Evansville Police Department: Community Assessment by Woodard and Associates


Report is Disturbing but Necessary to Improve Relations

Woodard and Associates was hired by the Evansville Police Department to do an assessment of the community with respect to becoming better able to provide police protection to Evansville’s African American and Latino communities. The City County Observer came out in support of Dr. Talitha Washington of the University of Evansville in her demand to release the entire study to the public as opposed to the cliff notes version that was released last week. Fortunately the EPD has provided this study as we and Dr. Washington demanded. The link below is to an unedited version of the final draft of that study. We encourage all to read the study and to reflect on its contents. We also encourage everyone to realize that the moments described that we wish never happened only reflect the deeds of some individual officers and not the entire department.

In the spirit of transparency and disclosure we truly hope that this study will lead to enlightenment and positive actions to enhance the harmony of Evansville as a place where we can all live together and prosper.

EPD Community_Assessment


  1. Has anyone extended an official apology to the African-American owner of the RV who visited Evanspatch to get his RV serviced and subsequently had his RV trashed by rampaging officers and drug sniffing dogs?

    • We don’t know that answer but someone should and the employer of the ones who did that should repay that man for whatever his costs were from his RV being trashed.

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