EVSC Board Meeting Agenda – 9/26/2011


2.03 Good News (Vice President Duckworth)
2.04 Public Comment Cards

3. Consent Items (Dr. David Smith)
3.01 Consideration of Minutes of the September 12, 2011 Board meeting
3.02 Consideration of Allowance of Payments
3.03 Consideration to purchase items from Extracurricular Accounts
3.04 Consideration to submit five grants
3.05 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and Prorehab, PC
3.06 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and AmeriCorps
3.07 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and Patrick Shoulders
3.08 Consideration to adopt preliminary bond resolution
3.09 Consideration to approve the resolutions to name facilities and/or areas of EVSC
3.10 Consideration to approve the agreement between EVSC and Education Program for Gifted Youth
3.11 Consideration to approve the change orders regarding the new North campus

4. Consideration of Personnel Recommendations (Pat Tuley)
4.01 Personnel Recommendations

5. Action Items (Pat Tuley)
5.01 Resolution Permitting the Investment of Surplus Funds for Total Monies
5.02 Adoption of the school budget for calendar year 2012
5.03 Adoption of the 2012-2014 Capital Projects Fund
5.04 Adoption of the 2012-2023 Bus Replacement Fund
5.05 Tax Neutrality Resolution

6. Information
6.01 EVSC Climate/Engagement Survey Discussion (McDowell Riley)
6.02 General Fund Monthly Review (Tuley)
6.03 Monthly 5% over expended report (Tuley)
6.04 Summary of Cash Balances by Fund (Tuley)
6.05 Expenditure Ledger Summary by Function and Object (Tuley)
6.06 2 Year Revenue Comparison (Tuley)

7. Public Comment
7.01 Public Comment

8. Continued Business (Dr. Smith)
8.01 Continued Business
9. Adjournment