Recently the City County Observer sent Bruce Ungethiem and Marsha Abell questions that we felt would give our readers a better understanding how these two candidates feel about important local political issues. Â Both individuals were asked the same questions and understand that the CCO would post their answers without opinion, bias or editing. Â Mr. Ungethiem and Marsha Abell are running against other in the 2nd District County Commission seat in the Republican primary for the right to represent the Vanderburgh County Republican party in the November general election. Â
County Commissioner Marsha Abell has failed to respond to the Political Survey questions we e-mailed her last week.  Because of that reason Ms. Abell forfeit the opportunity  to allow our readers to learn how she stands on important issues and challenged that faces our county over the next four years. It is also important to point out that Ms. Abell also declined to make a joint appearance with Mr. Undethiem on the City County Observer  and Woods and Woods TV program last week.
Posted below are the answers that GOP primary County Commissioner candidate Bruce Ungethiem submitted for  our readers to analize and respond  accordingly.
1) Why do you feel that you can do an effective job as our next 2nd District County Commissioner?
During my time as a community volunteer and leader, I learned the skill of listening to the people I served and understand their needs. I will use this skill to make county government more responsive to the people who elect me. I will use my experience and skills I learned in the private sector to bring professionalism to the county government that will improve efficiency and treat people with respect. I will use my knowledge of private business to develop a long range plan to bring new industry and jobs to our county.
2) Explain why your education and professional expertise qualify you take on the task of leading our county in a positive direction for the next 4 years.
With a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a minor in political science from Rose Hulman, and my experience as a professional engineer, project manager and business leader for 33 years at Mead Johnson, I am uniquely qualified to lead our county forward. I will bring the best practices of the private sector to local government and make it more efficient at a time when we need to do more with less.
3) Tell our readers what you feel are the strengths about your opponent?
I will let her answer that question.
4) Tell our readers what you think are the short comings of your opponent?
I will let her past actions and dealings with the citizens of Vanderburgh County speak for themselves.
5) What are the main challenges the county faces for the next 4 years?
The biggest challenge to our county is to increase revenue by increasing and managing growth. Growth is the key for our community to continue to provide the services required by the people. With the State tax cap on property taxes we will need to tighten our belt as well as generate new revenue. Bringing new industry into the county and building new homes the county will realize more revenue as a result of more assessed value. We need promote growth and manage it to ensure the needs of our citizens are taken into consideration as we grow.
6) What’s your stance on future tax increases for the next 4 years?
A tax increase should be the last resort in order to balance the budget. The State has capped the property taxes on homes, farms and businesses so increasing property taxes are not an option. I would prefer increasing the assessed value of property in the county by attracting new industry to the county to provide jobs and those jobs would spur new residential building. Both of these additions would increase revenue to the county.
7) What areas of county government can we make creative cuts to help keep budgets in line with income stream?
I believe we need to look at all of our current departments and the current processes and streamline those processes to make them more efficient. In addition, we need to look for synergies between departments to see if there are ways we can provide the same or better service at a lower cost. I look forward to working with the department heads to make this happen.
8) What new county funded programs do you think should be considered during the next 4 years?
I do not have specific new programs in mind at this time. If we do initiate a new program it must fit within the budget and as tight as the current budget is that may mean reducing another program.
9) Do you feel elected county officials should or shouldn’t be allowed to hire family members to work in county funded jobs?
I know that this practice has occurred in the past and I do not support this activity. If elected, I pledge not to hire any of my immediate family in a county position.
10) What is your stance on political patronage appointments?
I do not support political patronage appointments. I will hire and promote people based on the qualifications for the job and not who they voted for or financially supported in an election.
11) Do you feel that candidates running for public office should or shouldn’t accept political donations from those doing business with the County?
I believe this to be a conflict of interest and should not be allowed in government. If elected I will not accept donations to my committee from a company conducting business with the county.
12) Do you feel that professional services should be formally bid out?
I believe all contracts over $10,000 should be competitively bid with at least three qualified bidders submitting a bid. The low bid would be awarded the contract unless there were extenuating circumstances that the three commissioners agreed upon.
13) Closing remarks shall cover any issues about your campaign as deemed necessary.
As our community faces limited revenue from property taxes, our leaders will need to find new ways to continue to provide services the people need. It is time to bring new leadership to county government to meet these challenges. I believe that my experience as a project engineer and manager who has faced these challenges in the private sector makes me uniquely qualified to lead our county into the future. I hope you will agree and vote for me on May 6th.
This is a good service to your readers, CCO. Thanks to you and Mr. Ungetheim.
Am I correct that County Commissioners are elected county-wide, although they represent one of the three districts? Will there be “early voting” in the primary, and if so, when will it be? It might be good to review some of the “nuts and bolts” of elections for your readers, too. The more we know, the more informed our votes, and the more the “CCO bloc” will come to mean in local elections!
Here’s a question I’d like to have answered. Shouldn’t we be using our med school tif money on a lot that is owned by the county and y? Instead of paying a premium for dpatrick land, wouldn’t it be better to purchase a more reasonable property where the funds would go to the cash strapped county and to the y for more reinvestment into their downtown property?
I’d rather see tif money go to the county who could use these funds on the dental clinic and maintaining county properties. What is the opinion of Bruce, Marsha, and the rest of the county?
Mr. Ungetheim is a breath of fresh political air. In with the new and out with the old.
My vote goes to Bruce because anyone that can’t standup and answer questions about what they have done in political office has something to hide.
Let the sun shine in and vote for Bruce Ungetheim as your next Vanderburgh County Commissioner.
Marsha Abell has just insulted the voters of this community by not going on the CCO and Woods and Woods TV show with Mr. Ungethiem. Now she declines to answer political questions sent her by the CCO. She needs be voted out of office because she has breached the public trust.
I would have liked to see Mrs. Abells comments concerning question #9 about hiring family members to County jobs.
This paragraph taken down because it was to personal.
Too not to.
What is Mrs. Abell hiding? Why is she so scared to answer questions and speak to our community? I used to think she might be a good candidate… But I am ready for someone who is not scared to represent the people.
Same old answers you hear every year.
What could Ms. Abell possibly gain by participating in this questionaire and an online talkshow? I definitely won’t be voting for her, but she would be politically ignorant to give a primary opponent any face-to-face forum.
And say what you will about her, she is not ignorant.
Ignorant, no.
I would of used the word arragant.
1.”Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities.”
Thanks again R&R for placing the Bruce sign in my front yard. It has sparked a few conversations with my neighbors. They are all voting for Bruce as well!
If I had used arrogant, I would have probably spelled it correctly. But, then, I might be arragant about that.
Sorry, but it was slow and in the heart of the strike zone.
Your a funny guy! Lol that “a” did slip in there.
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