Link to Letter from Carpenters Local 224


Attached is the link to an extremely well written letter from Carpenters Local 224 in support of Teamsters Local 215.

Carpenters Local 224

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  1. Thank you Local 224 for your support, My dad was a carpenter for 40 yrs!!

  2. Thank you so much Local 224! This community is “Union Strong”. The Teamsters represent multiple entities. City employees, Housing Authority, Airport employees, Building Authority and many others. What Mr Smith and Mr Kiefer are doing is just plain sad. Using “payback” tactics after the EVSC Teamster employees spoke overwhelmingly to be represented last year, after being given 24 hour notice ,is so wrong and destructive to a community that is a very united one. Also last I heard, it’s quite fine in a democracy to run another candidate you would prefer, particularly when you are disappointed in the person currently representing you!

  3. I would like to thank local 224! I am very proud of the many local unions that have came together to support their fellow brothers and sisters of local 215. This makes me happy to call Evansville my home. The outpouring community support on their behalf reassures me that what they are asking for shouldn’t be a concern. It seems evsc wants to have control over everyone. Not only their well skilled employees but the taxpayers of our community as well. I also can’t help but wonder where the problem actually lies with arbitration. From what I am seeing, evsc would rather have a lawsuit against them than try and sort things out in house. I have a hard time understanding this concept. A lawsuit would cost substantially more. Currently all I hear is how many cuts on funding they continue to get. I just hope the board will negotiate with them fairly, as they are a valuable asset to our schools as well as our community.

  4. I want to thank Local 224 for supporting their brothers and sisters of Local 215. Evansville is a VERY STRONG union city. EVSC Teamsters are the BACKBONE of the School Corporation. I’m not quite sure how they think they can run the schools sufficiently without them! EVSC is wasting my tax dollars on a Union busting lawyer when that money could be going toward my children’s education. Please tell me why the Board WILL NOT do their job?

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