
    This coming Saturday,  January 10,  2015 at 11:15AM at the C. K.  Newsome Community Center, 100 Walnut Street Evansville, IN 47713 State Representative Gail Riecken will be making an announcement concerning her political future.

    Many political insiders expect Representative Riecken to announce that she shall be running for Mayor of Evansville on the Democratic ticket.

    We are also told that Mrs. Riecken has the backing of many powerful people inside and outside of local politics.  Sources tell us that Representative Riecken has amassed an impressive group of campaign staff and volunteers from all walks of life and shall introduce some of them at this Saturdays event.

    If Mrs. Riecken is elected , she will be the first female Mayor in Evansville 202 year history.

    State Representative Gail Riecken invites you,  your family,  and friends to attend to hear her special announcement about her plans for the future of the City of Evansville.


    Current Indiana House of Representatives Committees Include:

    Financial Institutions Committee

    Statutory Committee on Ethics

    Government and Regulatory Reform Committee

    Ways and Means Committee

    Serve as the Democrat appointment to the Commission on Improving the Status of Children and appointed to the Education Subcommittee.

    Serve on the Attorney General’s Prescription Drug Abuse Committee.

    Advocated for other bills for the improvement of our neighborhoods and our local community, in particular, the moped bill and the new vacant and abandoned housing bill.

    Contributions/accomplishments in 2013 as State Representative 

    Worked with legislators in 2013 for a comprehensive program for at risk children:

    • Worked with legislators and advocates to form the only State Commission on Improving the Status of Children.
    • Worked with legislators and advocates to form the Child Services Oversight Committee.
    • Principally worked on the new statewide and local child fatality review committee.
    • Advocated for a revised child abuse hotline systemnow being implemented statewide.

    Previous work serving individuals and families in crisis

    • As a state legislator fought for accountability to Medicaid clients.
    • Co-founded the Ark Crisis Child Care Center, approximately 28 years ago.
    • Helped develop several years ago Little Lambs
    • Served as a volunteer rape crisis volunteer years ago in a rape crisis line program
    • As a member of the Welfare Board (now not part of the system) fought for better services and better environment for the children living at Hillcrest Washington Home.
    • Have served as leadership in neighborhood association issues, and continuous improvement of our community
    • Present memberships
    • Member of the Green River Kiwanis, the African American Museum, Angel Mounds Society and Wesselman Preserve. Serve on advisory committee of ARK Crisis Child Care Center. Member of First Presbyterian Church and serve as substitute cook for Potters Wheel breakfasts. Member of COIN and Glenwood neighborhood associations.


        • Gail has the wifm complex, wifm is her first thought when she attempts something, What’s in it for me. Gail is part of the liberal elite and a rich one at that. The tax payers of the city of Evansville have been good to her.

          • Which means she’s just like you and the other 7B humans who inhabit this tiny insignificant water coated speck of dust.

            • I thought you said 78 humans (instead of 7B humans), and was trying to figure out how 78 people could fit on a speck of dust. Oh, you have been reading Cosmos again ! Loved that Carl Sagan fellow.

            • Good one. Everything falls into perspective when we look at the big picture. That 7B is Seven Billion Human’s on this tiny planet flying though a never ending universe.

        • Stood up for the people who gave the most money for her campaign. The rich old union workers, a dying breed, living out in the county won’t be able to vote for her.

          • What does a “rich old union worker” look like? You think someone who makes MAYBE $60k is rich?

            • To a lot of people they are, you see it’s relative and that’s what some just can’t see.

            • This would put in the top 20% of wage earners in this country. If you happen to be in a 2 income family you could well be in the top 5%. Union people are so arrogant. In Evansville with an average family income of $35,000 you’re pooping in tall cotton. If you compare yourself favorably you’re doing well, if you’re comparing yourself with Bob Jones of ONB, you’re not doing so well but you’re probably not as smart, don’t present as well and not willing to put in the required time.

      • but she is not a liar…would not take part in an effort to deny us our Homestead Credit…We got rid of Abell, one of the conspirators and Winnie is next to go…

        • The grave stone said here lies a politician and an honest person. Old Abe said when did they start burying 2 people in the same grave?

      • Hey Will….your republican friends when they had to deal with a Democrat Governor did the same damned thing…didn’t hear a peep out of you then…politics is politics, both Dem & Repub do these things…stick to the real issues…Winnie has spent one million to procure this hotel..been in office for three years and no closer to a hotel that three years ago…takes credit for the IU Med and everybody knows that without the help of Pat Shoulders, Dr. Steve Becker, and Dr. Dan Adams, the IU Med downtown was DOA and of course Winnie is not wanting to commend those hard working individuals for their efforts….then to take care for the clover leaf project on 41 and the Lloyd is absurd…this has been in the making for ten years…HE IS THE GREAT DECEIVER…nothing more nothing less….

        • I will certainly agree she may be better than our current empty suit mayor, but the city can do better….

          • She’s better than Winney when she’s sober or off the wagon. Either way she and Gail are better than that little SOB.

      • Called attention to a GOP RTW ambush. Did they stay out too long? Probably.

        If she went to KY to hold out for gun rights and lower taxes, you clowns would want a bust of her made to be
        stood next to Saint Ronnie and Rushbo the drug addict.

        • You’re spot on. In the case you described she would be representing A larger population. She apparently represents union members which is dwindling in numbers. I guess if I was a low skilled union worker paying someone to negotiate for me because of my inability to represent myself I’d vote for Gail . As far as Rush and his alleged drug use, he’s not elected, he’s just an expert at making liberals look stupid and actually gets big bucks for it. Probably in the top 1%. The guy makes a fortune telling the truth and everyday liberals give him more material. Anytime a liberal democrat brings up drug use, Rush is the fall guy, apparently this is the only conservative they can find who uses drugs. A thought for you on drug use, the Commander in Chief of our Armed forces would not be allowed to enlist in our Armed Forces because of his drug use, not alleged, self admitted. So overall in comparison Rush doesn’t look that bad.

      • Exactly, she cannot be trusted to stand and deliver. She is also extremely Pro union and anti – business, which means more of the same ole, same ole – No jobs. No businesses will locate to a pro union, anti business town. Evansville will continue the long downward slide it is currently in. We need dynamic leadership badly, very badly, to reverse our course, but elect her and you get more of the same partisan politics with no turn around of the city. No new ideas, no leadership, no progress, just the same continual infighting, we are all so sick of.

    1. After watching Schaefer get pummeled last night, and more importantly, that pussy LW not show up to take the heat, I think Mrs. Riecken could really do well politically by proclaiming two things:

      1) She will not utilize a Deputy Mayor like Schaefer, she will be her own spokesperson; and

      2) ‘The Buck Stops Here’. Mrs. Riecken should proclaim that she will attend each City Council Meeting. If things need to be dealt with, do it while the cameras roll ! (vs. LW, who apparently is going to create room in his schedule to meet with individual councilmen, if they want to come down and kiss his ring first).

      • Here’s a little history lesson on Schaefer’s position. It was created as the “Mayor’s Administrative Assistant” under the first Mayor Lloyd. It was first held by Randy Shepard, who later became Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court. It served a purpose in helping Russell Lloyd bring local government into the 20th Century, as that was a huge job to take on. The job didn’t pay extremely well, but it served as a launching pad for ambitious young politicians.
        Somewhere along the way, it evolved into what it is now. I hope it devolves to what it once was and Gail uses it to help her drag Evansville government into the 21st century. I don’t begrudge a mayor needed staff, but the Poop created a monster when he hired Schaefer. I have never seen anyone so egomaniacal and rude to those who REALLY pay his salary as that man, and I’ve seen a lot of rude egomaniacs.

        • The notion that Randy Shepard and Steve Schaefer both held approximately the same position really gives me pause . . . to laugh or to cry ???????

        • Rude he most certainly is…egomaniac yes hypocrite yes….two great kids president of the John Dobson “Focus on the Family” and as some of the bloggers have coined him the charter member of “Focus on the Chicks”…he represents everything that is wrong in room 303…we should place his poor wife and .mother of his children on a prayer list. Shame Shame Shame….

      • I’d be much more impressed with a Mayor who shows up for Council meetings and handles City business in person than I am with one who shows up to pick up trash and sing duets with Amy Word. Gail’s work for children and working people is a lot more meaningful toward easing Evansville’s “misery index” than donning a chicken suit and making a video. It is time to elect someone who takes real people seriously and lets the PR silliness go!

      • The CC is using the hotel to take attention away from the medical school fiasco. I don’t think the money spend on the hotel even compares to the money used to give D’Patricks a leg up in the car business. Now that’s a major kick in the butt for downtown, another business gone, a huge one. Does any else see the switch and bait here. I have no sympathy for Winnecke he knew what the democrats were when he aligned himself with them. Sleep with dogs and you will get fleas. Speaking of fleas, are we going to have a fleabagger running for mayor.

      • 3) Keep Ted Zeimer away from the podium area seating-I am sick of watching that old man pick every facial orifice and examine (or worse) the findings therein…

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