Human Relations Commission Purpose for Existance


The City County Observer would like to make the guiding documents for the Human Relations Commission available for our readers to analyze and form their own opinions on. Our analysis of the document on the link below is that these words are quite positive. Yesterday’s allegations against this commission were focused on one person’s perception of the activities of the commission without any comment regarding the core mission. We encourage our readers to opine on whether this commission is meeting the goals of its mission in a fair and equitable manner.



  1. Very interesting. Thank you for posting this, since few people would have known how to find this, and since we all know that finding documentation like this on the Evansville/Vanderburgh County website is pretty damn impossible.

    I find it of significance that this document repeatedly states that a persons “sex” may not be used in the decision making process. Will that stipulation also be extended to “sexual orientation”?

  2. Great research CCO.

    I see nothing that states that the Board HRC is responible to sponsor picnics, holding hand while surounding the YWCA, medical screening for black males and etc.

    Pardon me if people made a big to do about the Vanderburgh County Convention and Vistors board spending big bucks at an annual Christmas party why is this no different. It seems like this board spent money on projects beyond their scope.

    Alright, Ms. Abell and Mayor please treat the members of HRC board the same way you’all treated the Convention board members, ask them to resign!

  3. I see the point. This board is more guilty of self serving spending than the CVB was with their Opus One festival.

  4. Just saw one of the HRC board members on TV, what an idiot.

    He says everything is fine conceerning the conduct of his board. I think is is a professor at U of E. His also a big and open supporter of “GAYS Rights” in this area.

    I have a nephew that attends U of E and he tells us that this guy is a real out of control left winger.

    Glad my nephew don’t have to take his class!

  5. Just heard Mayor W position statement on TV concerning the HRC situation. He thinks everything is fine.

    Now I would like to hear what his “political puppet” County Commissioner Marsha Abells opinion on this situation.

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