IS IT TRUE PART 2: February 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that James Love, Jr. appeared at the February 24, 2011 Vanderburgh County Election Board meeting during the “new business” portion of the Agenda?… that Mr. Love, Jr. said he was an Evansville resident and respectfully requested a meeting the next day with County Clerk Susan Kirk to obtain materials so that Mr. Love, Jr. can run as an Independent candidate on the ballot this fall for Mayor of Evansville?…that Mr. Love, Jr. would have by noon on June 30, 2011, in which to gather and file the required number of signatures from registered voters?

IS IT TRUE that the required number of valid signatures for Mr. Love, Jr. to be placed on the fall ballot for Mayor of Evansville is only 600 or so?…that Mr. Love, Jr. told the Election Board that his employer had just fired him for taking time off from work to appear at the Election Board Meeting so that he could obtain information on how to run as an Independent candidate for Mayor of Evansville?…that Mr. Love, Jr. appeared very passionate about his desire to run for Mayor of Evansville this fall and was willing to risk his job to do so.


  1. Passion is no substitute for brains and good judgement.

    Risking getting fired from his job was the only possible way for him to obtain the desired information? I doubt it. Grandstanding is not a desired trait of a leader although politics seems to attract grandstanders like light attracts moths. Of course, we all know how the latter usually turns out.

  2. This news article begs for more information.

    Who was Mr. Love’s previous employer?

    Is Mr. Love the same individual who attempted to file for mayor a few minutes after noon on Feb. 18, 2011, the official filing date deadline for the May primaries?

    What is Mr. Love’s voting record with regard to party affiliation, voting frequency if any, etc.?

    Does Mr. Love enjoy a clean record with regard to the law? That seems important this week.

    I mean just for starters …

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