Scholarly Article on Twin Screw Compression


The article on the following link was published by Richard Langson along with some researchers from a British university. The paper is undated but the references indicate that it was published after March of 2006 and before Mr. Langson left Electratherm. It does detail some conclusions with respect to using a twin screw device to capture energy from the letting down of pressure. The prototype chose water as the working fluid but references are made to pressure limitations when gas is the working medium.

We invite learned people with technology backgrounds to read this and submit opinions with respect to its relevance to the Earthcare deal. There is also a reference to a US Patent #6,296,461 that was issued in 1996 to N. Stosic who was a co-author of this study.



  1. Have followed this project from very early stages. Earthcare has talked about this unit to use compressed natural gas to power the compression element, or in this case, decompression element. This article only concerns itself with goethermal energy, which I take as steam.All of the costs they bring forth in the article are costs to produce the unit to deal with geothermal energy. All that has been brought forth that I have heard has been “stepping down” the pressure in natural gas pipelines to power the unit.

    Very familiar with screw compressors in the compressed air field, and alot of what they are saying in regards to twin screw design is true, but they will be using this design in reverse, which also lends itself to design issues in sealing the rotor tips, lubrication of bearings, etc.., let alone the maintenance involved in maintaining the unit. One issue that will get to the heart of the matter, who will be manufacturing the twin screw element? There are manufacturers out there that have state of the art equipment that could produce these elements like popcorn. I doubt machining equipment could be purchased to produce these precise, rotating elements, and installed, along with qualified, trained personnel hired, facility up and rolling for 5 mil.If they buy the twin screw element from established manufacturers it would make more sense.

    One of these established manufacturers (Atlas Copco) is already in the “turbo expander” business. Atlas Copco is at best guess a 20-30 billion dollar per year company.

    If this is such a grand opportunity, with groundbreaking technology, wouldn’t it stand to reason that the “big boys” would already be in on it? If it walks like a duck…..As the CCO has said from the start of this, more information needs to be gathered before we cut a check. A good place to start would be someone in the power generation field and/or the compressed air field. Not saying they would be the specialists that would be all knowing about the Earthcare “idea”, but they deal with some of the same technologies. These individuals are easily found.
    Kent Reddington

  2. Simple question. Langson has been out there trying to sell these things for 4 years in two different companies plus distributors with exactly ZERO sales. How is it that the next Google could be failing so badly?

    • Doobie and the Dopes are wanting to give 3 guys with a history of false starts and failures $5 Million of our tax dollars to build something that no one is buying. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb!!

  3. Think about this. The Federal Government spent $100 Billion dollars the last three years on many so call “Green Energy Projects” like Earthcare’s Twin Screw Compression,Wind,Solar etc. Anybody with any idea or product, especially true for minority own companies, could easily get Federal money to developed and manufacture their product.

    If Twin Screw Compression had any chance of working, why did not Earthcare Energy get Federal funding to manufacture their product?

    Could it be the product could not pass the smell test with the Federal Government who likes to spend money faster than the printing presses can make it?

  4. Wasn’t the reason Haney gave his ultimatum to the council because they were on some sort of time restraint with the US Navy? If the Navy wants this technology so bad and GE has the capabilities why would the DOD support a start-up company with no credible history instead of the company that taxpayers paid $180 billion to keep in business?

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