Dear Mr. Editor,
As our school year is about to begin, I am very concerned about the example
being set for our students by the behavior of the school superintendent in the
negotiations with the Teamsters Local 215 EVSC employees.
I have been following this story for two summers. I thought after the employees
voted overwhelmingly last summer to remain in the union his relationship with
these employees would move forward positively , but it appears things have only
gotten worse.
Parents and teachers today are constantly reminding kids that every word they
post on social media pages will remain there for all to see including future
employers. The same can be said for words printed in newspapers or uttered on
Words do matter and we should be held accountable for them.
On August 24, 2014, after Teamsters Local 215 members voted overwhelmingly to
remain in the Union , EVSC Superintendent Dr. David Smith was quoted in the
Courier and Press as saying ,” I am always pleased when our employees have a
voice and they certainly have spoken. As we have said before, we will definitely
honor their wishes.”
This was after he gave two units of Teamsters Local 215 EVSC employees 24 hours
notice to vote again on union representation. He was consistently telling the
public, media and board members that a “fairly large” percentage wanted out of
the union. It was also stated that any “no shows” would be counted as votes
against union representation. The vote proved him wrong. Bus Drivers voted
120-27 and Secretaries 70-27 to remain in the Union. Imagine if our state and
national elections were managed like this.
On April 17, 2015, EVSC board president Mike Duckworth was quoted in the
Courier and Press as saying about the upcoming contract negotiations , “ I
think as long as we have dialogue and keep communicating ,keep talking, we can
disagree but we want to collaborate and see how we can make it better.”
Obviously when there are serious issues to be discussed involving a large number
of people the most important thing to do is remain in communication with all
entities for the sake of all voices being heard . Dr. Smith and the EVSC board‘s
approach was to not communicate with their constituents over this matter and
directed that all communication should be through the EVSC lawyer from
Indianapolis. This would be the same as teachers being told not to communicate
with parents and only do so through their lawyer?
Thankfully the board voted on July 27 to go back to the bargaining table. That
is the right decision. They need to stay at the bargaining table and work out a
fair contract for all concerned. Dr. Smith needs to honor the words he speaks.
His “my way or the highway stance” is not productive and provides a poor example
to the students we are all trying to teach.

Doris Williams


  1. Just another union busting dirt bag. He should be fired but we have to start with the dirt bag republicans on the school board.

  2. After reading about the Daycare debacle in Courier and Press this morning I think Dr .Smith would be best expending all his union busting energy on these matters that affect the students and their families and instruct his lawyer to get a contract settled with the EVSC /Teamster employees as soon as possible. The success of this school corporation relies heavily on strong student, teacher, parent and employee moral. He has a lot of work to do to restore “good feelings” after creating this crisis.

  3. Bob is right do you think think if Supt. Smith and Board member Keifer would of spent more time caring for the children of EVSC instead of figuring out how to pay their Big Time Union Busting Indy Lawyer you would be reading in C&P about shortage of child care workers. They offered this service to parents and should have been able to deliver it. If they would have worked harder on school business and offering a living wage and agreement to Evsc Employees instead how to bust the union, parents might have not had this problem facing them the first day of school. Union Employees have voiced their concerns about these two for a couple of years now it may be time to start listening to them and give these two the boot or even better they would resign in shame!

  4. If the union was doing it’s job, drivers would be earning more. It is ridiculous what they earn now – they were paid more in the 1980’s. Unions, including Teamsters, suck.

  5. I would have to agree with Eileen and Big Guy – it was interesting reading this morning in the courier and press regarding the snafu with the daycare program. If David Smith and his board would have paid more attention to the running of the schools than trying to bust the union we wouldn’t have this situation. His customer service is horrendous.

  6. Thank you Ballonpilot for grammar lesson maybe you should be running school board. I just care about people’s rights and hate seeing someone bullied.

  7. Bob, or joad,, who cares, the dudes not far off with your union busting local pigs assessment.

  8. Well two days in a row the C and P have articles about the EVSC. As I said earlier if David Smith and his board were paying more attention to their schools and not busting the union we might not have failing schools. This is an absolute disgrace. Both of these schools have had changes in their staff due to the failing grades, yet we are continually hearing David Smith patting himself on the back about all the wonderful things that he is and/or has done. He keeps saying that he is sorry that the employees are in the middle. Really – who does he think put them there – that would be David Smith and the rest of the board.

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