Parks And Recreation Asking For Community Involvement To Development Five-Year Master Plan


Parks And Recreation Asking For Community Involvement To Development Five-Year Master Plan

AUGUST 16, 2022

The City of Evansville Department of Parks and Recreation is asking for community involvement as they begin the development of a five-year Master Plan.

Organizers are hosting the first Community Open House on Thursday, August 25, 2022, from 4 to 8 p.m. at the CK Newsome Community Center. Residents are invited to comment on future opportunities and current issues present in the parks system. Public feedback can also be submitted through an online survey.

“Kicking off the development stage of the plan with public input sessions ensures our community’s needs will be met,” said Deputy Mayor and Interim Parks Executive Director Steve Schaefer. “This initial feedback will help us create a strategy to improve the quality of our existing parks and recreation infrastructure. It will also be used to guide the remainder of the planning process.”

When complete, the Master Plan will provide practical, comprehensive action items for the department to execute over the next five years and beyond. The planning process will include a review of existing conditions and data, public input, and recommendations for improvements and policy changes.

All cities in towns in the state of Indiana are required to update their Parks Master Plan every five years and work with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to inventory park properties.

For more information and input opportunities, please visit the project website at


  1. How about replacing the basketball courts & the Little Otters Playground at Garvins Park that were demolished for the new pool ?
    Also the lower income children in the nearby neighborhood cannot afford the new pool and/or don’t want join a religious organization to get reduced tickets.

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