1. So Trump’s a jerk. He’s right about illegal aliens. Does anyone seriously think that giving amnesty to 10-20-30 million illegal aliens will solve the problem of illegal aliens? Of course it won’t. It will result in more illegal aliens, just as the talk of “pathway to citizenship” has resulted in more illegal aliens.

  2. WILL DURST is the most boring , narrow minded hot air bag is this where the CCO is going with its readers?

  3. I can smell the fear of the left.
    And… Wasn’t it great what Cruz did to mcconnell on the Senate floor today? Stood up and called the liar a liar!
    We need a lot more Trump and we need a lot more Cruz.

    • Thugs like McConnell, Reid, Boehner, and Pelosi, represent the Poster examples for Term Limits. They ARE what is wrong with Congress, the sooner these 4 and their ass kissers are voted out of Congress, ( as Ellsworth was, and Bucshon needs to be), –the better!

    • Right. Absolutely. BP….we agree.
      Get these two up here, and get them up front and center.

  4. The article is HILARIOUS!

    The writer is as serious as Trump’s policy positions however it appears some here had their white privilege card revoked this morning.

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