The rising cost/value of an Education


wendyLast week, I talked about the rising cost of education, and the value and investment students make when they choose to further their academic career. Educated and skilled workers are a valuable resource to any workforce and are being sought aggressively by employers There are many factors to weigh when it comes to postsecondary education,  but additional training and degree attainment are great avenues for students and graduates to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

Here in southern Indiana, more job opportunities are becoming available as employers are hiring and expanding their businesses. Some of our major employers – Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Deaconess Health System and Berry Plastics Corporation – have positions available.  Outside of these companies, there are positions available in other industries like transportation/logistics, manufacturing and health care. All of these companies are seeking individuals with advanced skills, education, and necessary training to fill their workforce.

In our community’s health care field, registered nurses are in high demand and have a high earning potential. There are currently 61,052 registered nurses in the state of Indiana, and more are needed.  As many people know, nurses administer care to ill or injured patients, but they may also advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management.

Positions such as home health aides and personal home care aides are just some of the career paths that are expected to grow through 2018. One of the most sought after positions in our area is an automotive service technician or mechanic.  There were over 300 job postings for this position from 2011 to 2012. Certifications for these positions are available through Ivy Tech.

The lifetime benefit of a postsecondary degree is significant. Over a lifetime, a full-time, full-year worker with a bachelor’s degree can expect to earn 84 percent more than someone who has only a high school diploma or GED.  If you invest in your education through an associate’s degree, you will also earn more over a lifetime. These investments will help create a better life for not only you, but your family as well.

Indiana is currently addressing the opportunity gap in which companies are seeking educated employees. It is important to take the next step in one’s academic career even if it has been a few years since graduation. Our region has a lot to offer as there are careers available with high earning potential that are going unfilled. Getting a college education isn’t easy, but it can go a long way towards having a more successful career with more opportunities in the future.


    • There is nothing wrong with this editorial except that it is pure pablum. Yes we all want our youth to become educated, just like we all like ice cream, puppies, and Thanksgiving dinner.

      But yeah she goes and promotes herself as a “teacher” etc. and then works like mad to take away the rights of teachers, and women etc.

      Psychopath I think is too strong but she has shown a complete disregard for the rights of others no doubt, gotta be some self-loathing going on here.

      I despise her.

      • I agree about the “pablum”, it’s like DUH,,,the thing she left out and probably the most important is “work ethic” and where that is taught. Heck, used to be with good work ethic the company’s woulds train you, the old “earn n learn program”.

      • Nice to see a logical comment. We live in a permanent system of scarcity and that is why education is what it is. Sure lots of folks have more than they need but many more have much less cause that is the way the criminals in government want it. Most folks just have no clue about how the money (frn’s) supply is kept at a bare minimum so the people who need more do not riot and destroy there keepers. The educational system is responsible for this as folks are kept in the dark like mushrooms yet they think they are really smart. Since it is better to laugh than to cry I get a lot of laughs when smart people deride the ignorant masses.

        • Your criminal’s reference in government is a bit over the top for me. However in the reference she makes to the available jobs in the area the “courts system” sees to it that an lot of purposed employees ,ie: students are regulated to be criminal’s and thus sorted out of the employment mix.
          Upon company back ground research,the individual or young adult whom has had the lack of guided development is branded and segregated by record.
          That needs an realistic overhaul across the board. Kid makes an couple of peer group mistakes due to an lack of whatever,that child as an adult later in life is pretty much income….fixed, the way I see it.
          This needs work in today’s real world.

      • B.B. Don’t despise the lady,she probably consumed to many slice’s of angle food cake with her bottled water. “Stuffs known to cause cravings for social order”.

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