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Congressman Brad Ellsworth Responds to Editor on New Health Care Reform Law


Thank you for contacting me with your views on the new health care reform law. I appreciate your comments, and I welcome this opportunity to share my thoughts.

I voted for the final health care reform package because I was confident Hoosiers want their leaders to start fixing what is broken in our health care system. This bill was far from perfect, but it will make real improvements over the status quo for Hoosiers. Health insurers will no longer be able to refuse access to insurance to the 109,000 uninsured Hoosiers with pre-existing conditions. Small businesses providing health insurance will receive tax credits to make that coverage more affordable. Seniors who get caught in the Medicare Part D donut hole will see that coverage gap shrink every year and close for good in 2020. Young adults trying to find a job with health benefits can stay on their parents insurance plans until their 26th birthday. The final reform bill also makes some of the big reforms that Hoosiers have called for. It guarantees Americans access to the exact same coverage I get as a Member of Congress. It begins reforming Medicare and Medicaid to start rewarding doctors and hospitals who deliver quality, efficient care that improves their patients’ health. It also makes insurance companies compete across state lines–opening up the power of competition to bring down premiums.

I understand you support repealing the new health care reform law, but I think these new consumer protections and tax breaks are too important for too many Hoosier families and businesses. Beyond my personal opinion, while the debate over health care reform got very heated at times, the American people have indicated in recent months that they oppose repeal of this new law. One example from a recent poll indicated 61% say “the nation should wait and see how the health-care legislation works or leave it alone”, with only 37% advocating for repeal. I support this approach: If one piece doesn’t work, then Congress should repeal that piece. If a piece works, keep it in place. I still believe the new law is not perfect, and I am always happy to discuss ways to improve it. But I believe it’s simply premature to repeal this new law before we have an opportunity to see how each part works for Hoosiers.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your views with me. If you would like to learn more about my positions on issues important to you or receive regular updates on developments in Congress, please visit my Online Office at www.ellsworth.house.gov and sign up for my e-newsletter.


Brad Ellsworth



Governor Mitch Daniels visited Mount Vernon Tuesday to show his support for Wendy McNamara, candidate for State Representative in District 76, at a meet and greet ice cream social with one hundred local residents. The Governor spoke to the crowd about his support for McNamara and the importance of this election to Indiana.

McNamara, an educator in the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation, was glad to have Governor visit.

“It was truly an honor to have Mitch come to Mt. Vernon on my behalf,” said McNamara. “He represents the sort of responsive and forward-thinking leader that I represent, and I’m thrilled that he would endorse my campaign. He understands the issues that are important to our community, and I look forward to the possibility of taking all the input we received from the voters today and working with him to create real solutions that address those needs.”

Indiana Chamber of Commerce PAC endorses Ron Bacon for District 75 State Representative


The Indiana Chamber of Commerce PAC, Indiana Business for Responsive Government (IBRG), has endorsed Ron Bacon Candidate for District 75 State Representative. IBG’s mission is to aid and support candidates that will improve the business climate in Indiana. Michael R. Davis, Vice President of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce states that Ron Bacon holds “Pro-Job Growth and Pro-Economic Development views and agenda deserving of our endorsement”.

Upon announcement of the endorsement Candidate Bacon commented “I am very appreciative to receive the Indiana Chamber of Commerce endorsement”.

Bacon stated “Whirlpool Corp. idling their facility in District 75, is another example of the need to have local law makers working with employers in our district and our community crafting incentives for job creation and job retention”. Bacon continued “Affordable education opportunities for those displaced from such closing need to be available within our community college system at IVY Tech. An educated workforce in a business friendly environment is what it is going to take for Indiana to remain competitive in landing new job creation in the future.”

Ron Bacon is a candidate for State Representative in District 75 which covers part of Vanderburgh, Warrick and Gibson Counties.

E. Wayne Parke Elected GOP Chairman


Republican precinct committeemen have selected E. Wayne Parke to serve as the Vanderburgh County Republican Party Chairman. He has previously served as the party’s treasurer. Wayne replaces former chairman Nicholas Hermann, who has resigned in order to run for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor.

Wayne is a retired executive with Peabody Energy and Black Beauty Coal Company where he served as Director of Administration and Senior Vice President. Prior to his work with Peabody and Black Beauty Coal Company, Wayne served as President and Owner of Kindill Mining, Inc., was President/CEO of Old Ben Coal Company, and has worked in various other capacities in the coal industry since 1967.

Wayne has long been active in the community as well. He is the Board Chairman of the Southwestern Indiana Red Cross Chapter, past School Board President of the East Gibson School Corporation, and is a member of the Green River Kiwanis Club. Wayne resides on Evansville’s East Side with his wife, Ms. Karen Parke. The couple have two grown children, Andrea and Timothy.

For more information about Wayne and the Republican Party visit the GOP’s revamped website at www.VanderburghGOP.com.

EVSC Superintendent Awarded Distinguished Hoosier Award by Governor Daniels


Vince Bertram, superintendent of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, today (7-20-10) received the Distinguished Hoosier Award from Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. The Distinguished Hoosier Award is one of the highest awards given by the state of Indiana to its citizens.

Daniels praised Bertram’s work as an educator in the State of Indiana and the progress made by the school corporation. Bertram is now entering his fourth year with the EVSC.

In presenting the award, Daniels noted Bertram’s educational service to the state, his work with the Indiana Education Roundtable and his leadership and vision.

Bertram said he is proud of the work of the teachers, administrators and staff of the EVSC and of the partnerships and work with and by community organizations to meet the needs of students.

Photo of Governor Daniels presenting award to Vince Bertram following a presentation he gave to the Rotary Club of Evansville.

$250.00 Wing Party Contest by Life Style Lil


I shall hold a TRIVIA contest about EVANSVILLE and VANDERBURGH COUNTY proper starting today. The first person who answers all 10 TRIVA questions correctly will receive a gift certificate from SHOW ME’S RESTAURANT & BAR – EAST OR WEST (valued at $250). This certificate will be for an all-you-can-eat “WING PARTY” for 20 people. I can guarantee that SHOW ME’S RESTURANT & BAR – EAST OR WEST has the best chicken wings in the region!

Current or former CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER staff members, consultants and advertisers and/or their next of kin are not eligible to participate in this contest!
Here goes the 10 TRIVIA questions for you to answer! Send your answers to citycountyobserver@live.com.
1) Which hotel was constructed in a “U” shape with 8 stories?
2) Who in 1985 was the Editor of the Evansville Courier?
3) What Real Estate business was Charles Ashby president of in 1982?
4) What was the last of the Vanderburgh County’s townships to be established in 1845?
5) What community health facility service was located in a Quonset hut on the UE campus?
6) To whom was the flag pole at the Evansville Museum dedicated to?
7) What Township was Mayor Bosse born in?
8) John Terry held what county office?
9) After who was Vanderburgh County named?
10) In 1978 who received Time Magazine’s auto dealer award?
PLEASE SEND YOUR FINAL ANSWERS TO citycountyobserver@live.com!

IS IT TRUE? Breaking News: Former tourism director sues ex-employer


IS IT TRUE we have heard through the grapevine that the former executive director of the Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau has filed a lawsuit against the bureau regarding her “resignation” from her position this spring, along with alleging that her First Amendment rights were violated? ….you will definitely find out more about this situation in future posts on the City-County Observer?

IS IT TRUE that rumors has it that Republicans candidates for public office in Posey County alleged they not only had their political site hacked but also may have lost e-mail names?

IS IT TRUE our MOLES tell us the casual public caucus held yesterday evening at Republican Headquarters was fruitful? …..that about 15 elected party holders attended this worthwhile event that afforded the Republican Party faithful to hear presentation of two individuals vying to be next party Chairman of the Vanderburgh County GOP? ….we hear the race is too close to call? ….whomever is elected Chairman needs to direct staff members of the GOP to start sending future news releases to the CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased that WEHT Channel 25 is launching an exciting Sports Channel that shall highlight select area high school and USI Sporting events live on its own exclusive sports station? IS IT TRUE we congratulate Channel 25 for creating this outstanding Sports Channel? …the answer is a resounding “YES”?

IS IT TRUE that this coming Wednesday (July 21) our own LIFESTYLE “LIL” will be asking the CCO readers to answer 10 Evansville “TRIVA” questions. …the first person to answer all 10 questions correctly will receive a $250 gift certificate for a “Wing Party” at Show Me’s Restaurant and Bar – East or West? ….that this gift certificate will be for 20 people and will allow them to eat all the wings and french fries they can eat? ….we can guarantee that Show Me’s Restaurant & Bar has the best chicken wings in the area?

IS IT TRUE we are still wondering what is the status of the McCurdy Apartment /Condo and the Executive Inn projects?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if GAGE is going to pay a salary supplement to Tom Barnett for this fiscal year?

IS IT TRUE certain Evansville City Council members are texting people while at the official meeting? ….the same Evansville City Council members roll their eyes at each other when a particular City Council member makes remarks about important city business listed on agenda?

IS IT TRUE the CCO received a nasty e-mail concerning our positive article on the newly elected Knight Township Trustee? …we are sticking by our guns and continue to say we feel that the new Knight Township Trustee is doing a fine job!

IS IT TRUE it is time for the Board Of Zoning Appeals to either approve or deny the request of local business people to build wind mills in front of their place of business located on John street in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased to hear that a new group called POMA (Property Owners and Managers Association Of Evansville) has been launched? …..we are impressed with their mission statement because it’s positive and pro-active? .…if you would like more information on this group please go to their web site at www.pomaevv.com?

IS IT TRUE we congratulate U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth for requesting Congress to provide the City of Evansville a $100,000 feasibility study on the possibility of creating a “Slack Water Port” on the Ohio River in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased to hear that the City of Evansville is responding to complaints about smoking in front of city buses? …the dispatchers are making non-smoking announcements over the communication system hourly?

IS IT TRUE we want to thank Vanderburgh County Clerk Susan Kirk for putting voting election results on her web page? …. that this endeavor took her and her staff about 3 years to complete? ….the local political history buffs should really enjoy this site? ….you may see this masterful piece of work by going to skirk@vanderburghgov.org?



We at the City-County Observer strive to be the best at what we do, which is why we focus on only what is laid out in our Mission Statement:


With that in mind, we acknowledge the other fine media in our area and commend them for the great work they do. Local newspapers such as Evansville Courier and Press; the Mount Vernon Democrat; Posey County News; Warrick County News and the Gleaner of Henderson all do a commendable job of covering their communities. They are all good reading, and we encourage you to visit their web sites on our blog in the upper right corner of our paper. We also would like to recognize our three area television stations, and encourage you to check out their links on our website. We consider ourselves as casual media partners.

While they all do a great job, the City-County Observer is also a media source providing you with contemporary, in-depth coverage of the not-so-obvious happenings in the Evansville area. Starting today we will post daily items, such as breaking news and updates to current articles, seven days a week. After months of analyzing research data, utilizing other marketing practices and conferring with our consultant, we are close to completing Phase I of our original mission (good public policy as pertaining to governmental entities) while making it more reader-friendly and readily available.

As we move forward and successfully complete this first chapter of our reorganization, we will let you know what lies ahead in Phase II. We want to thank our advertisers for staying committed to our cause and continuing to support us with their advertising dollars during our transition. On a final note, our staff will soon expand with the addition of two former members of the established print media who will help us continue our crusade of ensuring that public officials are held accountable.

The City-County Observer staff




Last week I went to see Irving Berlin’s WHITE CHRISTMAS – THE MUSICAL and can tell you that this production was outstanding! The directors – Jack Schriber, Sue Schriber, Jaye Beetem, Amy Walker, Richard Bernhardt, Jan Stovall and Terry Becker – did a remarkable job! Also, the individuals who worked on Production Staff and Volunteers were Brittney Brown, Kerri Zeien, Rene Chadwick, Justin McCullough, Tiffany Ball, Ty Cheatem, Laurel Vaughn, Anne deVider and Susan Fetscher deserve a big round of applause! The Technical Staff members who keep this production going in the right direction were: Chuck Armstrong, Jason Southwell, Tanya Sweet, Jeremy Hoesli and Tim Ashby were flawless! The Public Education Foundation Of Evansville Board Of Directors, Board Members, Advisory Council and the Board Of School Trustees deserve a great deal of credit for their vision and public support for bringing this Broadway style production to Evansville! Finally, thanks to our intelligent and creative high school students for doing a bang-up job with this wonderful production!


Congratulations to the following local Hospitals for being selected on the list of America’s BEST HOSPITALS for 2010-2011. They are: Methodist Hospital, Henderson Ky., a 216 bed facility that performs General Medical and Surgery; Gibson General Hospital, Princeton, In. has 70 beds that provides Alliant Management Services; The Women’s Hospital, Newburgh, In. has 74 beds and offers Obstetrics and Gynecology services; St. Mary’s Warrick Hospital, Boonville, In. is a 35 bed facility with specialty in General Surgery; Select Specialty Hospital, Evansville, In. is a 60 bed, Acute Long Term Care facility; Evansville Psychiatric Children Center, Evansville, In. is a state-funded, 28 bed Children Psychiatric facility; and Evansville State Hospital is another state-funded Psychiatric hospital that has 60 beds and serves the long-term, mentally challenged individuals; and HealthSouth Deaconess Rehabilitation Hospital is a 80 bed Rehabilitation hospital. Also did you know that U.S. News and World Report has published the BEST HOSPITALS rankings for the last 21 years? Of course, the above hospitals couldn’t have achieved the above national honors without the help of Administrators, Doctors, Support Staff and Volunteers!


Had lunch at SWIRCA last week and found out this outstanding organization that serves the physical, financial and other quality of life challenges and needs of our aging population needs your help. SWIRCA could use some windows air conditioners, fans, power wheelchairs, Rollater Walkers, help with home repair and painting and heating and cooling repairs. Please call Judi Freson at (812) 464-7800 or e-mail her at jfreson@swirca.org if you can be of assistance. Oh, forgot to mention that 7th Annual Southern Indiana Brewey, Winery and Spirits Festival is coming to SWIRCA on August 21, 2010. Contact Judi Freson to make reservations!


If you want to help fight hunger and poverty, I just stumbled across a worthwhile organization that you should involve yourself with. Please contact Vanderburgh Community Foundation at (812) 422-1245 or contact Gina Gibson with the Evansville Christian Life Center at (812) 492-0711 – you’ll be glad you did!


My next door neighbor had an emergency yesterday concerning her air conditioner. She called Patton Heating and Air and was surprised to personally be able to talk with the owner about her air conditioner problem and explain that it needs to be fixed right away because of her mother’s health problems. Deb Yeager (Owner of Patton’s) was “Johnny On The Spot” because within 45 minutes of the phone call, the repairman was there to fix the problem. If you want a Heating and Air Conditioner company to install or repair your unit, I would highly recommend that you call Patton Heating and Air at (812) 424-7583 and ask for Deb!

I was looking at a home located in the Historic District Saturday and stopped by Penny Lane’s for a cup of Java and was surprised to see that they also had an upscale Farmers Market that sold only locally grown produce.

Here’s what’s happening in your neck of the woods for rest of the week!

ACSWI Artists & Exhibit Locations for the month of JULY 2010
Bower-Suhrheinrich Gallery
318 Main Street, Suite 101 – Evansville, IN 47708
June 28 – July 29
Tri-State Icons: This display features 27 artists’ photographs, paintings, and drawings of many familiar buildings and landmarks from throughout southwestern Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois.
Opening Reception: June 30 from 4 – 6 p.m. (CST) – Public Welcome!
BSF Gallery Front Window (Alcove) Art
318 Main Street, Suite 101 – Evansville, IN 47708
Eric Goelzhauser

Evansville Commerce Bank
20 NW 4th Street – Evansville, IN 47708
Holly Pearson
Fifth Third Bank
20 N.W. Third Street – Evansville, IN 47708
William Pickle, Betsy Welborn Fenner, Tracie Young & Julia Sermersheim

United Bank – Downtown Evansville
18 N.W. Fourth Street, Evansville, IN 47708
Skip Kniese

Upcoming Meetings: 
We meet the 4th Tuesday of each month except December, 6:00 pm to 7:45 pm at McCullough Library.  Date and Location changes are announced in advance.
1. July 27, Sew-in, make troupe bags for National Project, bring sewing machines, cutting supplies, basic sewing supplies

Wow! Friday Gallery Hop & Art Sale To Be Held November 5

New Programs for Local Dancers
Children’s Center for Dance Education is offering more than ever to local dancers this summer. From the new “Mondays at the Ballet” program for our youngest dancers, to contemporary workshops, partnering classes, week long camps inspired by various ballets, to the return of Max Ratevosian to Evansville, there is sure to be a class that meets your need! Visit www.childdance.org to download our summer registration form.

Tuesday through Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm to 4:00pm
CLOSED Mondays: – Holiday Exceptions Apply
Admission: Last Admission to the Museum is 3:30 p.m. **, 18 Months and Over – $6, Members – FREE
· July 21st – Chill Out! Take a break from the heat as we explore the science of cold with some instant snow, icy experiments, and more from 2-3:30 in the Lobby.
· July 22nd – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.
· July 24th – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.
Up, Up and away! We’re celebrating all things that fly in honor of Amelia Earhart Day! Look for planes, rockets, parachutes and more, all throughout the building, all day.
· July 28th – Lava Lamp fun from 2-3:30. Step into the swinging 60’s as you create a psychedelic science project to decorate your room
· July 29th – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.
· July 31st – Story Stretchers at 10:30 a.m.


· The Lady With All the Answers runs two weekends, July 23 through August 1. Friday and Saturday shows are at 8:00pm, and Sunday matinees are at 2:00.
· Tickets are $18 for adults, $16 for seniors 65 and older and $12 for students 21 and younger. Tickets can be purchased at the theatre box office at 717 North Fulton Avenue, by calling 425-2800, or for the first time this season, online through the Civic Theatre website at www.civic.evansville.net.

Ann Landers is The Lady with All the Answers and she’s coming to Civic Theatre on July 23! For decades, renowned advice columnist Ann Landers answered countless letters from lovelorn teens, confused couples and a multitude of others in need of advice. No topic was off-limits, including nude housekeeping, sex in a motorcycle helmet, the proper way to hang toilet paper, sibling rivalries, addiction, religion and wandering spouses. Late on a 1975 night in Landers’ Chicago apartment, an ironic twist of events confronts her with a looming deadline for a column dealing with a new kind of heartbreak: her own. As she shares her struggles to complete the column with us, we learn as much about ourselves as we do about the wise, funny, no-nonsense woman whose daily dialogue with America helped shape the social and sexual landscapes of the last half-century.
Leanne Nayden, last seen on the Civic Theatre stage as Sister Clarissa in Over the Tavern, portrays Ann Landers, in this unique one-woman show. Ms. Nayden teaches education at the University of Evansville, and brings a wealth of theatre experience to her role.
The Chicago Tribune called The Lady With All the Answers “. . . a warmhearted play…highly entertaining, frequently moving…” and the Los Angeles Times said it’s “folksy, funny, . . . engaging from beginning to end.”

The Mainstage Season:
1. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Music and lyrics by William Finn; book by Rachel Scheinkin
Six young people in the throes of puberty, overseen by grown-ups who barely managed to escape childhood themselves, learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser.
Sept. 17-19, 24-26, Oct. 1-3 Sponsors: 5th 3rd Bank, Scripps Howard Foundation

2. A Christmas Story, By Jean Shepherd; adapted by Philip Grecian.
Dec. 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 Sponsors: Vectren, Toyota

3. Doubt, A Parable, by John Patrick Shanley.
Feb. 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 Sponsor: 14 WFIE

EVANSVILLE MUSEUM (Arts, History, Science)
Admission is free, but there is a suggested contribution of $2 per person.
Membership begins at $35, with a total of seven membership categories
The Evansville Museum will be offering admission-free planetarium shows the first Friday of every month this Summer. Three free planetarium performances will be offered on August 6. Free performances in the Museum’s Koch Planetarium will occur at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m.
· At 11:00 a.m. the Planetarium will offer Larry, Cat In Space, a sky show for children ages 4-10 that follows the devotion of an orange cat that stows away on a rocket to the moon.
· At 1:00 p.m. Nine Planets and Counting examines the continuing debate on what constitutes a planet, the variety of objects that populate the solar system a if Pluto is still a planet.
· At 3:00 p.m., The Sky Tonight will detail what planets and constellations are visible in the summer sky.
· Although the shows are free, guests are asked to pick up a complimentary ticket the day of the show. Timed tickets will be available at the Museum’s Second Floor Security Desk.

Old Gallery
Working Together juried exhibition
July 11 – Sept. 12
Town Hall
Cornucopia: Artifacts from the History
February 7 – August 15

Koch Science Center
Hands – On 4
May 2 – September 12

Koch Planetarium
9 Planets and Counting
June 5 – August 15

Auditions for 2010-2011 membership in the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestras (EPYO and EPYO II) will be held on August 6th in Wheeler Auditorium on the University of Evansville campus.

The Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestras are seeking bassoonists, brass players, percussionists and string musicians from the Tri-State area in grades 6-12 who desire challenging musical experiences and invigorating performance opportunities.  Audition requirements include selected scales, a short solo or etude, and sight-reading. Additional audition information, including a brochure, audition requirements and application forms, may be obtained from the Evansville Philharmonic website – www.evansvillephilharmonic.org – or by contacting the Director of Education at 812-425-5050.

In existence since 1993, the premier orchestra of the youth orchestra program is the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (EPYO).  Under the baton of its new conductor Dr. Thomas Dickey, membership in the EPYO is reserved for outstanding players in grades 9-12 who demonstrate the musicianship necessary to perform in a pre-professional orchestra setting.  This group performs a wide range of demanding orchestral repertoire, allowing its members the opportunity to strengthen and expand their musical skills through the study of symphonic literature. 

Under the direction of Sheryl Schuster, the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra II (EPYO II) is an intermediate level orchestra typically consisting of middle and high school students in grades 6-9 (age exceptions may be made at the discretion of the conductor).  EPYO II’s mission is to provide an educationally sound musical experience in a full orchestra setting through exposure to quality musical repertoire designed to refine technique and develop musical maturity. 

The Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestras offer orchestra programs tailored to a variety of ages and musical abilities, so that a student may progress musically over several years. Young musicians who successfully audition are placed in an orchestra appropriate to their ability, and may advance within the system based on their skill and individual growth.

Each year the youth orchestras perform a Winter Concert and a Spring Concert on the Victory Theatre stage.  EPYO and EPYO II members participate in weekly rehearsals led by professional conductors and participate in regular sectionals with members of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra.

Adult Programs
· July 19 – Otona No Otaku – Japanese culture and anime for adults, 6:30 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library, For more information: Call Charles Sutton at 428-8217.
· July 21 – Women’s Fiction Book Club – Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Rigler – 3:30 p.m. in Study Room, Oaklyn Branch, 3001 Oaklyn Dr. For more information: Call 428-8234.
· July 22 – Mystery Lovers Book Discussion – On the Wrong Track by Steve Hockensmith – 4:30 p.m. in Meeting Room, North Park Branch, 960 Koehler Dr. For more information: Call 428-8237.

Teen Programs
· July 16, & 23 – Tweens & Things – Grades 5-8, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library.  Registration required for each separate event by calling Christa at 428-8225 or visiting evpl.org.
· July 24 – Cosplay 101 – Teen led hands on workshop – design, share, and exchange ideas, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library, For more information: Call Charles Sutton at 428-8217.
· July 24 – Otaku Anonymous – Anime and Manga. 1:30-3:00 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library, For more information: Call Charles Sutton at 428-8217.
· July 24 – Gaming Power Hour (x2) – intense gaming on big screens, 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Browning Event Rooms A & B, Central Library, For more information: Call Charles Sutton at 428-8217.
· July 26 – Make a Splash Party and Drawing – teens will be eligible to win one the Five Grand Prizes. In Café Garden, Central Library. For more information: Call Charles Sutton at 428-8217.
· 4:00 p.m. – party starts, with grand prize drawing at 7:00 p.m. Participants MUST be present and bring their Teen Summer Reading Program Record to the drawing.
· July 29 – Reel Talk: Children’s Lit – premiering Where the Wild Things Are and The Fantastic Mr. Fox. A special guest will be present and refreshments will be provided. 3:00-9:00 p.m. in Browning Event Room B, Central Library, For more information: Call Charles Sutton at 428-8217.

Special Children’s Programs
· July 21 – Recorder Recital – Come support the music students from Central Library’s Beginning Recorder Class as they showcase what they have learned. 5:00-5:45 p.m. in READ Center, Central Library. For more information: Call Christa Shipley at 428-8225.
· July 21 – Teddy Bear Picnic – Bring your lunch and favorite stuffed animal. Lemonade and Teddy Bear treats will be provided. Ages 2-5. 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at McCollough Branch, 5115 Washington Ave. For more information: Call 428-8236.
· July 22 – High Seas Adventures – Come for a Pirates and Mermaids Party dressed in rags and sparkles ready for a treasure hunt. Grades K-6. 2:00-3:00 p.m. in Meeting Room, Oaklyn Branch, 3001 Oaklyn Dr. For more information: Call 428-8234.

Patrons of the Alhambra Theater’s al fresco film series have another free Fourth Friday event on July 24 and August 27. Two Arts District galleries will be open before show time at sunset.

Billy Hedel’s Studio, 916 SE Sixth Street (303-3722), will open to the public from 6 to 8 pm. In addition to Hedel’s large paintings and line drawings, he will exhibit small works on paper by Carole Douglas, who recently was awarded an Individual Artists Program grant by the Indiana Arts Commission. Fifteen percent of sales will be donated to Patchwork.

Fountain View Gallery, 27 Adams at Second Street (423-0888), also open until 8 pm, features an exhibit of new paintings by Cynthia Watson and work in a range of media by other local artists.

Call the individual galleries for exhibit information and regular gallery hours.

Audubon Exhibits:
“Inspirations of Audubon”  2010 Audubon Celebration
Exhibit dates: Thru July
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Daily
Sinfonia’s Men of Song Chorus Concert
· Date: Friday, July 23, 2010
· Location: St. Benedict Cathedral
· Address: 1328 Lincoln Ave., Evansville IN 47714
· Contact Person: Jeremy Evans; 812-867-2433
· Website: www.sinfonia.org/chorus
This concert is free and open to the public. The Men of Song Chorus is composed of college-aged men who are members of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the world’s oldest and largest men’s music Fraternity.  Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and its members have established and advanced music in America for 112 years.  Members from throughout the nation will be in Evansville for the Fraternity’s 2010 Leadership Institute. The Fraternity’s national headquarters is also in Evansville.

The Spirit of Evansville Sweet Adeline Chorus
Our Chorus are members of the Sweet Adeline International and sing 4 part harmony in capella style music.  We meet every Monday at 601N Boeke Rd ( Good Samaritan Home) in Evansville.
Contacts: Linda Weber, Newburgh, In; Ph: 812-853-8709
Carole Rich, Evansville, In; Ph: 812-550-7093

RiverTown StoryTeller’s meeting
RiverTown StoryTellers will meet at the Ohio Twp. Central Library in Newburgh, IN the first Wednesday of Feb., April, June, August, Oct. and December, 2010.  The meetings are open to everyone interested in a good story.  Bring a favorite story to share or come listen to others tell their stories.  A short business meeting is held from 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. and then the stories begin. 

The New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art presents
“Liberties of Construction: Form, Content, and Color” an exhibition of artwork by Katherine Taylor (KT) and Billy Hertz.
· The exhibition runs from July 10-August 15. 
· A reception for the artists will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, July 10, and is free and open to the public. During the reception the artists will be available for questions. 
· New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art is located at 506 Main Street in New Harmony, IN and is open from 10 a.m. until 5p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and Sundays noon until 4 p.m. 
· For further information please call 812/682-3156 or visit www.nhgallery.com. 
Robert Lee Blaffer Foundation.

100 Washington Ave., Evansville, 812-424-2735
Back-to-School Sale
· Saturday, July 31, 2010
· 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
· 100 Washington Ave. Evansville, IN 47713

Patchwork Central will be putting on a Back-to-School Sale on Saturday, July 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will offer school supplies, new underwear and socks, and other items for sale at extremely reduced prices. Parents and students will be able to buy a bag of school supplies customized for a particular grade level ($3 per bag for Kindergarten through 3rd grade and $5 per bag for 4th and 5th grades). Socks and underwear will also be sorted by gender and size for easy shopping. The proceeds from the sale will go toward buying supplies for next year’s sale. Patchwork Central is located at 100 Washington Ave. (the corner of Washington Ave. and SE Sixth St.) in Evansville, Indiana. For more information, please call our offices at: (812) 424-2735.

Patchwork Central is a nonprofit organization that runs after-school and summer programming for children, a food pantry, a community garden, and other programs to benefit our neighborhood and our city.

Archabbey Library exhibit features paintings of Carolyn Roth
· The Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library Gallery, St. Meinrad, IN, is presenting an exhibit of paintings by artist Carolyn Roth of Evansville, IN. Exhibit dates are June 29-August 7.
Roth recently retired from the University of Southern Indiana, where she had been teaching since 1984. A New York native, she earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts at Herron School of Art and master’s in fine arts at Florida State University.
· She has been on the full-time faculty of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Southern Illinois University and the University of Evansville. She has exhibited her artwork throughout the United States since 1968.
· Extensive world travel has been the inspiration for her artwork. “I am working for an expressive quality in my work,” Roth says. “By expressive, I don’t mean the expression on a person’s face, but rather the feeling behind the brush stroke.”
· Many of the paintings in this exhibition feature animals, mostly birds, as imagery. A series of 12 small canvases with birds were done in collaboration with her father, Charles Roth, as an aesthetic response to his concept of associating a color and an attribute with each of the 12 disciples.
· For library hours call, (812) 357-6401 or (800) 987-7311, or visit the Archabbey Library’s website: www.saintmeinrad.edu/library/library_hours.aspx.
· The exhibit is free and open to the public. Those wishing to view the exhibit may want to arrive at least 30 minutes before closing time.

The Really Big and Really Tiny Shows
The Really Big and Really Tiny Shows will be on display at Angel Mounds from June 8-August 6, 2010. Presented by the Tri-State Art Guild in cooperation with the Friends of Angel Mounds, the two shows juxtapose each other in size making for an dynamic event. The Really Big Show will feature over 30 large-scale entries with sizes that range from 24″ x 36″ to 48″ x 48″ and the more than 40 Really Tiny Show works range from 4″ x 4″ to 12″ x 14″. Both shows include works by area artists in a variety of mediums including framed art, photography and sculpture.
  Hours are: Tues-Sat 9-5 and Sun 1-5pm. For show information, call the Tri-State Art Guild at 270-826-6674 or Angel Mounds at 812-853-3956. For upcoming events visit the guild website at tri-stateartguild.org.

NEW EXHIBITIONS in the McCutchan Art Center/Palmina F. and Stephen S. Pace Galleries: Purchase Awards from Student Art Shows and Prints and Ceramic Works by Visiting Artists 1978-2010. The exhibits are open to the public during summer hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. A reception for the artists will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, September 12, at the art center, and is open to students, faculty, staff, and the general public.
1. Purchase Awards from Student Art Shows
2. Prints and Ceramic Works by Visiting Artists 1978-2010
3. A third exhibit, Art Glass from the Alan and Susan Shovers Collection, is on display in the McCutchan Exhibition Space in the Wright Administration Building.

Until then, don’t take any Wooden Nickels! See you next week!
