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Clean Evansville Heros


March 3rd Cleanup Locations – CLEAN EVANSVILLE

Team 1
Team Captains: Angela Patton/Casino Aztar
Team Volunteers: Casino Aztar (15)
Starting Point: Meet at Schnucks Grocery parking lot Washington Avenue & Hebron Avenue.
Litter Collection: Walk west to east along Washington Avenue to Burkhart Road, collect litter on both sides of Washington Avenue.

Team 2
Team Captains: Sandy Appler (Salvation Army)
Team Volunteers: Salvation Army (9)/Kathy Yearwood Shoe Carnival (2)/Stephanie Norrick (2)
Starting Point: Meet at Hebron Elementary School Bellemeade Avenue.
Litter Collection: Walking west to east along Bellemeade Avenue to 3-way stop at Cullen Avenue, collect litter on both sides of Bellemeade and then north to south on Cullen Avenue.

Team 3
Team Captains: Mayor Winnecke
Team Volunteers: YouthBuild (9)/Veolia (10)/SMG (4)
Starting Point: Meet at III South parking lot (Brinker’s) near intersections of Green River Rd & Lloyd Expressway overpass.
Litter Collection: Walking north to south along Green River Road, collect litter on both sides of Green River Road to Washington Avenue.

Team 4
Team Captains: Carol McClintock
Team Volunteers: Boys & Girls Club (4)/5th 3rd Bank (6)/Steve Scheller Family (4)
Starting Point: Eyekamp Boy Scouts Parking lot along Lloyd Expressway.
Litter Collection Adults: Walking west to east collect litter near Lloyd Expressway from Vann Avenue to Congress Avenue.
Litter Collection Children: Walk along the State Hospital Park trails collecting litter. Stay away from nearby roadways.

Team 5
Team Captains: Patricia Jackson (Vectren)
Team Volunteers: Vectren (21)
Starting Point: Meet at Bethel Temple parking lot on Lincoln Avenue.
Litter Collection: Walking west to east along Lincoln Avenue, collect litter on both sides of Lincoln Avenue to Burkhart Rd. (sidewalks end on Lincoln after business district on the east side of Lincoln Ave).

Team 6
Team Captains: Timothy Weir (Accuride)
Team Volunteers: Accuride (10-15)
Starting Point: Meet at Harrison High School parking lot on Fielding Avenue.
Litter Collection: Split into two teams, team 1 working Fielding Avenue/Lloyd Expressway bounded by Lincoln Avenue, and team 2 working Cullen Avenue/Lloyd Expressway bounded by Lincoln Avenue. Walk north to south to Lincoln Avenue collecting litter.

IS IT TRUE: March 2, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 2, 2012

IS IT TRUE that a short 16 years ago that Senator Richard Lugar was all up in arms about negative campaigning and even ran an ad to encourage his then fellow Hoosiers to join him in taking a stand against negative campaigns?…that was then and this is now?…that the ghost of elections past should visit Senator Lugar’s Washington home and remind him of how he advocated for clean and honest campaigns back before he had become a Washingtonian?…that Senator Lugar’s latest round of commercials against his primary challenger Evansville’s favorite son Richard Mourdock are anything but positive?…that the City County Observer would like to encourage each and every person planning to vote in the Republican primary to give strong and thoughtful consideration to each of these men and to cast a ballot for the one that truly has the best interest of SW Indiana in his heart and mind?

IS IT TRUE that one of our beloved comment writers jumped on us yesterday for repeating a passage about the failure to fund and start an audit of the IT Department?…that this person should remember that one of our trademarks is to bring things up on a recurring basis and that our repeated reminders of the McCurdy Fiasco and the Executive Inn Dilemma lead to action on the part of the former Mayor’s Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that maybe we should rephrase our repetition to something like “IS IT TRUE that it has now been 61 days since the 2012 editions of city and county government were installed and still there is no appropriation of the funds to begin the audit of the IT Department”?…that we could even name names and remind people that a new long term contract was handed out by County Commission during the waning days of the Weinzapfel Administration?…that we could also state that City Councilman and Chairman of the Finance Committee John Friend, CPA was all over this oversight in 2011 and may just be simmering to get on it again?…that there will be some reminder on a recurring basis until this necessary action is funded and done?

IS IT TRUE that the open seat in Indiana House of Representatives District 64 has a strong contender throwing his hat into the ring?…that sources tell the CCO that Tom Washburne who makes his home near Darmstadt will be making a strong push for this seat?…that Mr. Washburne brings with him the practical analytical skills of a Purdue engineering degree along with an understanding and interest in government from a career in law and banking?…that this guy worked his way up the old fashioned was as a kid from Princeton who bagged groceries and made his spending money in local retail?…that it will be interesting to see who the Democrat party will slate against Mr. Washburne in this newly bordered district that has long been receptive to practical people with conservative leanings?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO is wondering just what the fruits of the “all hands on deck” bus trip to the Crane NAVSEA Center will be?…that true to his expression during the 2011 election that Mayor Winnecke seems to be trying to muster some local interest in reviving the Partnership Intermediary Agreement between GAGE and Crane that seemed to have gone into hibernation after the 2009 Freedom Festival?…that between the renewed interest in the Crane deal, the realization that the Federal Lab Consortium is the real source of intellectual property, and the Kauffman Foundation running a seminar at USI that GAGE had scheduled for 2009 that GAGE seems to be encouraged to go back to its original mission during the early days of the Winnecke Administration?

USI India internships available for summer 2012


This summer, the University of Southern Indiana is offering another opportunity for students to travel and conduct research in India through the University’s Global Engagement Initiative. Up to six USI undergraduates will spend four weeks (approximately May 27 to June 27, 2012) in India and earn three hours of course credit.

The Society for Development Studies (SDS) will first train the students in New Delhi in a United Nations award-winning community-empowerment model. The students will then visit and engage with a community in Alwar to experience how the model was implemented and, under the guidance of SDS faculty, will help design approaches to enhance the community’s empowerment. Visits to Agra and Jaipur also have been planned.

The trip will cost $1,000 including course credit, travel, room and board, airfare and local transportation, and some meals. The application deadline is Wednesday, March 14, 2012.

The Society for Development Studies is a non-government organization based in New Delhi, but is part of an international United Nations network. SDS faculty members have worked with students from many universities including Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and USI on applications of its community-empowerment model.

In summer 2011, three USI students – Amy Brown, Chanse Ford, and Daniel “D.J.” Horstman – spent two weeks in India working with SDS’s community-empowerment model through interviews and interactions with families in Alwar. One highlight of their trip was a visit to the village of Andhwari, where the USI group was welcomed with flowers, singing, and dancing. “It is amazing the progress these people have made since the implementation of Dr. Lall’s program,” Ford wrote in his blog about the trip. “It was an indescribable feeling to be there and have these people open up to us and share so much of their lives with us when they had only met us that day.”

Plans for the second trip were initiated when Dr. Vinay D. Lall, director general of the SDS, visited USI in January.

In October 2010, Dr. Ronald S. Rochon, provost, led a team of USI faculty including Dr. Sudesh N. Mujumdar, Dr. Nadine Coudret, and Dr. Ann White to India for an initial exploration of partnerships. In addition to SDS, they met with representatives of organizations such as the University of Mumbai and the Reserve Bank of India. A follow-up visit by Mujumdar, Dr. Niharika Banerjea, Dr. Scott Gordon, and Dr. Mohammed Khayum took place in March 2011 to further opportunities for joint work across disciplines. Last summer’s student trip resulted from their efforts.

Source: USI.edu

UE Students Win Awards in Creative Writing Contest


Three creative writing students at the University of Evansville have received awards in the 2012 Southern Literary Festival Student Writing Contest.

Miranda Stinson of Bloomington, Indiana, won first place in the poetry category for her poem “Renovation,” and “The Fire Dancers” by Danielle Weeks of Connersville, Indiana, won an honorable mention in the same category. Lacey Conley of Kendallville, Indiana, won first place in the creative nonfiction category for her essay “The Way the Catwalks.”

These students will participate in a public reading at the festival with other Student Writing Contest winners. The Southern Literary Festival runs from March 29-31 at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Source: Evansville.edu

Winnecke to Announce New Headquarters Tomorrow



March 1, 2012 Contact: Ella Johnson-Watson
For Immediate Release 812-436-4965

News Advisory
Mayor Lloyd Winnecke will hold a news conference tomorrow, March 2, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. at Park 41 (the former Whirlpool building) on U.S. 41 to announce that Evansville will become the U.S. manufacturing headquarters for a new venture.

Mayor Winnecke to Announce Job Opportuities at 2


Lloyd Winnecke

March 1, 2012 Contact: Stephanie Moore
For Immediate Release 812-548-6EPA

News AdvisoryMayor Lloyd Winnecke will join representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency at a news conference today, March 1, 2012, at 2 p.m. at Central United Methodist Church, 300 Mary St., to provide information on job opportunities for local residents that will result in a cleaner, safer environment.

Stockton, CA on the brink of Bankruptcy


The New Your Times is reporting on last nights Stockton City Council meeting where the message is basically that the “game is over” for Stockton. All of this comes on the heels of a real estate fueled spending binge that included a stadium, some historical refurbishment projects, and even a downtown restaurant that got a great deal on a lease.

Here is a link to the full story.


IS IT TRUE: March 1, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 1, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the Bank of America is floating another FEE BASED trial balloon that is sure to send customers blood pressure higher that their last trial balloon of a $5 FEE per month to have a debit card did?…that this time B of A is floating the idea of collecting a FEE from people who are not generating big chunks of revenue from other banking activities?…that once again it seems as though the Bank of America is aiming its FEE guns at regular people who simply use a checking account to pay their bills?…that this new FEE even has a name and that the name is “ESSENTIALS” implying that customers will be FEE’D to pieces for something that is well, essential?…that right now this $9 per month FEE is being piloted in Arizona, Georgia, and Massachusetts?…that there are other FEES being considered for other states that go as high as $25 per month?…that the only way to avoid these FEES will be to give the Bank of America money in other ways?…that the other BIG BANKS including J. P. Morgan consumer banking chief Todd Maclin told investors Tuesday the bank would like to be able to charge more than its current average of $10 to $12 a month, but “in this environment I am not going to rock that boat.”?…that every CEO of every business in America would like to pull a stunt like this too?…that FEEing people to death is a short sighted tactic and that we expect that the BIG BANKS that try this will be backed down by market forces yet again?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Council didn’t directly include funds in their 2012 Budget so they can join the City of Evansville to pay for a much needed Information Technology Assessment Audit? …we are pleased that the City of Evansville directly put funds for this Audit in their 2012 Budget? ….we join 5th Ward City Councilmen and Budget Chairmen, John Friend-CPA call for this City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County funded department begin to do a long overdue and detailed financial assessment of this little known but important publically funded department? …we now are awaiting to see if the past Budget Chairmen and newly elected President of the Vanderburgh County Council, James Raben shall put the money on the table so this extremely important Assessment Audit can begin?

IS IT TRUE that friend of the City County Observer and owner of the Time Out Lounge K. C. Chesser saw the recently passed smoking ban in the City of Evansville as an opportunity instead of a death sentence?…that the Time Out that is known for its classic rock sounds and as a gathering place for the fun loving crowd of people who are too old for teeny bopping and too young to stop dancing went ahead and banned smoking itself in advance of the April 1st deadline?…that Mr. Chesser reports that business has increased?…that result is contrary to the expectations of many naysayers in the bar owning fraternity of Evansville?…that we truly hope that business gets better for all Evansville businesses as a result of this public health related action?…that it seems as though people have been going to the Time Out Lounge for something other than a place to smoke?…that atmosphere wins over smoking every time?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Senate has gutted the statewide smoking ban under consideration the same way that they did last year?…that if Hoosiers want to know why much of the country thinks that Indiana is backwards they need look no further than this castrated bill that emerged from the Indiana Senate?…that come April 1st, Evansville will be leading the state in having a smoking ordinance with the fewest exemptions?…that is if and we do mean if our City Council doesn’t blink every time some one-man-band comes before them to beg for an exemption?