IS IT TRUE October 16, 2015


IS IT TRUE  yesterday we were sent an interesting link by one of our feminist readers? …she ask us to share this link with you concerning the status of women in politics?   …she also questioned why Evansville Indiana has never elected a female Mayor in our 200 years of existence?  …we look forward to your responses to the attached link and answering her question about why Evansville never elected a female Mayor?  …it looks like you shall have  fun blogging on this subject?

IS IT TRUE  yesterday we presented George Fithian, Executive Director Administrative Services, with a simple public record request concerning benefits that our city employees receive?  …we ask Mr. Fithian to provide us with the City of Evansville Employee Handbook so we could get answers on how much city employees receive each year in sick leave, time,  vacation time,  personal days off,  healthcare benefit package, details on pension/retirement program and other benefits paid to part time and full time city employee?  …Mr. Fithian pulled one of his typical political moves by delaying our simple request to obtain a copy of the 2015 Employee Handbook? … he told us he has to research to see if he has the information that we requested on our FOIR form?  …we wonder why Mr. Fithian has to take time to research to see if he has a current Employee Handbook to provide the City County Observer?  …could the reason why he didn’t provide us with this simple request is that he doesn’t want the taxpayers to know that city is providing employees with an impressive benefits package because it could have a negative impact on the upcoming budget talks?  … this is the type of political games that cause taxpayers to lose faith and trust in public servants?

IS IT TRUE Pressanykey posted yesterday on the CCO that new property assessments hit the mail boxes today?  …the assessment of  his  “structure” (house) went up 6.146%?  …he made no improvements since the last assessment other than replacing the shingles on the roof due to wear.?  …to the fact that the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s Office has raised the assessment on so many properties,  he sees nothing wrong with “the city property tax levy being frozen at the 2015 level”.? … The city will still receive a substantial INCREASE in property tax revenue without raising the levy!  …he feels this information could be extremely important in the upcoming City of Evansville budget talks?

IS IT TRUE yesterday that the highly respected  Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Nicholas Hermann told the newly created Indiana Drug Task Force  to suggest to the State law makers that they pass a law making pseudo ephedrine  a prescription-only drug?  …we totally agree with Mr. Hermann’s recommendation and encourage him to continue the hard work because he is spot on?

.IS IT TRUE we had the extreme pleasure of personally meeting Dr. Richard Moss a highly respected Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon from Jasper, Ind. at his home yesterday?  …Dr. Moss shall be announcing this weekend that he  going to be a candidate for the 8th District Congressional seat in the Republican primary?  …we found Dr. Moss and his family  to be extremely personable and intellectually  engaging?  …we  quickly found out that Dr. Moss campaign shall be based on strong conservative values?  …he stands for strong National Defense,  Pro-Israel,  free market Health care reform,  he’s supports the Pro-2nd Amendment,   he supports Pro -Life,  he is for Pro-Family and Traditional Values,  he for Pro-American Immigration Reform-Not Amnesty,  wants Limited and streamline Government by cutting the budget by reducing excess spending,  he also wants to reduce unneeded Federal Regulations and feels America has the ability to become Energy Independent, again ? …we predict that the voters of fighting 8th will enjoy meeting the Conservative Author, Columnist and past Radio Talk Show host on the campaign trail?

The City-County Observer is excited to announce that our annual CCO “OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD” luncheon for 2015.will be held on October 26, 2015 at Tropicana-Evansville Walnut rooms A and B.? …this years winners of the “Outstanding Community Services Awards” are: Vanderburgh County Commissioner Joe Kifer, well respected local attorney Joe Harrison, Jr, Indiana State Auditor Suzanne Crouch and former Vanderburgh County Sheriff and 8th District Congressmen Brad Ellsworth, Dr. Dan Adams, Dr Steven Becker MD, Tracy Zeller-President of Tracy Zeller Jewelry Holly Dunn-National Motivation Speaker on Domestic Violence, Cheryl Musgrave who currently sits on the Vanderburgh County Board of Zoning Appeals and also is a Commissioner on the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and Betty Hermann?

Registration begins at 11:30 am, the event officially starts at 12 noon on October 26, 2015?  Deadline for registration is October 23, 2015? The last five (5) events were sellouts. Reservations for this event may be made by calling Mollie Darke Schreiber at 812-760-4233 of via email at


  1. So if we don’t elect Gail we are misogynist? I can think of two women I would support for mayor. Instead we get the dismal choices before us. I am more concerned that in 200 years we have come this pathitic care of candidates. But then perhaps the only real difference is pants or skirt.

      • THanks for asking Don. I’m about 95%. Still a little numbness in my feet, but the fatigue is nearly all gone. Discovered caffeine may have been causing it. RMSF attacks the vascular system and caffeine constricts blood vessels.

        • You’re a pain in the butt. But very likable I-E. Glad you are doing better, and glad to see your two-bits thrown in here. They’re usually worth eight-bits.

  2. A couple of observations,–Men are DEFINITELY afraid of Smart Women, and Young Women have for ages been led by a Patriarchal Society to believe that they have to have a Man in their life to be a Complete Person (which I always told my 4 daughters is Pure Crap!).
    My Mother, was Smart, Capable, Engaging, Funny, Caring, Informed, -and Independent,– I admired her immensely.

    • Crash,
      The world was made better by your mother living in it. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Dr. Moss sound like the anti-Obama. A real American and not a radical community organizer. Best of luck to him.

  4. Women control the lion’s share of the wealth, and for that reason alone, they should have at least a half-share in the leadership of the nation. Many of us just don’t have the time to devote to politics while our children are growing up, but once the kids get out of the nest, we are seeing a healthy turn in women’s political activities. I don’t take gender into account when voting unless the candidates seem equally qualified or unqualified.

    • ELKAYBEE….there is something else related “to women” that is interesting, but not necessarily related to “the need to have women elected to national office.”
      That is this: Women in American households “are the ‘Chief Medical Officer” of their families. By that I mean, women near universally manage all of the household’s medical and health insurance administrative and management matters – choice of policy decisions, deductible choices, choosing providers, sorting through medical bills, bill disputes and paying those bills, etc. Women know more about family healthcare issues, and are more informed about what is actually happening on the ground in America’s healthcare, than men for this principal reason. The Democrats figured this out a long, long time ago.
      Oh, and as a voting percentage (i.e., who actually shows up to vote), women are the voting majority in America.

      • DB
        In most homes I know, the woman is the CFO too. They pay the bills, stretch the dollars, decide on major purchases, choose the real estate to live in, and much more. Most of the time, they do all this and care for the kids and work outside the home too. My husband has commented that many men are straight line thinkers but women see the whole picture at once. That is the way it generally works in our house. But I give him credit. He is very supportive. When my MS strikes as it does more often now, he is doing the things that need to get done. (I do have to ask but he does step up, thankfully)

  5. Nick Herrmann is a future mayor if he is willing to take a cut in pay. He is certainly capable of making great judgments and making things happen.

  6. Mr. Editor, I told you yesterday that if you wanted a handbook on benefits you should have applied for a job. That would have been quicker than the public access request. The public Access has to be approved through 4 levels and two attorney approvals before they release “Public” information. They have thirty days before they even have to tell you if they will provide it. They have a reasonable period of time after that to provide it. Might be a month or two. They can also charge you for the info. If you had just asked about applying for a job they probably would have given you the benefits info.

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