BREAKING NEWS-Weinzapfel To Become Chancellor

Former Mayor Jonathon Weinzapfel
Former Mayor Jonathon Weinzapfel

The City County Observer has learned that former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel will be named Chancellor of Ivy Tech Southwest at a news conference later today.


    • No he is not a good kid and he is not a good man either. He is a narcissistic self-serving bully. Jonathan Weinzapfel is diametrically opposite from the kind of person that succeeds in academic leadership. Soon we can expect him to appoint people like Curt John, Kieth Jarboe, Jenny Collins, or even Missy Mosby to senior staff positions, professorships and boards. If they let him do anything but kiss babies and raise funds then IVY Tech is being done a disservice by its trustees. We better hope IVY Tech never wants to install any new financial software or refurbish a building. I think his track record for those things is nothing but an unmitigated disaster. Expect cronyism and failure at IVY Tech.

  1. On the bright side, this is good news for USI, UE, VINCENNES, and OAKLAND CITY

  2. It is always great to hear an individuals succeeding in their individual endeavors. Lets measure success. Doubled the debt of the City while in office. Left the books and records of the city in a horrific mess, was not able, after three attempts to seal a deal on the hotel…well, the Evansville cry most be “if you mess up, you will most certainly move up”

  3. Hard to believe. This can only be termed a insane, Unmitigated DISASTER!
    Someone(?) is trying to legitimize Weinzapfel as a “Player” again.
    What a Bad Dream!

  4. It’s been a while . . . when we see Weinzapfel out in public do we genuflect on the left or right knee ?

    • I shall do neither ,I will turn my back to him
      the man is not worth his salt and I have no respect for him?

  5. I guess this is what you do when your retirement fund … er excuse me….political fund is running low.

    I don’t get this one at all and am truly sorry to hear it. But then I didn’t get him as mayor either.

  6. REALLY?!?! What the hell are his qualifications?
    I’m now ashamed to be an IVTC grad. ;-(

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