IS IT TRUE? November 27, 2010
IS IT TRUE that there are now 715 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?
IS IT TRUE that the political Dean of the Evansville City Council, Curt John got it right at the last Council meeting? ….that Councilman John corrected hotel industry executives who want baseball to be built on the Roberts Stadium property?…that they said that the Innkeeper’s tax money belong to the Hotel-Motel owners and not to the Taxpayers? …Political Dean Curt John quickly told them that this tax money belongs to the taxpayers and not to the Hotel-Motel owners? ….that political Dean John’s well timed remarks encouraged B J Watts, Connie Robinson, Missy Mosby and John Friend to join Dr. Dan Adams and Dan McGinn in approving the Hotel before Baseball resolution? …the taxpayers are very pleased with 7 of 9 City Council members standing up for the taxpayers of this community?
IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has gotten much positive feedback for the praise that we gave to Department of Metropolitan Development Director Tom Barnett?…that the realization of the magnitude of the blight problems in South Evansville pointed out by Mr. Barnett seems to have gotten some people’s attention?….that recognizing a problem and acknowledging it is the first step to correcting the problem?…that the $1 Billion Albatross of blight along with the estimated $500 Billion Combined Sewer Overflow problem really drives home the size of the problem in South Evansville?….that former County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave and Mr. Barnett agree that the only way to eradicate the Billion Dollar Albatross is through attracting private money to the area?….that it is refreshing to see agreement emerge from disagreement?
IS IT TRUE that dysfunctional sewers, low scoring schools, and high crime rates are the reasons that South Evansville has fallen into such a state of blight?….that building $200,000 houses and selling them for half of that price will remain the norm until the sewers, schools, and crime in South Evansville are acceptable to the majority of our citizens?….that the price to repair these problems along with the blight may just be beyond the capacity of a city like Evansville to correct?…that throwing massive sums of government money at problems like this in other urban areas has not been successful?….that maybe another solution needs to be considered?
IS IT TRUE that much of South Evansville was once a natural wetland?…that the most cost effective solution to the sewer/blight problem may be to demolish vast numbers of dilapidated homes and never replace them?….that the stress on the combined sewers would be eliminated if the neighborhoods are converted to the wetlands that they were naturally?….that this innovative idea may just make the size of the financial solution to Evansville’s Twin Billion Dollar Albatrosses manageable?