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IS IT TRUE: November 5, 2010


IS IT TRUE: November 5, 2010

IS IT TRUE that the apparent winners of two elections have flip flopped in the last 24 hours?…that an accurate count of votes is a fundamental basis of our form of choosing leaders?….that we may not know for 10 days who the real victors are in these hotly contested races?

IS IT TRUE that Troy Tornatta has gone public with the fact that he had a supposed “knockout punch” TV commercial queued up and ready to run the weekend before the election for Vanderburgh County Commissioner?…that this commercial was designed to lay the blame for the SECRET HOMESTEAD TAX CREDIT GRAB MEETING on Marsha Abell to win some votes?…..that Mr. Tornatta expressed that a commercial putting Mrs. Abell in the room when the SECRET MEETING was held at MAYOR WEINZAPFEL’S office would eliminate her from being an electable candidate?….that Commissioner Tornatta let Mayor Weinzapfel coerce him into pulling the commercial?….that Mayor Weinzapfel by doing this chose himself over Commissioner Tornatta’s seat on the Vanderburgh County Commission….that Commissioner Tornatta wouldn’t have retained his seat on the Vanderburgh County Commissioners if he had followed his own instincts instead of changing his plans to appease Mayor Weinzapfel?….that a commercial very similar to Commissioner Tornatta’s commercial WILL BE AIRED in whatever election that Mayor Weinzapfel chooses to pursue next?

IS IT TRUE a local young visionary named Jordan Baer is full of great ideas including for the Robert’s Stadium site that do not involve demolishing it?….that Jordan has a blog dedicated to saving Roberts Stadium and that you can see his ideas at the following URL saverobertsstadium.blogspot.com/?


  1. Just watched the Did You Know? video. Very interesting and infomative. Readers that liked this video would find this site:
    http://www.kurzweilai.net/ informative also. He is a futurist I met seveal years ago. He invented the xerox machine. He said he works on projects that people will think they can’t live without 20 years in the future.

  2. Tornatta seriously expects us to believe he fell on his sword, for Weinzapfel’s sake…

    Does the Courier think we’re so stupid to assume that Tornatta should have won because of, what? His continued lack of independent decision making… I.e. continued “supporting role” to Weinzapfel…

    Does the local media not believe investigating the “why”, Tornatta couldn’t/didn’t stand on his own two feet is worthy to report on?

    More specifically, given the past incidents, can’t we ask if Mr. Owen was in that meeting? As well, was Jack McNeely in that meeting? (Remember a guy named Rick Davis, anyone seen him lately?)

    Speaking of Davis, now that the election is past… We need to hear if any of the now ex-candidates support/endorse Rick Davis. After all, they should be free to speak now that the McNeely “hammer” is lifted, right? (http://www.courierpress.com/news/2010/oct/10/davis-weinzapfel-enter-fray/)

  3. As I recall, Weinzapfel had advised the county and Darmstadt, behind closed doors, that he had no intention of allowing a Homestead Exemption. He held the majority votes, but was afraid to hold a public meeting or even make his decision public. He knew he could not justify it.

    When the taxpayers heard about it the uproar reached Indianapolis and Gov. Daniels delivered the blow that restore the Local Homestead Exemption to our property tax bills.

    Marsha Abell had no control over the results of that meeting in the mayor’s conference room. Don’t lay the blame on her.

    I don’t recall hearing that Tornatta argued with Weinzapfel about the Local Homestead Exemption being denied. Did you? Did he state the taxpayers and VOTERS were entitled to it?

    Toronatta is forgetting that his bride of 3 years has been declaring her former home as a residence, being protected under the 1% tax cap, instead of paying the 2% required for second homes and rental properties, as well as qualifying for the homestead exemption and any others that would apply, such as a mortgage exemption, as well.

    The latter is what brought him down. The freshest memory is the one that affects the votes. He should have played by the rules he helped create.

  4. I’d come to see eye to eye with you here. Which is not something I typically do! I really like reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!

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