IS IT TRUE August 13, 2012


Congressman Paul “MONEY BADGER” Ryan

IS IT TRUE August 13, 2012

IS IT TRUE the pre-season favorite to win the NCAA Football BCS Championship LSU Tigers have tossed their most celebrated player Tyrann Mathieu off of the team for violating “team rules”?…those of you who follow college football probably know Mathieu by his nickname “Honey Badger”?…the Honey Badger had a video made by a fan last year comparing him to the powerful animal of the same name that “takes what he wants”?…that Honey Badger was forced to sit out one game last year over being caught using synthetic marijuana or K2?…the team rules for which the Honey Badger was tossed for may very well be for another round of taking what he wants?…that all things aside Tyrann Mathieu will go on to the NFL and make some good money doing so?

IS IT TRUE that Mitt Romney has now chosen Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate?…Ryan is best known for having authored and passed two budgets through the US House of Representatives?…that is two more budgets than President Obama has gotten passed through any house of congress?…this year President Obama’s budget was shot down by a vote of 414 – 0 in the House and 99 – 0 in the Senate?…that in honor of the mascot of the University of Wisconsin and playing on the tenacious football player from paragraph one that we hereby offer up the nickname “MONEY BADGER” for Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan?…all that is needed now is a youtube video like the Honey Badger has stating “MONEY BADGER GETS WHAT HE WANTS”?

IS IT TRUE the cemeteries owned and operated by the City of Evansville are now advertising their services?…we wonder where in the budget of the City of Evansville that any line item for advertising on behalf of the Oak Hill and Locust Hill cemeteries would be hidden?…the City County Observer will not be holding our breath to be getting any checks from the Winnecke Administration for a banner ad offering the services of the cemeteries as criticism is never taken well in the halls of government?

IS IT TRUE that multiple moles are telling the CCO that GAGE president Debbie Dewey is asserting that there are no clawback provisions in place that will allow the City of Evansville to recover unearned incentives that Whirlpool has benefitted from at the expense of Evansville taxpayers?…in the old days GAGE was only responsible to score the tax phase in applications but any contractual relationships were the responsibility of the Evansville City Council as the taxing authority?…it is very possible that Ms. Dewey is not the right person to ask about the contracts or lack of contracts governing tax abatements and incentives?

IS IT TRUE that clawbacks are usually included in a separate memorandum of understanding between the taxing authority and the company according to the attorney at the training session on tax incentives conducted by the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance?…it is entirely possible that the Evansville City Council does not have any contractual basis on which to repatriate unearned incentives?…if this kind of incentive is granted with a nod, a wink, or even a handshake, then some serious reform needs to be taking place?…if there is indeed no way, no will, or both on the Evansville City Council to collect money that is due the people of Evansville that this is just one more fine example of doing things like bumpkins on the banks of the Ohio?…the time to keep electing bumpkins and good old boys (or girls) to majority positions over the people’s money should have ended 50 years ago?…maybe we should send Deputy Dog, Boss Hogg, and Barney Fife to collect our money?…maybe we already have?…we wonder where is Buford Pusser when you need him?


  1. Romney picked the wrong “Paul”.

    On the tax incentives issue, the City should simply send Whirlpool the bill for back taxes owed and take it from there. Surely the debate begins with a bill.

    • Paul Ryan begging Congress to pass TARP saying, “Madame Speakers, this Bill offends my principles, but I’m gonna vote for this Bill to preserve my principles.”

      This guy is a total joke. He’s been groomed by the establishment and other budgets with deeper, more effective cuts were ignored while the media threw fuel on his budget for branding purposes.

      • It is totally unfair to call Ryan a joke. Would you rather have Biden as president?

        You have to play the cards you the voter have been dealt. Is it it Obama/Biden or Romney/Ryan. Obama did give us change alright–he lead the nation in the wrong direction. Just look at the results of his change

        • It’s not unfair at all. Did you watch the video? What is “unfair” is calling Ryan a “libertarian” like Fox News is trying to do. This guy is an imposter just like Glenn Beck. Sorry. I call ’em like I see ’em.

          …and no, Sir. There are more cards in the deck than the ones you mentioned. The two-party, lesser of evils game is not one I’m willing to play. I have principles, and I’ll be voting Gary Johnson in the Presidential race. Call it voter nullification.

          • I the same guy who is supposed to be a concerned American citizen who sees a bunch of jokers who supported bank bailouts passing themselves off as “Republicans”.

            But, yeah, I’m a PC. Hopefully I can help drag my Party back in line. One thing is for certain, shutting up when I see the BS helps nothing.

  2. I love the loaded, one sided readers poll questions. The Romney campaign won’t use any of that Super PAC cash. Right

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