Happy Hanukkah Evansville


The sun has set and all of our friends and readers who celebrate the Jewish tradition of Hanukkah are now lighting the first light of the menorah. The City County Observer would like to extend our best wishes and thanks to all of our readers of the Jewish faith.


  1. Happy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends, and I hope that the CCO also remembers to wish a happy Winter Solstice tomorrow to all my pagan friends and a Happy Festivus to Seinfeld aficionados everywhere on the 23RD. Let the feats of strength begin.

      • Just because I’m pagan, actually Wiccan, doesn’t make me a heathen. I save that for these newcomer Christians

    • Barney,

      When does the ‘airing of the grievances’ begin . . . I have plenty !

  2. im a proud catholic ,but i wont knock your beleifs ,just dont knock mine and were fine

    • and a very Merry Christmas to you. The CCO encourages everyone to honor each others faiths and traditions by name. None of that politically correct Happy Holidays BS from the CCO. It is Merry Christmas, Happy Hanakkah, Joyful Kwanza, and even Heathen’s Greetings from us.

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