The American Public Gets Smart


    Making Sense by Michael Reagan

    So Jonathan Gruber thinks the American people are stupid, does he?
    Gruber is a complete nobody to most Americans, but his face should be on a Most Wanted poster in every Post Office.

    He was one of the chief architects and cheerleaders for ObamaCare, aka the fraudulent Affordable Care Act that Republicans should be working overtime right now to repeal, not fix or reform.  Gruber exploded into the news cycle this week because of some things he said publicly last year about how Democrats were able to slip ObamaCare past the trusting citizenry.

    In appearances in Philadelphia and St. Louis in 2013, Gruber was caught on video admitting ObamaCare passed because its architects deliberately made its funding mechanism confusing and took advantage of the “stupid” American public.  Gruber openly — and shamelessly — described the methods he and the administration’s co-conspirators in Congress used.

    “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes,” he admitted.
    “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the ‘stupidity of the American voter’ or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”
    Of course, this is exactly what conservatives have been charging for years — that ObamaCare was a liberal Big Government con game.

    Gruber tried to get off the hook, claiming his comments were “off the cuff.” But as he was appearing on MSNBC to apologize for his foolish honesty, a second video surfaced from 2013 in which he also called the public stupid.

    Now on one point, I’ll agree with Gruber.  The American public — or at least a majority of American voters — was real stupid in 2008 and especially in 2012 when it put Obama in charge of the world’s most important country for eight years.

    But the public can’t be blamed for ObamaCare, which was all false promises and lies.
    Thanks to the deceit of Democrats in Washington and the soft coverage of the Obama health plan by the friendly liberal media, ObamaCare became law before anyone knew what was really in it or what it would really cost.

    But once the American public was presented with the bill for ObamaCare, they weren’t so “stupid” anymore.
    As they began to understand how awful Obama’s healthcare reform was, and how badly they were lied to, they got pretty smart real fast.

    They began throwing out the Democrat bums in the House and Senate who passed ObamaCare. Last Tuesday’s election results were proof that Americans aren’t as stupid as the liberals who lie to them think.
    When they get the truth from their government and the media, Americans show they’re a lot brighter than dishonest technocrats like Gruber.  Now it’s up to Republicans to provide the kind of leadership the country needs to recover from the Obama Recession.

    The GOP has less than two years to prove to the American people it’s qualified and deserving of taking control of Washington.  It better get its internal act together, unclog the Reid law-jam in the Senate and rise to the challenge — starting yesterday.  If Republicans do it right, the American people will show how smart they really are by putting a conservative in the White House in 2016.

    Copyright ©2014 Michael Reagan. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). He is the founder of the email service and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his websites at and


    1. The author of this article’s name association with President Reagan is practically a fraud you know.

      • Rule #2 – If you can’t refute the information presented, attack the author by trying to discredit them in another area.

        Nice try Sham. Go troll the riverfront some more. When you have anything of value to say, please return.

        • That’s the thing, isn’t it. You got a good point, and I care more about what YOU think than Michael (so-called) Reagan does. (And what you think Brandon comes from a brain soaked in bong smoke, so…that’s the two of you are in pretty pathetic shape.)

      • Your man will go down in history as the first and worst. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and all the other presidents who were failures in office, in one fell swoop you have been vindicated by Obama. Quite a record.

    2. Flaugher speaks of shame. I’ll bet non-Reagan’s fingernails turned back on him when he hammered out his ridiculous column. His best shot at making a dollar is to take off local Republican organizations, like our local one, for his appearance fee. The imbeciles continue to flog a non-issue. Great cartoon to illustrate the cartoonish Flaugher’s latest squeeze-out. Big ears and everything. Obama’s two elections sure smoked ’em out. Poor old simple minded real Reagan spins like a lathe when this poseur groundhogs up.

      • I seldom read or commented on CCO for years because I thought it was just a shill for right-wing propaganda. After the Courier dove into the Mayor’s tank so deeply, I saw this site becoming more useful, and felt good about participating in what it was going on a local basis. I continue to think it is the best option we have for city and county issues, just as the name implies, but the national observations aren’t worth much, in my estimation. These un-funny cartoons are such a waste. There are better sites to deal with national issues. CCO should stick to what it does best.

        • Hahahahaha, what a maroon. The great LKB stating she never really cared for the CCO. That it severed her purpose at the time. The same lady who has been on here commenting multiple times on almost every story, every day, for years. Suddenly, when the CCO calls her messiah out on something, she loses that warm fuzzy feeling and starts degrading the site. Your elitist snobbery doesn’t play around here old woman.

          Please take your elitist snobbery, your victimization cries and your liberal a*s elsewhere like you have been promising to do for over a year. We don’t need a thief like you spewing your garbage.

          P.S. Have you paid back that loan from the city yet? Or was that just hush money.

        • Rule #2 – If you can’t refute the information presented, attack the author by trying to discredit them in another area.

      • Wow that was a mess of nonsensical blather you just tried to string together. Yeah, yeah we get it. He calls out your messiah, so you have to try and demean the author. You can’t defeat his argument or points made, so we call names and try to divert the topic elsewhere.

        Either you were drunk, high or trying to take over for “V” when you attempted to post an actual comment.

        • Brandon M sure is a lot more mouthy after the election with the lowest turnout in 70 years. The Republicans picked up some seats in deep red states. So what? That’s no mandate. I guess you’re pretty eager to start a few more wars and tank the economy again. Hopeless, as always. Side note, the only race that’s a surprise to me was in Colorado. A state that just legalized MJ votes in some Christian moron bible thumping whacko right winger? Pathetic.

          • I only comment when I see a need and all the whining I see from the Dems deserves to be called out. I love your skewed justification you try to present. Whatever lets you sleep at night Toad. Wars are bad and only should be waged when there is no other solution. You better go brush up on your Rules for Radicals. Chump.

      • Rule #2 – If you can’t refute the information presented, attack the author by trying to discredit them in another area.

    3. This article really doesn’t get specific enough. It does re enforce some of my beliefs. In 2008 the democrat leadership was able to fool slightly over half the population. They fooled 96% of voting African Americans, white guilty trustfunded liberals, the glbt community, feminist, and unions. Nothing new about this, the democrats have fooled the unions for years, Clinton gave them NAFTA and they still vote democrat. Except for African Americans the whole bunch will be fooled again, African American are reaching out to the Republican party, going back to their roots. MLK was a republican.

    4. Look at the Democrats on here. I know it’s a hard thing to do with their faces all contorted and snarled. They appear as if they are in pain. Which ,I guess, they are experiencing mental and emotional pain. Their fake utopia is crumbling. Their great messiah appears more and more the fool each and every day. The cornerstone of all their comments and celebrations is crashing and burning now.

      The truth is coming put about the ACA (aka Obamacare). One of its designers is boasting about how the arm ministration lied to the american people and how they skirted around rules and laws to force this massive program of redistribution down the nations throat. A nation that did not want it ( except for a the loud liberal few who lied about how great it would be. Now that the truth is leaking out all you see are cries and excuses and indifference in the likes of LKB, Shem-Sham, Ghostie, Banana bread, v -D and others.

      The truth comes out and they still refuse to believe that they were pawns. Pawns, who according to the architect, who are too stupid to think for themselves. It’s really pathetic how they can’t “grow a set” and admit they were wrong.

    5. Ignoring the snarky comments about the author of this article, i.e. “kill the messenger.” Who’s Jonathan Gruber? This isn’t the one that Nancy Pelosi doesn’t know now but praised in a 2009 video is it? According to her now, he didn’t contribute to any input on the ACA but evidently was paid $390,000+ for “not” writing any part of the act. Maybe if they hadn’t voted on it so that they could read it and the politicians had actually read part of the now 11,000 pages we would have had a reasonable and real affordable health care act.

    6. This whole charade is built on the same Modus Operandi as the Global Warming / Climate Change circus act.

      And the Gun Control fiasco.

      And the War on Poverty.

      And the War on Women.

      And last but not least ……. Drum Roll Please ……. Racism as the Straw Dog for every response to EVERY SINGLE CRITICISM of the left !

    7. Closer to home, why is the conservative Brad Ellsworth being given a free ride. He voted for this botched abortion.

    8. The silence of the rabid commenters is quite deafening right now.

      It is quite akin to the blatant lack of coverage of this GooberGate nuclear cloud by the liberal / progressive MSM .

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