IS IT TRUE? March 17, 2011


MOLE #420

IS IT TRUE? March 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the boil advisory is finally lifted and that the inconveniences associated with boiling or buying water are over after three days?…that this little escapade exposed yet another shortcoming in either the infrastructure or the processes followed by the City of Evansville?…that we may never really know what happened?…that it could have been human error that should have been caught by automation and testing or it could have been yet another aging piece of infrastructure that failed?…that like all problems this one exposes some low hanging fruit when it comes to making some much needed improvements?…that Evansville should be able to test its own water?…that a process should be in place to greatly reduce the probability of human error?…that if it really was a creaky old valve failure that we are in for some more interruptions because the City of Evansville water treatment facility is full of creaky old valves?

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased and proud the team of reporters from News 25 led by Brad Byrd have stayed after the state of dilapidation at the Vann-Pollack park?…that some people believe that a picture is worth a thousand words so we have included a link to the News 25 story that comes with a 2 minute video of the Vann-Pollack park just to emphasize the advanced state of disrepair of this park?…that you may view the story on the following link?

IS IT TRUE that the Vann-Pollack park and the Evansville Water Department have something in common?…that the managers of both the park and the water department report to the same Bossman?…that Bossman could take this opportunity to direct any and all financial reparations that should be due to the people who rely on a working and safe municipal water system to repair the Vann-Pollack park?…that given the cost of bottled water for a customer base of 200,000 people, the three days that their health could have been compromised from drinking municipal sources, that a round number of roughly $1 Million would approximate the damages incurred by the customers of the water department?…that given the advanced state of dilapidation and decay that is evident at the Vann-Pollack park and in the other Evansville City Parks that $1 Million would go a long way to repairing, repaving, painting over cuss words, and repairing bathrooms?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer strongly suggests that the City of Evansville make a reparation payment of $1 Million on behalf of the customers of the Evansville Water Department dedicated to start a fund to reclaim the park system that has been allowed by the City of Evansville to degrade to inner city conditions?…that we call upon the candidates for Mayor of Evansville and the Evansville City Council to come forward with solutions to use that money wisely in a tangible and accountable way to visibly do something good to aid in the recovery of our city?

IS IT TRUE that a citizen advisory board made up of volunteers for each park should be appointed to identify needs in the entire park system?…that volunteerism must be made easy and FREE as it should have always been?…that the neighborhood residents should be the stewards of the parks and that the City of Evansville Parks Department should serve a new BOSSMAN, “THE PEOPLE OF EVANSVILLE”?


  1. I understand that the union has a rule about not allowing volunteers to do their work for them, but why doesn’t a group of citizens just quietly do it anyway. The city and it’s workers are doing a crappy job, so let them sue a group of volunteers and see how far they get. First of all, unless a union representative happens to be there at the time the work is occuring, how are they going to know who to sue? The negative publicity of such an attempt would make them look worse than they already do and no politicians would want to have their name/face associated with any such lawsuit. It would probably result in more action in the parks from the group that is supposed to be taking care of the parks in the first place.

    • BigPappa, what a few of us are doing is “guerilla gardening” public spots. Just grab a rake, a few trash bags, a milk stool and a pouch of hand tools and go to it. Most folks think we’re just a civic minded group of some sort caring for an official adopt-a-spot. And if anyone bothers to ask me, that’s what I tell them. Never had a problem yet. In fact, we’ve had several walkers and joggers top and compliment our work and tell us it’s made their walks more enjoyable.

    • The reason that volunteers do not perform these actions, is because the union can file a grievance with the city…the city then loses money on the greviance, therefore making it nearly impossible for the city to encourage neighborhood stewardship.

      • Seriously??? This is an overwhelmingly stupid contract. If some of us get together to weed eat a park on a Saturday with our own weed eaters and gas the City of Evansville will be fined over a grievance. How much is the fine? Maybe the least expensive solution is to do the work and pay the fine. Or better yet get arrested and jailed for cleaning a park that looks like an abandoned field. I hope the rest of the country is not run like this.

        • It’s not a fine. What happens is a union worker for parks department who ordinarily would perform such work may file a grievance if the work is performed by someone outside the bargaining unit assigned to the task. If the grievance prevails, the worker will receive pay for the hours of work performed by the volunteers or whatever other workers who are not part of the bargaining unit assigned to perform parks labor. So, like if you and I went out and spent half a day on Saturday and half a day on Sunday manicuring a neighborhood park, the parks dept. union worker would get 8 hours at time and a half, plus another 8 hours at double time.

          And that’s why I say guerilla garden the damned parks and risk getting arrested for it. Wonder which judge would have the cahones to fine you?

          • Or maybe you’d get sentenced to community service and have to go out and rake leaves and pick up friggin’ trash. Oh, the irony of it all.

            • Wouldn’t that be sweet. Judge says “you sir are guilty of the crime of cleaning a park, I sentence you to three weekends of cleaning parks in an orange jumpsuit”.

  2. I completely agree that there should be a volunteer advisory board for the park system. That is a great idea that the candidates for mayor and city council should start working on.

    • When’s the last time you saw a candidate or council member out there sprucing up a park or public right-of-way. Pffffft. And who the hell needs another freakin’ committee?!? Just grab some hand tools and a few trash bags and go do it. Don’t ask, don’t tell. The neighborhood will be grateful as hell.

  3. Here is the deal. The city council, the candidates, the mayor, the government in general will either not do it or will take too long to get it done. It the people want this, the people themselves will have to step up. There will need to be one leader for each park to get everything organized. It will take a good bit of work to start and to maintain the momentum. The work will be hard at first because the situations of many parks has deteriated so badly. What about working through or with the neighborhood associations who already have some leadership positions? People just have to want it enough. And here is the thing. Please don’t start making suggestions for others to implement. That amounts to armchair politics. Just do it. That is what some friends and I did with the Wesselman Park/Ball complex issue. Walk up, take the microphone, and organize. Almost everyone has shovels, rakes, lawn mowers, hammers. It won’t be done over night but it can be done over the coarse of this summer. And it will need to be done for a long time. Just realize going in that you will get heat, criticism, broken promises, lack of cooperation, thankless excuses, and grief from all kinds of places. But if you make a commitment and stick with it , you will succeed. “Power to the people” 1966

    • The reason that volunteers do not perform these actions, is because the union can file a grievance with the city…the city then loses money on the greviance, therefore making it nearly impossible for the city to encourage neighborhood stewardship.

      • Brent, I understand what you are saying. However the citizens have to make it clear to the city government that the current contract is not acceptable and that if the city is not taking proper care of city property then, since the public owns this property, the public will take care of it. Unions have their place in society but they don’t work all the time. And this is one of those times. The city also needs to be totally honest with the people of Evansville about where all money is spent and wasted. There may be money out there that could be funnelled to parks that is not REALLY needed elsewhare. (Don’t get me started on that one.) It is my opinion that if you are walking in the park, have few minutes and wish to pick weeds, then do it. If the union and the city are so petty as to resent this, then there are huge problems with the relationship between the city and the union. Legalities are not always common sense. So arrest me. The city did not send me out there to pick weeds. I just took it upon myself. And since I did not sign the union contract………….

  4. I enjoy a day a Garvin Park watching them mow. They like to take time to stop & sit on their mowers for a small chat. While we wait for them to get done mowing so we may have full use of the park. We are told on a reoccuring basis of how “stretched” they are with their small group of employees & how they can’t get to everything for maintenance. Maybe a little less talk would get the job done. Use your lunch time to catch up. Are all the pools going to be able to open this summer?

  5. This park has been in a state off disrepair for years and now that it is an elections year Missy Mosby is interested in getting it repaired. Where has she been the last 3+ years?

  6. I think it is a great idea that neighborhood associations are included in the beautification of our parks. Clearly, many of the parks are used mostly by the citizens that live within walking distance of them and have a greater interest in their cleanliness.

    Soon2B has done a great service to take up rakes to make the parks a better place for all and should be commended for his efforts. As for I, a city council at large candidate, I did work with the Association of Wabash Men in fixing up the park and memorial in the Eastbrook Mobile Home complex after it was neglected for more than a year following the tornado. The contract can be fixed to allow for volunteers. I believe reasonable minds can come together to ensure the union members don’t lose jobs and that our parks are improved. It seems their interest is in preventing paid outsourcing, not community involvment from concerned citizens. With continued dialogue on this and other subjects the leaders are forced to listen and will address the situations otherwise they will be replaced. I am happy that Missy Mosby has addressed the situation at Vann-Pollack. Her interest is genuine in that she lives in the area of the park and would hate to have that as an eyesore for her constituents and herself.

    • I agree Missy Mosby has frequently voiced her opinion and used her clout on behalf of her 2nd Ward constituents even when it did not gain her points with the rest of the community, her party, and fellow office holders.

      Connor, you and your men’s association should be highly commended for lending a hand to the tornado victims even when you hadn’t even begun to think of running for office. I think you are sincere, and will be a good council member. I hope you make it.

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