IS IT TRUE July 26, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 26, 2012

IS IT TRUE the United Neighborhoods of Evansville will be holding a forum on the subject of consolidation that could be called dueling for ballots?…the meeting will be held at the C. K. Newsome Center at 6:30 pm tonight?…the advocates for opposition to consolidation are Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis and county resident Bruce Ungethiem who is a leader in the group called CORE?…that putting the gloves on to spar for the pro-consolidation team will be Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams who has been the focus of criticism by CORE for finding a way to keep law enforcement off the table for exploring consolidation related cost savings for 10 years?…the City County Observer encourages attendance at this event and truth from the mouths of the speakers?

IS IT TRUE national organizations are predicting the cost of food from vegetables to meat will see a price increase over the next couple of months by between 5% and 10% depending on one’s location?…the culprit causing the expected increase is of course the drought and extreme temperatures that have diminished the cash crops in the nation’s breadbasket that includes Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky?…that western states have not seen much change in typical weather?…the produce from the California Central Valley and Mexico should make up for some of the losses in the heartland but there will be transportation costs adding to the shelf price of what we buy?…mercifully the gas prices that were predicted to go over $5 per gallon this summer have not done so?…back in 2009 when we were moaning about paying $2.50 per gallon no one would have predicted a 2012 statement like “gas is going down, can you believe it is ONLY $3.50 a gallon”?…including food and energy in the cost of living index (why those things are excluded is mind boggling) would raise the “official” price increase from early 2008 until now upwards from the 10.7% shown on the inflation calculator?

IS IT TRUE that graphs show that gasoline at the beginning of 2009 averaged $1.61 per gallon across the United States?…that today gasoline averages $3.50 per gallon for an increase of 117%?…if you drive 1,000 miles per month in a car that averages 20 miles per gallon that you burn 50 gallons a month and your monthly gas bill has increased $94.50 per month to $175.00 per month?…that a typical family has two cars that do that meaning the gas bill for an average family with two workers is now spending $350 per month on gas which is $189 per month (a car payment) more than they spent 4 years ago?…the official cost of living increase is debunked by simply looking at gas that our government conveniently excludes from the discussion?

IS IT TRUE the Obama White House does not want to highlight the pending increases in payroll taxes that will raise the tax rates on everyone that works for a living by 2% when they expire in January?…the health-care law is still not especially popular, even with Obama’s victory at the Supreme Court?…it is not good politics to note that the looming increase in the Social Security payroll tax will reduce the size of the middle-class tax cuts that the president is promoting on the campaign trail?…for ordinary Americans, the net effect on the paycheck is ultimately what counts? …if the White House is going to brag about payroll tax cuts in a report touting its tax-cut plan for the middle class, it should openly acknowledge that a good chunk of those promised tax cuts will disappear when the payroll tax cuts lapse?…the net effect of the hyped tax cuts for the middle class is pretty much a big sham in which the right hand of the government (income tax) transfers money to the left hand of the government (FICA) leaving the government with the same amount of money and working families confused about how they got tricked into thinking they got a tax cut?


  1. Boring IIT!

    Expect better.

    Speaking of boring. Eric Williams talk on “Consolidation” is not only boring but laughable! His facts are not only wrong but he isn’t a very good speaker.

    • What is Williams supposed to say?: Hello, I am Sheriff Eric Williams and have been informed by highly placed people in city government that the city of Evansville’s spending habits(mismanagement), coupled with its declining population and tax base has left it no other option than to annex the entire Vanderburgh county in an effort to keep afloat.

      If I were Rick Davis I would just get up and tell any city officials present, if any besides Rick show up, (notice they picked a county official to front their attempted takeover) that you made your bed and now you can lie in it. Sometimes bankruptcy is the only way to set the train back on the tracks and to wake people up about the need for elected officials to adopt a budget based in reality and then stick to that budget.


  2. When you factor in energy, fuel, and food prices, the money printing of the Federal Reserve (inflation) becomes apparent.

    Inflation happening at a time when we should technically be experiencing a deflation of prices due to the economic contraction is very telling. The real level of inflation is being hidden by the severe recession we are in.

    Smart people should be supporting Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” bill now in the Senate, and moving their wealth away from dollars into real assets that stand a chance of appreciating over the next 20 years.

    If you are a retiree or living on a fixed income, guess what… You’re SCREWED! You’re losing everything you worked for all your life to banker-generated, politician-enabled inflation. You’re welcome. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of life.

    • Are we the only 2 that see this? Depending on your age maybe you just see it. At my age I feel it.

      • Nope…. I see it too, I’m a few years from retirement and the chance of that happening is very slim, luckily owning my own business I can work till I keel over which is I’m sure what is going to happen long before retirement is a possibility.


      • Excuse the following rant…

        I’m only 35, so I’ve got some time left to prepare, and I’ll be damned if I make my daughter wipe my ass in 30 years because I was too stupid not to prepare for the obvious shit storm coming down the pipe.

        I want to OPT OUT of Social Security. I want my daughter to have that option as well. It is a scam. I want to invest my own money the way I see fit. I’m pretty damned sure I could do better than the government.

        I want to be able to conduct business transactions in gold or silver and tell Federal Reserve Notes and the bankers who love us using them to KISS MY ASS.

        I want to see the IRS abolished and the mountainous, slavery-inducing tax code burned in effigy. We left feudalism behind for a reason. The fruits of my labor are mine and mine alone.

        I want my countrymen to learn to be fishermen themselves and stop crying for a piece of someone else’s fish. None of us is Jesus Christ and we can’t create more fish from thin air.

        I want my country to start acting like a nation full of grown ups and stop trying to be the world’s police force, so we can make all of these wishes a reality.

        In short, I am a free man, a sovereign human being, and I’m sick of government’s bullshit.

        • Well, then grow all your own food. Frack your own natural gas, or cut your own wood to cook and heat your home. Buy a milk cow and keep it in the garage. And get yourself a jet pack so you’re not traveling on government built and maintained roads. That would be a start. Meanwhile, give the sloganeering and Tea Party bullshit a rest.

          • I see your strawman and raise you a gallon of gasoline…

            What’s your argument here? That government grows my food? I don’t use natural gas, but are you arguing that natural gas wouldn’t be used without government?

            I actually do have a fireplace that I use part of the time. I grew up on a farm and have milked plenty of cows.

            As for the roads, I’d be happy to give up the Federal Interstate if it meant no Federal income taxes. The rest is done through State and local.

            My rant was mainly against the Federal Government. Obviously, you can’t understand the difference.

            …and even if I had a jet pack, I’d have to ask the FAA for permission to fly the damn thing.

          • That just about everything you use, consume, drive on, or drive in has been developed and subsidized by tax dollars, otherwise it would never have seen the light of today. So, pay your taxes or grow and build it yourself.

          • I must have missed the chapter in the Henry Ford biography where he ran to the government for help developing the automobile. My bad.

          • I’m speaking in more recent terms and probably should’ve said “developed and/or subsidized.” Maybe with your advanced intelligence you can learn to read between the lines next time.

            Meanwhile, since I don’t have the time or inclination to argue endlessly with you, and since those who do end up getting tongue lashed in your extremely vulger term usage (as the lady on Facebook learned last month), I’ll just extend the following invitation: Why don’t you and Grover Norquist both move to Somalia if life in the U.S. is so awful.

          • Learn to make a cogent argument and I won’t have to read between any lines. That would, of course, require you to brush up on your facts.

            By the way, the term for me is “libertarian”, “classical liberal”, or if you’re being adventurous “Paulbot”. I am not a tea partier.

  3. We were lucky enough to take a vacation to England in 2000. (This was our last vacation.) At that time we did not do the go-to-London thing that some tourist do but rather rented a car and drove the country side to several small towns and hamlets. It was wonderful.

    The point I wish to make is that at that time gas there was over 7.00/gallon. The cars there at that time were much more fuel efficient than ours here and these were American made cars. We rented a Ford. So it has been possible to make more fuel-efficient vehicles for many years. It is just that the major car companies here do not believe that people in the US will buy them. I really get tired of people who drive huge gas-eaters complaining about the cost of gas.

    Next point is that if people would make more of an effort to eat locally and seasonally less transportation mileage and therefore fuel would be used. It is very difficult this year. I know my garden is in sad shape but we still are picking some things that we use every day and we plan meals around these items. There are also various farmers stands in the area that keep us from having to buy much from out of state or across the country. One can also say “I really don’t need that avocado from across the country. I can choose to eat something local instead.”

    • Make that Ford or any brand here, make it affordable, make it meet U.S. safety standards, and able to nicely accommodate my 6′ 4″ frame and I will buy it, as many more will also. A lot of people cannot afford a 30k+ new car with the economy in the tank, especially if they have children.

      • That why the “Cash for Clunkers” was such a bullshit program… The amount of waste energy on creating and selling a brand new automobile far outweighs any benefits of destroying an old beater that might only get 15-20mpg.

        It’s false economy. Of course, it makes the global warming fear mongers feel better, but it’s still false.

  4. I finally agree with what my wife says about Sheriff Williams.

    She says; he is nothing but an “empty suit”. Also he is a “self serving know it all”!

  5. From a decent deputy sheriff to a career politian. A puppet of the political machine that , like a sucubus, paracites power and energy from those it feeds off of. I’m going tonite for the entertainment.

  6. onemeover please post tomorrow and tell us what you learned from two face Eric Williams tonight.

  7. Why not cut the city budget to meet the revenue coming in. If it means cutting jobs and benefits, so be it. This is how its done in the private sector.

  8. Word just in concerning the great debate between Williams and Davis.

    Davis controlled the debate.

    Williams need to re-check his facts. Very poor showing on Williams behalf.

    When Williams take on the Mayor in the next election he should not agree to any debates.

  9. I was @ the Vandeburgh Co fair on Wednesday, I over heard some fair state they where told they had to remove all signs on the vote NO from the 4 H grounds. Mr Williams demanded this. Can someone check on these rumors and post your findings.

    • If Eric Williams did this he is in violation of election laws himself and should be prosecuted for obstructing the election process. Petty thuggery like this is by no means the makings of a future mayor and should be grounds for dismissal of a sitting sheriff.

      He must have Weaver’s disease thinking that political sign theft is just standard operating procedure in dogpatch. Hey CORE! You just got Weavered by the Sheriff.

      • He did do that, under what power I do not know. I do know he made quite a few enemies yesterday on both the fair board and fair commitee. He should know country folks hold a grudge pretty well….. for a LONG time.

  10. I wonder how the mayor and sheriff will expain the reorganization with both supporting Y _ _. Should be an interesting race for mayor. Hope I don’t get to vote on this race. I’m voting NO in November.

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