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Expectations for Excellence Announced at EVSC Board Meeting

Dr. Vince Bertram

A set of “expectations” for student success were rolled out at tonight’s (9-13-10) meeting of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation Board of School Trustees by Superintendent Vince Bertram. Signage promoting the expectations has been distributed to every EVSC employee for posting in their classroom, office, bus, or wherever they and others can view it daily. These expectations also fuel the EVSC’s customer service campaign, “Expect the Best,” also rolled out at the start of the school year. “We want to have the highest performing schools and the safest schools in the State of Indiana,” Bertram said.

Bertram pointed out that equity and excellence for all children – the EVSC’s mission – happens when the EVSC, its students and faculty, families, and community, all partner together. It is not any one group working on behalf of the students, but everyone with a shared responsibility.

“We talk a lot about engaging students in the curriculum,” Bertram said. “But before engagement can occur, students need to come to school every day, on time, and ready to learn. They need to be healthy and well rested.” He explained that the community health clinics at each of the K-8 schools this year, are one way the EVSC is helping families address health needs.

The EVSC must also provide safe, disciplined school environments, he added. “We know the effects of bullying. “It is absolutely unacceptable,” he emphasized. Although a recent stakeholder survey indicated that most students feel safe at school, the EVSC must understand the viewpoint of those that replied they did not feel safe and did not want to go to school. Bertram said the EVSC must find out what is happening and eradicate unwanted behaviors. .

“We must promote mutual respect and build relationships,” he said noting that having high expectations for all of our students will lead them in the right direction. “We all must believe that students can be successful and refuse to let them fail.”

Bertram pointed out that we are at a critical point in our community. “We have community partners stepping up in major ways and we need to be ready to let them know how they can help.” Bertram said an example of this type of partnering occurred two years ago, when Old National Bank CEO Bob Jones wanted to know how ONB could help EVSC build relationships with families. Soon after, ONB provided the offices for the Center for Family, School, and Community Partnerships at 123 Main Street for $1 a year, moving their employees at that location to another building and paying for utility and insurance costs. Another example was recent advertising paid for by members of the Superintendent’s Business Council announcing “When We Partner With Our Schools, Students Succeed.”

Bertram said he was asked by a mayor from California recently what some of the biggest challenges are to building collaborations and bringing resources together. “Really, the biggest challenge is assuming people know how to collaborate,” Bertram answered. “We can’t make that assumption. For the most part people do not know how to collaborate or what the EVSC needs. They are not unwilling, they just don’t know and it is our job to help them on behalf of our students.”

“The EVSC cannot do this work alone,” Bertram said. “If we are to achieve our mission of Equity and Excellence for All Children, everyone must realize this is a shared responsibility.”

Water and Sewer Agenda


1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Consent Agenda
(Any Board Member may remove an item from the Consent Agenda for discussion purposes, to ask questions, to make corrections, etc.)

A. Minutes September 28, 2010

B. Payroll – Week ending September 26, 2010 – $195,155.05
October 3, 2010 – $114,148.89

C. Pay Requests and Other Accounts Payable Voucher Register Items

2008 Water Bond

1. Account #39335/Veterans Memorial Water Main
For $142.50 (Pay Request No. 27) to American Structurepoint for construction inspection for the Veterans Memorial Parkway water line replacement, August 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $267,795; Balance on Contract: $20,353.50.

2. Account #39360/Distribution System Improvements
For $4,850.00 to Cheryl Folz as 50% reimbursement for the water line extension to 5515 Ridgewood Road (Board Approved June 8, 2010), recommended by Roger Johnson / Michael Labitzke.

Water General Fund
3. Account #63491/Consultants
For $7,317.42 (Pay Request No. 2010/2) to HNB Corporation for consulting services relating to the Water Treatment Plant NPDES permit and the USI Elevated Tank water modeling, recommended by Michael Labitzke

Sewer General Fund

4. Account #14260006/Legal
For $3,213.50 (Pay Request No.13) to Spalding & Hilmes for assistance with NPDES regulatory matters, August 2010, recommended by James Garrard.

Sewer Repair & Replacement Fund

5. Account #94710304/West Treatment Plant
For $8,238.18 (Pay Request No. 3/Final) to PPMI Construction Company for the West Treatment Plant effluent sewer sluice gate replacement project, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Total Contract Amount: $52,238.18.

2008 SRF

Account #02062004/Engineering
6. For $382.50 (Pay Request No. 8) to Clark Dietz, Inc., for LTCP Update modeling, July 31 – August 27, 2010, Amendment 4 only, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $150,000; Balance on Contract: $129,230.60.

2009 SRF

Account #02062015/Southeast Boulevard, Brookside Drive & Covert Avenue Sewer

7. For $506,127.41 (Pay Request No. 11) to Blankenberger Brothers, Inc., for the Southeast Boulevard, et al, Sewer project, September 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $23,690,589.42; Balance on Contract: $17,119,078.27 including Retainage.

8. For $26,638.28 (Pay Request No. 11/Retainage) to Old National Bank, escrow agent for Blankenberger Brothers, Inc., for the Southeast Boulevard, et al, Sewer project, September 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke.

2010 SRF

9. For $356.25 (Pay Request No. 1) to American Structurepoint for construction inspection for the Cass Avenue sewer project, Phases I & II, August 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $419,460; Balance on Contract: $419,103.75.

D. Residential Sewer Taps
No. 18250 – Rick Nehls, 1700 McCutchanville Court $1,200
No. 18251 – Mark Jochim Plumbing, 4712 Margybeth Avenue $ 1
No. 18252 – Murphy Homes, 11421 Merlin Place $1,200
No. 18253 – Murphy Homes, 15309 AJ Drive $1,200
No. 18254 – Jagoe Homes, Inc., 12909 Mattison Court $1,290
No. 18255 – J. E. Shekell, 8101 Pine Creek Drive $ 1
No. 18256 – Sunset Terrace, 3919 Claremont Avenue $ 1
No. 18257 – Bud’s Plumbing, 812 South Cullen Avenue $ 1
No. 18258 – Modern Plumbing, 2109 Ridgeway Avenue $ 1
No. 18259 – Jim A. Haynes, 1706 Pollack Avenue $1,200
No. 18260 – Hydro Max, 1651 Edson Avenue $ 1
No. 18269 – J. E. Shekell, 609 South Alvord Blvd. $ 1

E. Commercial Sewer Taps
No. 18203 – Hobgood Post Frames, Inc., 5102 Middle Mt. Vernon Road $ 0
No. 18249 – Fosse & Associates Architects, Inc., 1918 North Fares Avenue$ 0
No. 18261 – Fosse & Associates Architects, Inc., 2421 Bement Avenue $3,600
No. 18263 – Robinwood Construction, 1417 North Stockwell Road $ 0
No. 18266 – Karl Hayes, 2807 Stringtown Road $ 0
No. 18267 – Tim Blythe, 5400 North 1st Avenue $ 0

F. Water Construction Applications
Approval of Plans
No. 10778 – Ritzert Co., Inc., 3117 Kratzville Road
To serve 801 North 1st Avenue (Fire Protection)

G. Sewer Construction Applications
Approval of Plans
No. 1270 – Andy Easley Engineering, 1133 West Mill Road
To serve Roca Bar North

3. Unfinished Business

A. Award bid for the purchase of scrap water meters to Nationwide Surplus for the high bid of $38,700, recommended by Roger Johnson.

4. New Business
A. Approve Resolution No. 2010 – 04, amending and restating Common Council Ordinance G-2010-15, recommended by James Garrard.
B. Approve award of paper bid – Cooperative Purchasing Emphasis
C. Approve close out agreement with American Water, finalizing the purchase of physical inventory, and an end-of-contract invoice and true-up amounts, recommended by James Garrard.

Sewer General Fund

Account #14710007/Sewer System Rehab

D. Approve an Engineering Service Agreement in an hourly/not to exceed amount of $173,150 with V.S. Engineering for the condition assessment and rehabilitation recommendations for the Old State Utility area, recommended by Michael Labitzke.

E. Approve an Engineering Service Agreement in an hourly rates/not to exceed amount of $374,200 with United Consulting for the construction inspection of the Eastview Terrace Sewer project, recommended by Michael Labitzke.

2009 SRF

Account #02062015/Southeast Boulevard, Brookside Drive & Covert Avenue Sewer

F. Approve Change Order No. 6 in the amount of $9,620.35 with Blankenberger Brothers for the Southeast Boulevard, et al, Sewer project to cover additional costs for time and material from Vectren to relocate a down guy at the project outfall, recommended by Michael Labitzke. New Contract Amount: $23,700,209.77.

5. Miscellaneous Announcements and Information

6. Next Scheduled Meeting – October 26 , 2010

7. Adjournment

SMG Wins Top Honors 
at 89th Annual Westside Nut Club 
Fall Festival Parade!


Evansville, IN- SMG was honored once again with a First Place win and the President’s Award trophy for our float entry in the 89th Annual Westside Nut Club Fall Festival Parade.

The SMG staff has entered a float in the last three parades celebrating our free community event on October 31st, Main Street Trick or Treat. This year’s float, “The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party”, was graciously awarded First Place and the President’s Award for the third year in a row!
SMG competed against 98 entries in the evening’s main parade along Franklin Street. The “Mad Hatters Tea Party” was in competition with Twenty-three other floats, an increase from the typical 10-15 in recent parades.

Thanks to all who participated in the construction of the winning float. We are proud of all of our staff, interns and family members that contributed.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Consumer Alert!


A bit of information that you might like to know about. We have friends here in our community and one of their sons is an entomologist (insect expert), and has been telling them that there is an epidemic of bed bugs now occurring in America. Recently I have heard on the news that several stores in NYC have had to close due to bed bug problems, as well as a complete mall in New Jersey.

He says that since much of our clothing, sheets, towels, etc. now comes from companies outside of America, (sad but true), even the most expensive stores sell foreign clothing from China, Indonesia, etc. The bed bugs are coming in on the clothing as these countries do not consider them a problem. He recommends that if you buy any new clothing, even underwear and socks, sheets, towels, etc. that you bring them into the house and put them in your clothes dryer for at least 20 minutes. The heat will kill them and their eggs. DO NOT PURCHASE CLOTHES AND HANG THEM IN THE CLOSET FIRST. It does not matter what the price range is of the clothing, or if the outfit comes from the most expensive store known in the U.S. They still get shipments from these countries and the bugs can come in a box of scarves or anything else for that matter. That is the reason why so many stores, many of them clothing stores have had to shut down in NYC and other places. All you need is to bring one item into the house that has bugs or eggs and you will go to hell and back trying to get rid of them. He travels all over the country as an ad visor to many of these stores, as prevention and after they have the problem.

Sue Gardner

Mayor to Help Officially Open Downtown Evansville’s Newest Restaurant


Jonathon Weinzapfel
Ribbon cutting at Eclipse Spanish Tapas Bar & Restaurant today at 4:00 p.m.

(EVANSVILLE, IN) – October 11, 2010 – Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel will participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony to help officially open Eclipse Spanish Tapas Bar & Restaurant, 113 S.E. Fourth St., at 4:00 p.m. today.

“We chose Downtown because it has the right personality and is a perfect fit for a Spanish tapas restaurant: Old World, European, classic,” said Sandra Stohl, Eclipse owner. “With the new Arena and other developments, Downtown is growing and attracting more people Downtown, which offers more opportunity to grow as a business. In my personal opinion, Downtown is the heart and most beautiful place in Evansville, and we want to be part of it,” Stohl added.

Downtown Evansville’s newest eatery is also the first Spanish tapas restaurant in Evansville. Popular in bars and restaurants throughout pain, “tapas” are small foods such as olives, nuts, cheeses, meats, paella, seafood dishes, etc. that can be eaten as appetizers or as a meal. Literally translated as “lid” or “cover,” the epicurean usage of the word is derived from the practice of people in Spain covering their wine with a slice of bread, ham or cheese, leading to the concept of small portions.

According to owner Sandra Stohl, “Eclipse offers a warm, cozy, romantic, Old World, relaxed ambiance. Eclipse reflects the Spanish romanticism in a unique, eclectic, new concept of sharing food and having a fun experience of dining.”

Eclipse will be open today from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. In honor of the grand opening, free hors d’oeuvres samples will be served from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.; and a special 20% discount will be offered during dinner hours from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Normal hours of operation will be Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (lunch) and 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. (dinner); and Saturday 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. (dinner only).

The Executive Inn Dilemma Continues


Executive Inn
Immediate Decisive Actions are Needed to get Back on Track

By: Don Counts, Editor; Ron Cosby, CEO; and Joe Wallace, Business Advisor

It has been reported during the past week that the option of refurbishing the Executive Inn is still on the table and that local developer, The Kunkel Group has an interest in taking on that task. The City County Observer is very curious to know just why this option is still being considered. John Kish is on record with the following quote, “The Executive Inn model has failed”, on August 18, 2010. Browning Investments has stated that the structural issues with the Executive Inn and the parking garage are so bad that building new is most cost effective solution for Evansville to have a convention hotel. Finally, the president of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, Bob Goldman, has stated that he is reluctant to seek renovation proposals because it would discourage good developers from submitting ideas for new construction. Why spend the time and money needed to assemble a proposal only to be outbid by a cheap renovation plan, Goldman continued?

It seems as though the people in charge of this project have finally reached an agreement that the Executive Inn is not an appropriate candidate for refurbishment. The City County Observer agrees with this position and encourages the Evansville Redevelopment Commission to move rapidly to remove this option from the forthcoming Request for Proposal that is being developed. The citizens of Evansville have endured a two and a half year drama that started with an announcement by Browning and Mayor Weinzapfel that a new 4-Star hotel would be built in downtown Evansville, at a cost of $35 Million, if and only if an Arena was approved. That morphed down to a 3-Star refurbishment of the Executive Inn and finally last month to nothing as Browning has returned ownership of the dilapidated shell to the City of Evansville.

The Arena construction is humming along and seems to be on schedule for a fall 2011 opening. The hotel site is in limbo. This is not a time to vacillate or delay actions that are well known to all involved. The Arena will open in 14 months and if fast and appropriate action is taken now, a nationally branded Convention Hotel can be opening along with it. Now is the time to take step one. Lets commit to start with an unadulterated lot as opposed to something that has become the brick and mortar equivalent of that Halloween pumpkin left on the porch until Christmas. It is time for the wrecking ball to swing again. Simultaneously, allocate the time to put the RFP together as quickly as possible so that interested bidders can respond in time for construction to allow a fall 2011 opening.

It has been suggested that a 21C Museum Hotel would be a great brand to draw overnight visitors and conventions to Evansville. That may be so, but any of the 3-Star or 4-Star options previously discussed would be welcomed as well. One thing that we should all agree on is that a hotel is needed and that it has to reflect the quality of the Centre and the Arena.

It is now well known that significant public participation in financing a hotel will be necessary to attract a quality developer. Getting the people of Evansville on board to spend tax money for a hotel will be a difficult sell, yet it will have to be done or we will have a convention center and arena with no hotel. That will be a big problem. It is not a time to point fingers about the actions, inactions, and oversights that created the Executive Inn dilemma. It is time to get on about finding creative and effective ways to protect the $200 Million investments of public money that have given us the Centre and the Arena. Make haste, the Arena will be opening soon and the 2012 conventions will be making their choices too.

The City County Observer calls upon Mayor Weinzapfel to address this issue in the confines of his offices without any Indianapolis political advisors around to confuse the situation and put forward self serving recommendations. We would like to see the Jonathan Weinzapfel of old emerge from this dilemma as the leader that we became accustomed to during his first term. During his first term as Mayor, the majority of the people of Evansville were proud of the way he conducted business on behalf of Evansville. That was validated in his re-election landslide in 2007. The CCO will go on record as proud supporters of the first term of Mayor Weinzapfel. We encourage him to take this bull by the horns, put his mistakes behind him, and lead the effort that will result in an opening day for the Arena that he fought so hard for along with a new Convention Hotel at the same time.

Note: Louisville’s 21c Museum Hotel (http://louisville.bizjournals.com/louisville/stories/2009/10/12/daily47.html) has been selected as the top hotel in the United States and the No. 6 hotel in the world in the 2009 Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards.

Attorney General Greg Zoeller takes lead role in protecting Americans from consumer fraud


Greg Zoeller
National role to focus on consumer financial fraud

INDIANAPOLIS – Attorney General Greg Zoeller today announced he has accepted an appointment to co-chair the National Association of Attorneys General Consumer Protection Committee. As committee co-chairman, Zoeller takes on a national role in the fight against identity theft, foreclosure scams, deceptive business practices and other financial fraud schemes. Zoeller was appointed by North Carolina’s Attorney General Roy Cooper, who was elected President of the National Association of Attorneys General in June.

“The consumer protection role of the Attorney General is very important during these times of economic difficulties,” Zoeller said. “Too many of our citizens are vulnerable to a growing number of scams being run by ever more sophisticated rings that prey on the elderly, unemployed and those who are desperate for financial help. Working together, Attorneys General are better able to provide the greater protection needed while pursuing those who have defrauded consumers in our states.”

The Consumer Protection Committee works to improve the enforcement of consumer protection laws by State Attorneys General. Additionally, the committee:

Supports multi-state consumer protection enforcement efforts
Coordinates training opportunities for law enforcement
Promotes information exchange among the states and federal agencies to aid investigations

“Protecting consumers from frauds and scams is critical in challenging economic times,” Cooper said. “I’m pleased to have Attorney General Zoeller serve in this key role to help coordinate consumer protection efforts among states.”

As committee co-chair, Zoeller will be reviewing the effect the newly passed Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will have on state consumer protection laws. The law creates a new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFP) which takes effect in October. The law also attempts to clarify issues of state preemption, particularly with regards to state regulators holding banks and financial institutions accountable to state regulations. Historically, individual states have been unable to take action against banks for violations of state laws. Zoeller is also part of a working group to research the new law and its implications to ensure regulations under the statute will provide for states to have enforcement abilities provided by the statute.
In addition to leading national consumer protection initiatives, Zoeller announced his office is the recipient of a $53,500 consumer education grant. The grant was awarded by a special committee of state attorneys general and is funded by a multi-state settlement with national retailer Sears. The grant will be used to develop educational programs for those most at risk for identity theft scams, especially senior citizens and college students in Indiana. The funds will allow the Attorney General’s Office to implement a train-the-trainer program by offering online identity theft prevention presentations via Webinar for consumer advocacy groups across the state.

Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the country. Hoosiers can place a free security freeze, also known as a credit freeze, on their credit report to block identity thieves from accessing credit information and opening new accounts in their name. Freezes can be lifted as needed free of charge.

Visit www.IndianaConsumer.com or call 1.800.382-5516 to learn more about how to place a security freeze.

Labor Unions Endorse Hermann


The Central Labor Council of Southern Indiana, an Evansville-based umbrella group of local unions, announced today that it endorses Nicholas Hermann as their candidate of choice for Vanderburgh County Prosecutor. The Central Labor Council represents approximately 12,000 members in southwestern Indiana in a variety of local unions.

Already the Evansville Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 73 and the Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police have endorsed Hermann. The local FOP claims more than 600 active members among current and retired law enforcement officers. Approximately 14,000 members make up the Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police.

For over two decades the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office has been as much a burden to the victims of crime as it has to the police officers, probation officers, and advocates who work to achieve justice for them. The citizens of Vanderburgh County deserve more than lip service, empty promises and inaction. The citizens of Vanderburgh County deserve a new prosecutor.

Stay connected with the Hermann for Prosecutor campaign online. Click here to visit the campaign’s Facebook page and visit www.HermannForProsecutor.com for the official website.

Paid for and authorized by Hermann for Prosecutor – Mike Robinson, Treasurer




Dear Friends,

As residents of Warrick County, I am asking for your support in our efforts to provide the voters of this county with enhanced access to voting opportunities in the November Election. In 2008, the voters of Warrick County enjoyed greater access to the polls as a result of the opening of a satellite office for voting in the Newburgh/Ohio Township Central Library. Over 1,500 voters took advantage of this opportunity in the 2008 general election. In the spring of 2010, it was proposed to re-open the Newburgh Library for satellite/early voting, and to add a second satellite voting location in Lynnville for voters in the northern parts of Warrick County. A unanimous decision of the election board is required to open satellite voting locations. The Democrat member of the election board voted NO, and as a result, the voters of Warrick County were denied the opportunity to cast their votes early at satellite offices in Newburgh and Lynnville in the 2010 Primary Election.

The Warrick County Election Board is scheduled to meet at 6pm on Thursday, September 16th in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room in the Old Courthouse in Boonville to consider, among other things, the use of satellite/early voting in the 2010 General Election in November. With the help of voters like you, we may be able to bring back satellite voting locations! Here’s how you can help:

1. Sign our online petition at www.warrickrepublicans.com showing your support for satellite voting;

2. Attend the election board meeting on September 16th and make your voice heard;

3. Pass this email along to friends and family members in Warrick County and ask them to show their support as well.

Together, we the voters of Warrick County can, and will make a difference!

C. Richard Martin
Martin & Martin, Attorneys at Law, P.C.
125 S. Second St.
P.O. Box 29
Boonville, IN 47601
Telephone: (812) 897-3650
Facsimile: (812) 897-3651
Email: rick@martinlawyers.net