IS IT TRUE? PART 2 March 14, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? PART 2 March 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Lady GAGA played before a crowd of 20,000 people Saturday night at Louisville’s YUM Center?…that the face value ticket prices ranged from $50 to $175?…that with prices like that the gate at YUM Center for the GAGA concert was in the area of $2 Million?…that the Lady GAGA Monsters Tour is also making a stop in Nashville?…that the only small venue that Lady GAGA will be playing is the MGM in Las Vegas that only seats 16,800 and that standing room tickets start at $89?…that there is a movement in Evansville to have Lady GAGA open the new Evansville Arena?…that to make it financially attractive to promoters with our 11,000 seat capacity the range in seat prices will have to be from $100 – $350?…that Lady GAGA wanted to come to Evansville back in 2009 but was dismissed as too risque’?…that 10,000 times $50 equals??? You do the math!

IS IT TRUE the Firefighters Local 357 PAC had a “Meet the Candidates” night on Wednesday March 9, 2011? The meeting was very well conducted and attended and much information was obtained?…the FOP had members in attendance and made this event a very important public safety forum?…that public safety is very dedicated to the citizens they serve in Evansville which makes it a very important event for the citizens of Evansville?…that democratic mayoral candidate Troy Tornatta excused himself quite early from this very important public safety event for a previous engagement?…that Mr. Tornatta was seen shortly thereafter at the Evansville Country Club drinking and playing trivia?

IS IT TRUE that the solution for the once dilapidated public swimming pools of Evansville is widely seen as a successful solution?…that the solutions came from the formation of CITIZEN COMMITTEES that made suggestions to local government?…that when local government goes to its citizens for solutions that those solutions come with a certain amount of the all important CITIZEN SUPPORT?…that it is time for the formation of CITIZEN COMMITTEES to take on the problem solving aspects of the BLIGHT that has taken over the parks in the City of Evansville?…that government has failed in every way and just needs to get out of the way and let the citizens of Evansville take this problem on?…that no CITIZEN COMMITTEE would think that three light bulbs will solve the problem, try to diminish the problem with dismissive language, lay off all of the Park Rangers, or sign a contract that makes volunteerism illegal?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,405 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,259 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot?…that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?…that we wonder just what worthy cause that all of the campaign donations made to the Weinzapfel for Mayor fund will go to now that Mayor Weinzapfel has taken his hat out of the political ring for the forseeable future?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 604 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?


  1. I just wonder how well totally dedicated to public safety Mayoral candidate Troy Tornatta did at Trivia Pursuit if he isn’t smart enough to prioritize his calender? I’m guessing that he didn’t win.

    • Well, you gotta take into account where the match was played. Under country club rules Troy probably enjoys a decent handicap.

  2. Is it true that the current “Fire Chief” has mandated that firefighters are not allowed to wear their uniforms while in public when “off duty”? Is it true that police officers are encouraged to wear their uniforms when off duty and in fact when working off duty jobs? Is it true that the general public feels safer when know public safety employees (ie Police & Fire) are present in public and in uniform? Is it true that rules that prohibit firefighters from wearing their uniforms in public (off duty) has a adverse effect on moral, not to mention “Pride” in the uniform and job? Is it true that arcane rules like this are what breeds descent, kills moral, and are only used to create a hostile atmosphere in the work place? Is it true that all of the current mayoral candidates except one speaking to the firefighters on March 9th stated that “if elected” they would replace the current fire chief? Is it true we can easily guess which candidate who had to hurry off to another engagement sees nothing wrong with this policy or the current chief?

  3. Is it true that two of the people that paid for and helped put up Rick Davis banners are firemen and want to be named Firechief.

        • there are many firefighters supporting Rick Davis, and I’m sure that most of them would like to be firechief some day. I’m pretty sure that no matter who wins this election, Jarboe is history and somebody else will be named firechief,

          • and is it true that Chris Cook, who helped Missy Mosby get elected last time around has been given 2 different city/county jobs, first in the police record room and then as head of cemeteries? and that he is so busy playing football and radio announcer that the cemeteries are falling into the same malaise that is taking over the parks?

    • Is it true that you made the same comment last week? Is it true that there are many many firefighters and police officers joining the Davis for mayor bandwagon along with helping their brethren Al Lindsey and Patrick McBride? Is it true that if you count family and friends of these firefighters and police officers you are talking thousands of votes? Is it true that elections in Evansville have been won/lost by a lot smaller margin in votes then these two groups of public service employees represent? Is it true that Mr Tornatta should have planned his time in front of this group better instead of giving the impression of dismissing the importance of their questions and support?

      • Is it true that nobody responded last week when I asked the question. Did the pack committee for the fireman already say they were going support Davis. I know the fireman have a big group of supporters and some will back Lindsey and McBride. Also know quite a few who have worked with Lindsey and wouldn’t support him for anything. Don’t know much about McBride so really don’t know his relationship with his fellow fireman.

        • McBride seems to get along fairly well with his fellow firemen, there were several out handing out his information in the 2nd ward last weekend

  4. First, I will say that I don’t like Tornatta and won’t be voting for him. I intend to vote for Rick Davis. That said, when I read about Tornatta leaving early and then being seen at the country club playing trivia, it struck me that the CCO could be making this up. What proof do you have that this is true? Do you plan on asking him, in public, if he indeed did do this? Or is anything reported to the CCO about a candidate they do not support going to be published? The CCO speaks about transparency and integrety in government, but where is it at the CCO? If the CCO can’t be trusted to report FACTS and not unverified rumors (as would any reputable media establishment should do) that means the CCO isn’t dedicated to the progress of the region, but rather a propaganda machine not interested in the truth but only in promoting their candidates and smearing their opponents. I challenge the CCO to ask Tornatta, in a public forum, if he did leave the meeting early and go to the Evansville Country Club to play trivia and drink. I would expect the CCO to ask when did he arrive at the country club, did he go anywhere before then and why did he do so.

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