used his own home as an example of a terrible investment?…that Mr. Loesch bought his home for about $53,000 and spent about $250,000 making improvements to it? …that his recent assessment of the house for tax purposes, the value came back at about $51,000? ….that as long as $50,000 houses are costing $300,000 that no investor based private money will even consider Evansville’s dilapidated South Side as a viable place to invest?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council approved the Art’s District TIF as Tom Barnett requested?…that as aware and courageous as Mr. Barnett’s presentation was that it was quite lacking in details of what would actually be happening to fix this BILLION DOLLAR problem?….that much more planning will need to be done before realization of any sustainable progress will be able to happen?….that the resources of the City of Evansville as severely limited when it comes to fixing a BILLION DOLLAR problem?….that at a rate of $4 Million per year it will take 250 years to fix this problem?…that $4 Million per year is not even enough to “stop the bleeding”?….that the amount of money available from government is the equivalent of trying to repair a $1,000 problem on a $4 budget?…that what is needed as Tom Barnett so clearly stated are INNOVATION and PRIVATE INVESTMENT?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer congratulates and thanks Tom Barnett for saying what so many senior government officials of the City of Evansville over many years have not had the courage or the awareness to say?….that Evansville has heard enough from public officials about “how great a place to raise a family and how the recession has not hit Evansville”?….if Goosetown was such a great place to raise a family that the Front Door Pride homes would not be sitting vacant?….that sometimes the truth hurts but that truth is always needed to fix problems?….that exposing a gaping wound for what it is takes courage, hard work, and a certain selflessness?….that Tom Barnett may have just shaken some sense into some elected officials and some of the people of Evansville with his graphic but accurate presentation?

IS IT TRUE that Cheryl Musgrave followed Mr. Barnett with a presentation of her own that brought up some new ideas about how to attract private investment to the area?….that some of her ideas certainly fit the term INNOVATION?….that Barnett and Musgrave have histories of creating positive action without worrying about being loved by all?…that dare we say the two of them might just have the potential to form the nucleus of a team that can solve BILLION DOLLAR problems?….that IS IT TRUE PART 2 will address some of Musgrave’s ideas?

Adams-McGinn Resolution Passes 7-2: City Council Says No More Projects Until Executive Inn Dilemma is Solved


Dan McGinn

Dr Dan Adams

Sends a Strong Message to County Council and County Commissioners

After nearly a three hour meeting of the Evansville City Council that was filled with spirited debate about the Art’s District TIF the time to vote on the “Hotel before Ballfields” resolution that was co-sponsored by Dan McGinn and Dr. Dan Adams came to a vote a approximately 8:30 pm. The resolution while having no authority to act sends a clear message to the Vanderburgh County Council and the Vanderburgh County Commissioners that the Evansville City Council feels so strongly that Downtown Evansville needs a Convention Hotel that they are willing to vote overwhelmingly in favor of the resolution that expresses support for policies that put a moratorium on committing the Innkeeper’s Tax to any project at all until the Executive Inn Dilemma and its associated parking is solved.

Mayor Weinzapfel held a news conference after the resolution was introduced last Friday to announce that the Innkeeper’s Tax would not be needed to consummate a deal for a Downtown Hotel. It is widely believed that the news conference was called for the purpose of sending a message that the Adams-McGinn resolution was not necessary. During much of Monday efforts to remove the resolution from the City Council’s agenda for tonight were attempted. In the end the resolution was put to a vote and the result was a 7 – 2 affirmative vote. Whether it was necessary or not it has passed and is now a part of the public record.

Neighborhood leaders and supporters of Wesselman Woods Sherman Stevens and Martha Crosley came to the lecturn to urge the Council to adopt the resolution. Ms. Crosley suggested in the same spirit of County Councilman James Raben’s interview with the City County Observer that “the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau should be doing a better job of marketing the recreational facilities that we already have”.

In opposition to the resolution were Jacob Pendleton, President of the Hotel Association and Rita Bauer a General Manager of two hotels and a member of a family that owns several local hotels. The plea that they both made was basically to not use “their” Innkeeper’s Tax to fund a competitor, which was met with some disgust by City Councilman Curt John who corrected them by reminding them that they are simply the collectors of and not the owners of the Innkeeper’s Tax. Ms. Bauer stated that local hotels are currently struggling and that her family has declined investing in a Downtown Evansville Hotel because they do not believe that one is needed.

When it came time to call a vote after every speaker had spoken and every question was answered what was opposed, fought against, and actively blunted in private passed by a wide margin. Council members Adams, McGinn, Robinson, John ,Friend, Watts, and Mosby voted “aye”, with only Council members Bredhold and Walker voting “no”. Councilwoman Mosby was adamant that she was being true to her 2nd Ward constituents who had expressed their support for the resolution to her throughout the weekend. This is one vote that seems to reflect the will of the people of Evansville.

IS IT TRUE PART 2: November 22, 2010


The Mole #??
IS IT TRUE PART 2: November 21, 2010

IS IT TRUE that the deal to sell the property at 1112 Parrett Street by the City of Evansville to the Boren LLC group for $135,000 under what the City of Evansville paid for it in exchange for refurbishment has fallen through?…..that this is still developing and details will be forthcoming?

IS IT TRUE that CCO Mole #3 says that there is a last ditch effort going on to remove the Adams-McGinn resolution commonly called “Hotel before Ballfields” from tonight’s Evansville City Council meeting?…..that Mole #3 says that the last ditch effort is being championed by members of the voting block of Evansville City Council members that typically vote as one solid block? …..that this block is comprised of the most loyal members of Team Weinzapfel?….that if the Mayor’s statement Friday about having such a sweet deal going for a Downtown Convention Hotel that innkeeper’s taxes will not be needed is true, the “Hotel before Ballfields” resolution is simply a formality?

IS IT TRUE that a vote for this resolution will be seen politically as financially responsible?….that a vote against this resolution may just be seen as a vote against the will of the people of Evansville?….that the Team Weinzapfel block would much prefer to not be asked to vote at all on this resolution?….that this will be a vote that has the potential to be used as a political weapon against the Team Weinzapfel block by their opponents in both the Democratic primary and the general election?

IS IT TRUE that at 12:39 PM on Monday November 22, 2010 that the City County Observer Reader’s Poll shows 179 votes against proceeding with the Ballfields now, 9 votes in favor, and 2 confused voters?….that by a 20 to 1 majority our readers support this resolution?….that our readers are the people of Evansville?….that the people of Evansville have spoken and that the Common Council of the City of Evansville needs to listen?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 tells us that the last ditch effort by the Team Weinzapfel block voters attempted to convince the attorney for the Evansville City Council John Hamilton to remove the “Hotel Before Ballfields” resolution from tonight’s agenda?…that they were not successful in that effort as they were told that it is appropriate and orderly for a roll call vote on this resolution to be held tonight as scheduled?

Former County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave Challenges the Art’s District TIF


Cheryl Musgrave

Cites Failure of City of Evansville DMD to Comply with Freedom of Information Act Request

Cheryl Musgrave has launched an effort opposing the City of Evansville’s proposal to establish an Art’s District TIF district that encompasses a full 50 square blocks of South Evansville. In a town hall style meeting called by Musgrave at the Oaklyn Library on Thursday November 18, 2010, she questioned not only the vastness of the proposed TIF District but the intent of the City of Evansville for this area through its Department of Metropolitan Development headed by Tom Barnett.

The Musgrave family has lived in this area for many years and has every reason as expressed by former Commissioner Musgrave to want the area that they call home to be a favorable place to live. Musgrave also has extensive experience with TIF districts. In her role as President of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners she lead the establishment of the Burkhardt Road TIF and spearheaded the widening of Green River Road project that was recently lauded for being on time and under budget.

As a Vanderburgh County Commissioner and in her time as the Vanderburgh County Assessor, Musgrave was never one to shy away from a challenge or to shirk a task. Her leadership in the Assessor’s office led Vanderburgh County to have one of the first GIS based systems operational in the State of Indiana.

In a map of the proposed Art’s District TIF that was shown in Musgrave’s presentation the reach of this proposed district is clear to see encompassing an area that contains both blighted areas and some Historic District homes with values of over $1 Million near the Evansville Museum that is also in the proposed TIF District.

As part of her opposition to the proposal, Ms. Musgrave cites the financial failure of the Front Door Pride program that has to date built 14 houses at an average cost to build of over $200,000 that have only commanded market prices of around $100,000. Six of these Front Door Pride homes remain unsold constituting roughly a 2 year inventory at the current rates of sale. Musgrave was specific about opposing the issue of $2 Million in bonds part of which would be used to construct three more Front Door Pride houses bringing the inventory to three years. She also stated that two of the first Front Door Pride homes were sold to relatives of members of the Evansville City Council.

Musgrave also opposes the Art’s District TIF on the basis that four new layers of government are to be established with the proposed TIF. The specific new layers of government stated are the Redevelopment Area Project and Allocation Area, the Art’s District TIF, the Design Review Commission, and Zoning Overlay. As one of the goals that has been stated for the TIF by City of Evansville officials is to bring commercial enterprise into what is mostly a residential area, Musgrave expressed concern that some of the home based retailers may be the kinds of businesses that are not typically associated with “good neighborhoods” such as tattoo parlors or hookah dens. Several members of her audience were vocal in sharing their concerns over this issue.

The Art’s District without a TIF has been talked about and promoted for many years with minimal success. During the last few years nearly all of the Art Galleries that set up in the Haynies Corner District have ceased operations and many of the artists have left town. Musgrave stated that others are planning to do the same. A concern among the citizens that attended the meeting was that the term Art’s was basically in name only and that the entire proposal is more about extending the power of local government through calling a large residential area an Art’s District.

Musgrave went on to state that the proposed Art’s District TIF would also grant the City of Evansville more power to acquire property through condemnation and remove tax dollars from the general revenue creating sort of a buoyancy effect on property taxes where they would be held high as opposed to being able to fall at times when lowering taxes is possible.
Perhaps the most disturbing thing to Ms. Musgrave has been the secretive way that this proposal has made its way to tonight’s meeting of the Evansville City Council. She spoke openly of her diligent attempts to get information about the proposed Art’s District TIF including filing a Freedom of Information Act form only to be ignored. She told the crowd that the State of Indiana had cited DMDfor not responding to the FOIA request in a timely manner. A timely response for such requests is typically 48 hours.

Uncertainty and stonewalling on the part of the City of Evansville was what many of the attendees are most upset about. There are no details on the website about how much money is anticipated to be raised or when, what projects are being considered, what commercial enterprises are targeted, or even what the first priority is. In searching for answers the City County Observer has had the same experience as Musgrave stated. The answers are basically trust us, let us write ourselves a blank check, and things will be great.

The people of Evansville have seen this pattern of behavior before with recent projects like the Executive Inn, the Evansville Arena, the infamous Front Door Pride homes, and the proposed Roberts Stadium Ballfields. When things are planned and disclosed in detail they seem to go smoothly yet when projects are allowed to go forward in an unplanned and unmanaged manner they seem to get chaotic and uncertain as both the Ballfields and the Downtown Convention Hotel projects have.

The City County Observer supports and commends former County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave for taking a leadership role in trying to force the City of Evansville to disclose the details of the plan for this massive proposed Art’s District TIF. She lives in the targeted area, knows how TIF districts work, and has a fully vested interest in promoting any program that will make her own neighborhood a better place. She and the other residents of the 500+ homes in that area have both a need and a right to know what the City of Evansville has in store for them.
We hope Ms. Musgrave and her neighbors achieve success in forcing fair disclosure from the Department of Metropolitan Development and in having the opportunity to influence whatever plan actually materializes. We also encourage the City of Evansville and DMD to produce these plans in a comprehensive form for public scrutiny. There is nothing wrong with government being truthful and that is what we expect to see even if the truth turns out to be that there is no plan at all.