Home Uncategorized Daily Off Topic Forum October 16, 2015


  1. Why does Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report keep posting articles about Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders
    and photos of the bare-chested muscle man, Maryland’s Governor Martin O’Malley?
    He’s worried about Hillary Clinton. Pretty simple.

    The Drudge Report and the Tea Party Extremists are worried they can’t beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the general election, so they want to do ANYTHING they can to keep her from winning the Primary contests for the Dem Party. “BIDEN!! O’MALLEY!! BERNIE, BERNIE!!”
    Uh, they can stop. The Drudge Report is PISSED.

    Today……FOX NEWS’ Charles Krauthammer wrote this:
    GAME OVER, Charles Krauthammer, Oct 16, 2016
    I repeat. Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination. I wrote that six weeks ago, amid fevered dreams of a Clinton collapse and a Joe Biden rescue. That those were a mirage is all the more obvious after Tuesday’s debate.
    If Biden was ever thinking of getting into the race, he’d be crazy to do so now.
    It’s over.
    It began with GOP House Majority Kevin McCarthy’s gaffe of the decade. That gave her a perpetual get-out-of-jail-free card that she adroitly deploys whenever the e-mail issue arises. Clinton’s technique is flawless: “but look at the larger picture, even Kevin McCarthy admits it’s a partisan witch hunt.”
    Email problem? At the debate, Bernie Sanders sealed the deal with a thunderous “the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails.”
    File closed. End of story.

    The GOP gets to deal with Trump until the summer of 2016. Ouch!!

  2. WoW, you are so connected with the machinations of the federal government and all of it’s players. Why you must be a real mover and shear in the countries, nay the world’s political scene. We must all be really important on this little blow for such a renowned celebrity like you to grace our presence. You are such a blessing, I mean you seem to know what every single person is thinking and can use that to explain their actions to a “T”. If on;y you could use your mind reading powers for other things. like world peace or cancer cure…….

    oh wait, I forgot you are a demented and crazed psycho who has no clue about anything, you make stuff up and spout it off on here like you really somebody. You have no abilities other than being able to make crap up and then trying to pass it off as information. You sir need some serious mental assistance.

    • You’re pretty pissed Brandon. Look, I know you’re not pissed at me.

      This stuff is from FOX NEWS’ Charles Krauthammer. THAT is what is making you mad. Krauthammer can deal with the truth, and he is perfectly willing to acknowledge reality. What, you don’t like what Krauthammer writes, and so I’m demented? (Somebody’s hot under the collar, and it AIN’T me, Brandon.)

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