Rep. Hostettler: New scholarship Accounts Empower Parents, Children With Disabilities


STATEHOUSE (July 5, 2022) – State Rep. Matt Hostettler encourages families of students with disabilities to apply for Indiana’s new Education Scholarship Account Program to expand academic opportunities for their children.

The program, established through legislation supported by Hostettler, gives parents more tools to help meet their child’s academic needs.

“Indiana continues to empower parents in taking control of their child’s educational needs,” Hostettler said. “All children deserve to learn and excel, and families need to be able to ensure their student succeeds academically. With these accounts, families with students with special needs can cover expenses for additional learning resources and keep their child’s schooling on track.”

Hostettler said families can use these tax-free scholarships to pay for pre-approved education services like tutoring, therapy and tuition. He said participating families get 90% of their child’s state education funding, plus all special-education money, through these education accounts. Funds do not count as income for families of recipients and have no impact on other financial aid they may receive.

To be eligible for ESAs, students must have a disability requiring special education services and an individualized education plan, service plan or choice special education plan; choose not to enroll in a public school or receive an Indiana Choice Scholarship; and meet the annual income qualification, which is currently 300% of the qualification for free or reduced lunches. For a household of four, that’s $154,012.