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Letters To The CCO Editor: Is Time For Needed Change In The 2nd Ward 


It Is Time For Needed Change In The 2nd Ward 

SEPTEMBER 15. 2023

by Maytes Rivera, City Council Candidate For Ward 2 

Sixteen years ago, my husband Alexis Rivera (Chinno) and I made a decision.  We chose to move to Evansville, Indiana, and start our family in the 2nd ward.  We are both originally from the U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico.  I am of German descent.  My parents both served in the U.S. Armed Forces and then my father became a police officer in Puerto Rico.  I have a deep-rooted love for this country and grew up with first-hand examples of sacrifice and service for our liberties and our beliefs. 

During our journey to get established in Evansville, we both completed our college degrees in accounting in 2010 and, in 2015, decided to launch our own business, right here in the 2nd ward as well.  Our first Chinno Barbershop opened on the corner of Weinbach and Washington Avenues.  We also welcomed two boys into our family in 2007 and 2009. They have played, gone to school, and grown up in this special corner of our city. 

However, during these same years, we have seen the steady decline of our beloved 2nd ward.  According to CrimeGrade.org, our ward is failing across the board when it comes to crime statistics.  Our roads and sidewalks are not much better, and our parks are in a sad state of disrepair.  As I meet with constituents, this is what I hear over and over again.  Established families and businesses continue to move out of the ward because of safety concerns, accessibility, and a less-than-desirable environment for our children. These same past sixteen years, the 2nd ward has been under the leadership of my opponent for City Council.  

We need change! The second ward deserves change.  A vote for Maytes Rivera is a vote for someone that is totally invested in this ward.  That has the same dreams and struggles as the people of the second ward. I want and need the second ward to succeed, to be revitalized, to prosper.  For the sake of my own family, our business, our American dream.  I want my children to stay and prosper in the 2nd ward.  

I believe in a diverse second ward, full of opportunities for diverse populations to pursue their dreams.  The dream of home ownership, of increasing personal income, of raising a family in a safe environment, of elected officials and law enforcement that look like us.  For this to happen we need to elect someone who can be your voice, who can represent your interests, who has a proven record as an effective administrator.  I am that person. I have demonstrated a passion for our community through my years of involvement in various non-profit organizations that serve people in the second ward.  I have demonstrated my leadership as a member of Evansville’s economic development commission.  I have demonstrated my abilities as an administrator by taking our business from an initial location in Weinbach to four other locations, 2 additional businesses, 14 associates, and a continuous growth trajectory. 

I am encouraged by the support I receive daily as I connect with the citizens of the 2nd ward as well as with other city leaders who are running to represent the next phase for Evansville. I will be able to work with the next Mayor, Natalie Rascher, to make sure we have the appropriate resources and support that the second ward needs.  We are a formidable team.  We have demonstrated experience but also fresh ideas and renewed energy for our city.  We are ready to work for you…but we need your vote!

Vote for Maytes Rivera for the second ward to bring the change needed to revitalize our ward and lead us all together to prosperity.

FOOTNOTE: This article was posted by the CCO without opinion, bias, or editing.  We invite Maytes Rivera’s opponent Missy Mosby to send us her article and we shall post it without opinion, bias, or editing.


  1. Good Luck.. The problems you describe in the 2nd ward is true for the whole city. I say Re-Elect no one. The city continously gives out taxpayers money to different social groups. There is no accoutablity. Over the last several years a church has been getting money to house the homeless. I have NEVER seen an update on how many people are off the street living in the church apartments downtown. I continue to see the same homeless people in the downtown and east side area of town.
    STOP giving the taxpayers money out and/or give tax credit to social agencies. I would like to see a freeze on all non-esstenial spending. Lets pay the city bills and employees. We need to regroup and tighten our belts

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