SEPTEMBER 18, 2023

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, campaign season is in full swing. However, in all actuality, the campaign season never really stopped after the primary for the Rascher team. We have been working hard throughout the summer months, talking with residents, and attending community meetings and church picnics alike. I have secured the endorsements of the Fraternal Order of Police, Firefighters Local, Southwest Indiana Builders Association, and many current and past elected office holders. 

The confidence these groups and officeholders have in my vision for Evansville and the leadership I will bring to the city excites and energizes me to keep pushing forward, full steam ahead! Over the next two months, I will be participating in several different candidate forums, attending even more neighborhood association meetings, and hopefully knocking on your door.  

When speaking with residents the top concern I hear is public safety. This is an area I immediately addressed in my Playbook for Evansville as a top priority. I was the first candidate to provide residents with a clear plan for Evansville and the only candidate that has addressed how we will tackle stubborn issues surrounding safety in our community.  

Below I have provided a deep dive into my plan for Public Safety. Additional information on Economic Growth and Development, Infrastructure, Quality Life, and Talent Retention can be found on my website www.rascherformayor.com . 

Rascher Plan for Public Safety 

Leadership & Collaboration: Leadership of a quality police and fire department starts with the Mayor. Our administration will set a tone of excellence that is focused on commitment and integrity. The police and fire chiefs will continue to report directly to the Mayor to ensure information is not filtered. This direct line of communication will include minimum weekly briefings as well as numerous opportunities for dialog at any time to address pressing issues for their departments or community safety. The Mayor must have complete confidence in the police and fire chiefs. I will also regularly meet and communicate with FOP and Firefighter Local leadership to allow more voices to be heard. 

Neighborhood Focus: I will require our public safety agencies to interact and communicate with our neighborhood organizations, corporate and nonprofit partners as well as our city/county departments. A strong relationship between these organizations and departments will promote better collaboration and information which will serve to minimize misunderstandings and lead to more effective community policing. My administration will develop enhanced social media and online tools to provide a two-way flow of information that allows public interaction to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between the citizens of Evansville and its public safety personnel. New technology can be used and implemented at the neighborhood level to highlight crime locations, activity and assist citizens in the development of solutions.  

Community Involvement & Education: As Mayor, I will strive to foster a renewed sense of community collaboration and a shared mindset on public safety. Our administration will publicize and enhance the police citizens’ academy, expand this concept to the fire department and focus on educating the public. We will offer these programs at times and locations that promote broad public participation and educational opportunities. We will also ensure our school resource officers have communications tools and training to maximize value delivered to the schools, students and families. I want to see our public safety agencies expand online transparency using social media and modern interactive software in a way that educates while serving the public. 

Quality Equipment & Working Conditions: To properly protect the public, police officers and firefighters need quality equipment. As Mayor my administration will ensure that police and firefighters always have the proper tools to do their jobs. Our budget will include funding to purchase police vehicles in a manner that allows replacement of front-line vehicles so that the newer vehicles are working the streets. I support our police being allowed to take home patrol cars. These patrol cars serve as a visible deterrent to crime in our neighborhoods. Although our fire department has been able to acquire newer vehicles relative to the nationwide average, there are areas for improvement, including frequent maintenance. Also, each reserve apparatus needs to be fully equipped. Our administration will pledge to acquire funding to upgrade fire stations using a regular maintenance program. Emergency supplies for fire emergencies should also include specialized equipment and supplies for earthquakes and tornadoes given Evansville’s location near the seismic lines of the New Madrid fault. 

Elevating Personnel: As Mayor, I will maintain an open-door policy for public safety employees, both rank and file and leadership. We will promote the health and safety of our public safety personnel, including their mental health. We will enhance recruitment tools to boost candidate sourcing to identify dedicated, well-educated, community-oriented public safety employment prospects. I believe each public safety worker should have access to a personal development plan to maximize skills and opportunities within the departments. Finally, we will work to maintain a competitive pay and benefit package for our public safety employees within the confines of the city budget.  

FOOTNOTE: The City-County Observer posted Mayoral Candidate NATALIE RASCHER without bias, opinion, or editing. 

The City-County Observer invites any other candidate for the Mayor Of Evansville to send us an article expressing their vision for the future of Evansville.


  1. What a joke! She has NO experience!
    The Mayor of Evansville is NOT an entry-level job! Vote NO to Natalie!
    Winnecke should be ashamed.

  2. She sounds exactly like Winnecke did when he ran for the first time. If you like Winnecke you will love Natalie.

  3. I’ve read Ms Rauscher’s agenda for the city. I have not heard her talk about taking better care of our parks in cleaning, maintaining them and making them more desirable. What ever happened to our Parks and Recreation department?
    I am an outdoor person, and in the last several yesrs I’ve noticed a consistent down trodden park system. The parks are filthy and not maintained. It’s embarrassing to take my grand kids to to most public parks

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