Your opinions matter!


Ron Bacon


If you are reading this, chances are you have recently received my 2014 legislative survey in the mail. This is something we do each year prior to the start of the legislative session and allows you to express your hopes for the new year. This is important because as your state representative for District 75 I am here to do just that: represent your voice.


Our caucus’ legislative agenda for this session will be announced soon by House Speaker Brian Bosma. He will discuss what we plan to accomplish this year as he alluded to in his Organization Day speech in November. Last year, our primary goals were to maintain Indiana’s fiscal integrity, bridge the skills gap and improve our state’s education system. After such a successful 2013, I think everyone is eager to get back to work and build on all of those accomplishments.


On my survey, I have made a concerted effort to seek your opinions on a wide variety of topics that are likely to be discussed. These are topics that I feel will have a direct impact on our community and state and have very important implications.


These issues include such questions as whether or not pseudoephedrine should be made available only by prescription, whether or not a driver’s license, registration and insurance should be required of people who operate scooters on public roadways as well as whether or not Indiana should allow the carry-out sale of alcohol on Sundays.


The General Assembly will also discuss the marriage amendment and whether the proposed constitutional amendment should be sent to the public as a referendum. The amendment would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.


This will be an issue in which many people have very strong opinions both for and against it. Because I believe this is such an important matter for our state, I particularly hope that you will reach out to me in regards to your opinion on this issue. Throughout the legislative session, I will always be available and eager to hear your opinions. However, filling out this survey in a timely manner is the best way to ensure that your opinions reach me prior to a vote taking place on any of these issues.


If you would prefer to fill out the survey online, please visit or visit my website. Please only fill out the survey once, either by mailing it in or by filling it out online. In addition to simply providing a yes or no answer to the questions, there is also a supplemental space in whichyou can further elaborate on your previous responses, or even share your opinions on an issue that was not listed.


My hope is that my mailbox will soon be packed full of survey responses. In my opinion, this is one of the most instrumental elements of the legislative process. I know that we all have many other things which demand our time, but I hope that you will take a few short moments to complete the survey and share your ideas on how to make Indiana the best state possible! Thank you in advance for your participation!




  1. State Representative Ron Bacon
    2014 Legislative Survey

    Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. The questions are intended to reflect issues that may come before the legislature. The questions included should not be interpreted as a reflection of my views on the issues. Your input will help me gauge the opinions of House District 75. Please don’t complete this on-line survey if you plan on returning the mailed survey.
    Questions marked with a * are required.

    *1. E-mail address:

    2. Name Prefix:

    *3. First Name:

    4. Middle Initial:

    *5. Last Name:

    6. Name Suffix:

    *7. Home Address:

    *8. City:

    *9. State:

    *10. Zip Code:

    11. Telephone Number:

    12. (#1) Pseudoephedrine (PSE) is a common ingredient in some cold medicines which is also used in the production of meth. Would you support making PSE available only by prescription?

    No – Furthermore, I would support the decriminalization and treatment of abusers rather than incarceration. This is a difficult scourge to deal with, but incarceration cannot solve the problem of meth, not can the punishment of law abiding people using the drug for legitimate allergies.

    13. (#2) Do you believe that a driver’s license, registration and insurance should be required of people who operate scooters on public roadways?

    No – Putting more obstacles before poor people in their modes of transport is only serving the insurance companies who are lobbying for this. They are also apparently paying social media experts to go after scooters. These vehicles have no more power than a healthy person on a 10-speed bicycle.

    14. (#3) Vote centers allow voters to vote at any of the polling locations within a county. Vote centers give local officials more flexibility and reduce the cost of an election. Would you support a move to vote centers in your community?

    Yes – It’s already implemented in Vandy. Good idea.

    15. (#4) Do you support Indiana’s withdrawal from the Common Core State Standards Initiative?

    Yes – All federal education mandates should be nullified and ignored. The United States is falling behind the industrialized Western nations in every category. Central planning does not work in the economy, and it doesn’t work in education either.

    16. (#5) Should Indiana impose minimum standards on child care ministries, which are unlicensed child care facilities usually affiliated with churches or religious organizations?

    No – This is an imposition on freedom of religion. Standardized carricula are a setback, not an aid to effective teaching.

    17. (#6) Under current state law, a person with a hand gun permit may have a gun in their vehicle while dropping their child off at school. However, if they need to leave their vehicle to go into the school for any reason, it is a Class D felony to leave the handgun locked in the trunk of their car while entering the school. Would you support changing the law to allow that person to lock their legally owned handgun safely out of sight while on school property?

    Yes – But only if the ultimate goal is to arm and train a percentage of faculty to safeguard against school shootings.

    18. (#7) Do you support legislation which would protect farms and other agricultural operations from those who would seek to harm them by falsely obtaining employment to gain access to proprietary information or by filming or photographing operations out of context and distributing these films or photographs on the internet and other media outlets?

    No – Journalism is free speech and should not be abridged in the special interest of anyone, farmers included.

    19. (#8) Do you believe Indiana, like some other states, should implement drug testing as a requirement to receiving state funded welfare benefits for TANF recipients?

    No – Studies from other States that have tried it confirm my suspicions it increases the costs of implementing welfare. Only about 2% ever test positive and the costs far outweigh savings.

    20. (#9) Would you support changing Indiana law to allow the carry-out sale of alcohol on Sundays?

    Yes – Prohibition, even one day per week, does nothing but make a subset of the population feel better. Free people should be able to buy what they like in a free market.

    21. (#10) Do you support allowing Hoosiers to vote on an amendment to the state constitution that would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman and provide that a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized?

    No – This is a Republic. Do your job. No Amendment.

    22. I am interested in what you have to say! Enter any comments you may have here:

    Uphold and maximize Liberty. Protect individual rights over special interests.

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