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Republicans Attract 6 Candidates for At-Large Seats


Bill Kramer switches to at-large to Join 5 others for the Party Nomination

Bill Kramer who previously had signed on to carry the Republican banner in the 2nd Ward contest for Evansville City Council today switched his filing to at-large leaving local entrepreneur and businessman E. Lon Walters, whose company coined the billboard term “Your Wife is Hot” to take on the winner of the primary between Missy Mosby and Patrick McBride.

Kramer was preceded this week by 12 hour Mayoral candidate and Certified Nursing Assistant Jeremy L. Heath, and long time law enforcement officer Pete Swaim.

Entering the mix in the last days are former candidate for the Republican nomination for United States House of Representatives and internet entrepreneur Paul Abramson, Republican Committeewoman Michelle Mercer, and David Houston Woods.

As with the Democratic contest the amount of interest in these at-large seats exceeds the nominations available so let the eDebates begin.