IS IT TRUE JULY 30, 2015


IS IT TRUE we hear that a that a grass roots political movement is gaining momentum and current plans are to launch it around the last week of September? … we shall keep you updated as things progress? …”when people fear the government we have Tyranny but when government fears the people we have Liberty”?

IS IT TRUE supporters of Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken are encouraging her to tell a few self serving Democrats to take a political hike.? …these individuals are soundly in the Mayor Winnecke’s back pocket and every chance they get they undermine Ms. Riecken’s campaign messages? …Mrs. Riecken’s message to them should either be your with me or against me!

IS IT TRUE supporters of Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken are saying it’s time to call a news conference at the dilapidated and vacant CVS building located at Columbia and North Main? … she needs to ask why the Winnecke Administration paid a whooping $535,000 for this property without any plans to develop it? …while she’s on North Main she should take the media to the vacant Integera Bank building on North Main and ask a similar question?

IS IT TRUE we wonder when the State Democratic party is going to get engaged in providing Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken with financial assistance? …if the Democrats win, Evansville and Indy they will greatly enhance the chances of winning the Governorship? …it’s time that the State Democratic party either put up or shut up?

IS IT TRUE its time that we need to do a study to see why we need to do studies?

IS IT TRUE we can’t figure out why two extremely loyal Democrats such as Dr. Dan Adams and Alex Burton would agree to have two (2) political fund raisers with the clandestine Republican Jonathon Weaver?  …we hear that Adams and Burton lost a lot of support among Democrats by hooking up with Weaver? …we also hear that a few of these Democrats may now be supporting Republican Michelle Mercer City Council At Large candidiate in protest?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. New addition to the CCO is the Cause of Death reports generated by the Vanderburgh County Health Department.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Somebody should tell Mr.Burton and Dr. Adams if you lie down with dogs you get fleas.

  2. All it takes is one good story about “Weaver…and his Wives”. It’ll all be over.

    • One of the more humous sayings that came out of Rush Linbaugh was “don’t let your past become your future” and in Mr. Weaver’s case this may very well be applicable. . . .

  3. I’m no longer excited about Burton. He’s just another local scumbag now. He’s young and naive and therefor controllable and easily manipulated. Adams has proven he has no “onions.”

  4. Adams has already lost my vote. I consider him firmly in the Winnecke camp. He tries to cover all bases and covers none. Time for him to go.

    • From what I have heard, Doc and Beav are “birds of a feather.” Age has slowed the chase for the senior womanizer, but he can swap “war stories” with the junior roué of City Council. I hold out hope for Alex Burton, but he is the only At-Large candidate that is even worth a vote. Given what we don’t have to choose from in the field of candidates, the future looks ever more bleak for Evansville.

    • I’ve never done this before, but I feel I have no choice. I will cast one vote in the booth this November and only in the Mayor’s race. The rest are essentially identical. It just really doesn’t matter. They will do what they are told, so we need to make sure it’s not Winnecke and Schaefer doing the talking.

  5. I hope this September surprise is not Ellsworth running for governor, but ARRRRG on this giddy for Gail reporting.

    What message of Gail’s can these Winnecke Democrats nuke, transparency and bus routes? I get the CVS boondoggle. What I don’t get is what does Gail promises? And what do I care about the Democrat strategy for Governor? Are we just a step up to the porch of the Governor’s mansion?

    Am I the only person who sees that without some specifics we will get in Gail what we have in Winnecke?

    • The votors MUST FIRE Winnecke! Unfortunately, our alternative is another political hack. Look what happened the last time a State Rep. became Evansville’s Mayor.
      Woo-Woo! She rode on a bus and talked about it. How about the increase in crime, decline in the standard of living, and the overall deterioration of our once great city?! How is Gail going to address those problems?!
      So for now, and likely until the final vote count, Evansville will have to choose between a turd and a piece of s#!t for its next Mayor.

      • Oh, so true, Hoyt, oh, so true. There must not be anyone left in Evansville willing to step forward and try to save the city. The smart ones know they will be character assassinated, lied about, accused of bigotry, racism, adultery or bestiality, and, worst of all, associate themselves with either political machine.

    • Party is less of a factor than the individual’s ability to take direction. Direction from who? Follow the money. Who gets, who pays?

      • The same disloyal Democrats that backstabbed Rick Davis are now backstabbing Gail Riecken.

  6. Very disappointed that Adams would do anything to collaborate with a scumbag like Weaver ! Wow, Doc is a true politician. He publicly scolds Weaver at the Council Meetings, then when it’s time for reelection, embrace him like the fool he is.

    Sorry Doc Adams, you’ve lost me on this one . . .. .

  7. Choices? Choices? . . unfortunately, there is not one perfect candidate no not one . . . but what is the most important issue? Well? Would it be the financial health of any community? If you were a CEO would you consider Detroit, MI as a new location? According to the US Census report, Evansville’s household incomes have decline over the past four years . . we have lost nearly $500.000,000 of assessed property values . . our streets and sidewalks are dismal . . we have 5 schools in Evansville graded “F” . . dilapidated water and sewer system . . but yet our Mayor’s focus is on one square mile of Evansville . . what about the other 63 square miles? Perhaps Ms Riecken may prove to be as pitiful as our current Mayor and if that’s the case as Obama once said, that is why we have elections . . .

  8. So . .let’s see the line up . . we have Charlie Mangold, a dem with a high up job . . we have Ed Ziemer, a dem with a high up job . . we had Rose Young, a dem with a high up job , , we have David Hatfield, a dem now the president of the Evansville Housing Authority . . we have two individuals on Council which so happens to be associated with the same outfit as that of the Mayor’s wife . .just a coincidence of course . . and unfortunately, old Doc Adams’ son now works for the administration . .

  9. Lloyd Winnecke has been an abject failure as mayor. He does not have a single achievement of note to point to. It is instructive that the Wankers for Winnecke can only bray ‘more of the same’ if Gail is elected. Their personal dislike for her and long term knee-jerk R voting trumps everything, they like it simple. Their transparent phoniness grows tiresome.

    Gail Riecken is not Lloyd Winnecke by a long shot. She is quite accomplished, Winnecke’s signature feat was slithering into office via the most vile of political machinations. His closed door attempt to steal your Homestead Tax Credit is a close second. His supporters, always prefacing their mindless remarks with a false equivalency between him and Gail, enable him to the detriment of Evansville. He wouldn’t trade them for a new gold shovel or another yuk yuk hobnob with Mike Pence. They voted for him at least once and will vote for him again, no matter who his opponent is. They are the reason we got what we got — a front man, a shovel turner, a cipher. They are fools.
    ☆ Gail Riecken for Mayor ☆

    • No slow it down there a minute scooter. Winnecke is from the half of mayors that make the good half of mayors possible.

      But if you think you have something different in Gail…

      The reason we have what we have is because this mayor was no different than the one before him except Weinzapfel could actually get his bad ideas funded. Gail will be more Weinzapfel if she is elected. So I wouldn’t be wanking or giddy for either.

      Our best hope is for the media to step up and demand some specifics, but they are to busy wanking or being giddy.

      Let’s hope the September surprise has something good in store for us.

      • It’s hard to predict what anyone will do before they are elected mayor. Circumstances arise, lawsuits pop up, things can happen that make pre-election promises undoable. Federal intervention can change the whole landscape. Best not to promise too much, maybe some changes in department heads and things like that. Offer suggestions that have wide public support, things good for the whole community.

        Gail has a heart and is not dishonest. I mistakenly conferred both of those attributes to Winnecke during that thin window between his tainted election and the ugly morph into Strutting Little Boss. Gail is also for a new hotel downtown with public participation and the flawed siting of the medical school, two things I disagree with.

        If Gail turns out like he did, which I sincerely doubt, I’ll be calling for the election of her opponent in 4 years. I won’t even bother constantly asking what that opponent will do differently. Right now it is very important for Evansville to de-mayorize Winnecke. He is an arrogant lightweight who somehow thinks he has a mandate and seems to believe he arrived at his perch through merit.

        • I realize that Democrats are not allowed to question their candidates, but for the rest of us it’s what elections are all about. Yes issues change, but the importanthissues in this election are not going to change. Gailh as not spoken to these issues. Why not?

          The two choices I see are we keep what we have knowing that he is to enept to accomplish what harms us, or we get Gail to actually commit to her plan on the issues that matter.

          Maybe the September surprise will change everything.

          • You don’t realize anything. You wouldn’t vote for Gail Riecken under any circumstances. Your reasons not to get more and more convoluted and transparent in an odd sort of way.

            You have three choices, vote for your candidate Lloyd Winnecke, vote for The Woz or don’t vote. You are welcome to keep pretending you’re open to maybe voting for Gail although you wouldn’t do that for anything in the world.

            I’m not going to cancel your vote, I’m going to have my wife do it.

          • Actually, yes I would, and Winnecke is doing his best to persuade me to do so. I only wish Gail would do the same.

            But really, you need to realize that I don’t think/feel like you. You become so defensive when you can’t give a good response to hard questions like how Gail will be different.

            I would instruct my wife to cancel your vote, but I know how that works. Will work the same for you.

          • What you try to pass off as ‘hard questions’ are phony attempts to look like you’ve struggled to give something some thought. You aren’t fooling anyone. You actually got more answer than your eternal question deserves. You are incapable of understanding that.

  10. Wow sounds like no one is getting along. If the local Democrats are having problems why would the state Democrats even get involved just to elect a Democrat Governor

  11. wow a picture of gail on a bus……that’s the ticket……..gail had to go out of state for a campaign manager for this……….lolllllllll………..e town is without a doubt ran by and for the unions………………..good luck little Detroit…………

  12. wow gail had to go out of state to hire a campaign manager just to get a picture of her on a mets bus………..lollllllll………you giddy for gail gruber goobers are without a doubt fools……….e town is bought and paid for by the unions……….no choice in this race…………….liberal e town is nothing more nothing less than a little detroit………………………………….good luck…………..suckers……………

    • You are so mean and wrong-headed, Mr. Sharpie. Our candidate Gail Riecken is ready to hit the ground running and turn this floundering city around! Somehow, the vast right wing conspiracy was able to suppress her comments as she rode on the bus, which by the way is something that wealthy Democrats find extremely distasteful and much praise to her for dealing with that discomfort. Anyway, she completely devastated Mayor Winnecke with these comments:

      Q: So, Representative Riecken, how will you be fixing the METS service that Mayor Winnecke has messed up?
      Riecken: Well, I agree with you that he has messed it up, and I will be doing some things differently.

      Q: What things will you do differently?
      Riecken: Well, I will do different things very differently. Rest assured that I will be listening to a different group of people who have different plans about how we can do these different things very differently from Lloyd Winnecke. There’s a big difference between us in the different things that I plan to do differently.

      Q: The downtown hotel has been a great source of controversy. What are your plans?
      Riecken: Well, there is a great difference between me and Lloyd Winnecke. It is true that I support unreservedly a downtown hotel, because experienced people tell me it is a great investment.

      Q: Who are the experienced people you mean?
      Riecken: Well, people who have experience in building hotels, people with experiential experiences in using taxpayer funds to leverage more taxpayer funds…basically, TOP MEN.

      Q: So what separates you and Mayor Winnecke on this issue?
      Riecken: Well, the difference is that I would have done things very differently. I would have a different sized hotel with different financing and a different chain affiliation. Rest assured that under a Riecken administration, we would be doing the parking quite differently too. The big difference between Lloyd Winnecke and me is that I would definitely have done everything differently if I had been mayor.

      There you go, Mr. Sharpie! Our next mayor! Isn’t she great?

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

  13. Gail is now asking for people’s thoughts on the hotel on her Facebook page. Please go tell her what you think!

    • Like that will make a difference–laughable and depressing. Really LKB just admit I am a blind Democrat and will vote accordingly no matter what. Winnyou may have an R by his name bit your ilkad him mayor. Oh, I almost forgot Weinzapful was one of yours. Could you explain the difference between Weinzapful, Winneke, and Gail other than gender or party affiliation? I doubt it. You Brains and Bandana are more concerned about about the D or R behind someone’s name than their actions. Winny was thestablished machine candidate for mayor as was Weinzapful, and so is Gail. This blog may be giddy–but I am just sick. The mission of this site is supposed to be good public policy period. The editor is giddy for Gail who has not in any tangible way differentiated herself from the machine. As for the CSO issue–if you vote Gail you deserve to marinate in your own aged excrement.

      • ‘This blog may be giddy–but I am just sick.’ ~~ Fitz

        True, very true. A stone mindless Winnecke Hugger and proud of it. Your’e in great company. Unfortunately your illness can’t be treated.

        The mission of this site is supposed to be good public policy period. ~~ Fitz

        The mission of this site is what the owner says it is. Not what some little wannabe censor who will vote for the worst mayor in history yet again wishes it was.

        ‘As for the CSO issue–if you vote Gail you deserve to marinate in your own aged excrement.’ ~~ Fitz, a foul mouthed dyed in the brain Wanker for Winnecke at his best. This is the kind of supporter our failed mayor attracts.

        Wonder what the mad level would be if you bundled 3 or 4 of the Wankers for Winnecke up and put them in a room together? You could sell that energy to Vectren and all that brainpower to some psychological study.

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