IS IT TRUE? November 4, 2011 Part Two


IS IT TRUE? November 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a few relatively nasty and borderline threatening messages were sent to the City County Observer today?…that they were borderline so we did check the IP address from which the messages came?…that the IP leads directly to the Civic Center?…that when we investigated further with respect to general postings that have been placed on the CCO from that same IP address that low and behold there are 540 posts from a total of 36 different posting aliases coming from the Civic Center?…that much of these posts are very recent?…that we do appreciate the traffic but are curious just how much public money is being spent right now to pay people who are posting from the Civic Center?…that we expect that the same cast of characters are spending at least an equal amount of time posting comments on the Courier and Press My Turn section?…that we encourage our posters to confine their posting to breaks and lunch time as taxpayer dollars should be spent on work?…that whomever sent the threat will get one pass but if that shows up again we will turn the IP chain over to the sheriff to deal with it?…that we have had to do this before?

IS IT TRUE that we would like to thank and congratulate the Evansville-Vanderburgh Drug Task force and the DEA for the silent work that lead to the destruction of a major crack cocaine operation?…that law enforcement does not always get the recognition that they deserve and that we wish to commend all who participated in this operation and the families back home who support their efforts?

IS IT TRUE that in our effort to become more and more efficient and increasingly predictable and reproducible in our day to day living that we often discard thoughts and actions that are outside of the bounds of mainstream norms?…that if we pass the same pile of garbage or rubble everyday that our minds actually paint the garbage into our expectations of acceptable reality?…that after a while we do not even recognize the things in our lives that are profoundly ugly or beautiful?…that goes for most of the people but not for everyone?…that there are people who see through the clutter and succeed in living outside the box?…that people tend to love their boxes so much that they treasure life inside the box?…that some people never accept a boxed in way of living and even in death cheat the box (casket) by choosing an alternative way of disposing of a now useless body?…that Albert Einstein summed it up very eloquently when he said the following?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
~ Albert Einstein

IS IT TRUE that the places in this world that recognize what Dr. Einstein calls “the gift” of an intuitive mind and reward such gifts always seem to do much better than those that seek the path of the drone?…that we encourage our readers to drone when you must but be as intuitive as your mind will let you?

IS IT TRUE for those who are questioning the use of pictures that the City County Observer fairly uses for the purpose of reporting the news so as to justify using an un-owned image themselves for a purpose that that picture was never intended for, in a distorted format that diminishes the value of that picture, should familiarize themselves with the “FAIR USE” laws as they apply to news outlets?…that the CCO shall “continue to report news under protection of the fair use act – and will willfully remove any images if a request is made by the owner through a cease & desist order”, as we have on one previous occasion?

IS IT TRUE that under Article 50 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) requires that signatory countries enable courts to remedy copyright infringement with injunctions and the destruction of infringing products, and award damages.”?…that one way to remedy the unauthorized use of a piece of intellectual property is to demand for the destruction of all of the unauthorized copies of the material?


  1. Is it true that if Davis wins, those anonymous posters from the Civic Center could be in for a bit of trouble as their computers can easily be searched to find the aliases in question?

    Is it true that certain elected officials and appointed brats will have a lot to answer for in that case?

  2. I’ve said it before… stupid could you be to post on the CCO from a civic center IP address, it’s one thing to post on the C&P that is in cahoots with the administration (or at least likes the way they do business) from the civic center , but on the CCO…

    These people not only have no clues how computers, websites, or networking for that matter even work, they don’t realize there are logs that record these things….guess they have never heard of a proxy server either.

    It’s really funny….I trust the CCO not to revile my identity but the C&P no way would I trust them, which is why I rarely post on the C&P.


  3. 1st paragraph: “low and behold” used instead of lo and behold. Nuanced nicely neighbor.

  4. CCO: any reason to not file a police report on these threats coming from Civic Center ? I mean . . . the LEO’s would not have to walk far to investigate !

    • The threats did not strike any fear as some others have. It is a weekend and the police unfortunately will have more important things to do than protect us from a civil servant that does not post with a real name.

  5. Sooooooo….given the number of Davis relatives/supporters in the Civic Center…hmmmmmmm?

    • I would think more along the lines of Dem appointees made by the mayor and favorite employees of same. Also all the gang who signed the “I love Connie” document.

  6. There are programs to alert and track unauthorized use of a computer.
    We are not paying these people to hang out on the threads during their work hours.

    Perhaps the department heads and the systems administrator should have a meeting with employees to let them know they could lose their jobs over these violations of use.


    • Well, the employees of DMD should be very well aware that someone can be fired for improper Internet use. Right, Louise?

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