EVSC Budget 2011-2012


Click Here to download the EVSC Budget for 2011-12


  1. EVSC Budget 2011-2012

    “About 22 percent of the expected budget will be funded by property taxes – a total of $45,918,574.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    What you may not know, and EVSC did not explain, is that “Debt Service” is paid from PROPERTY TAXES.

    That means that $14. Million of that $45. Million is going for debt service. This amount is scheduled to increase as the longer held construction bonds become due in the out years.


    • They may make the argument that the retirement bonds will soon be paid off, but with the current state of the Teachers Retirement Fund I believe it is just a matter of time before the taxpayers get saddled with another similar program to make up any forecasted shortfall.


      • EVSC has an enrollment of 20,611 students, and the 2011-2012 proposed budget is $209,497,499.

        Divide the budget by the number of students and you get the amount spent per student, which is $10,164.

        • The State of Indiana provided a little over half of that cost at $5,753.79 in tuition support for EVSC in the 2010-2011 school year.

  2. This is not a budget! It is a bare bones Press Release.

    Yes, I have prepared budgets for some of the largest employers in Evansville.

    This is just another example of the lack of transparancy by our government officials.

    CCO, why not ask EVSC for a detailed budget, not an understandable sketch?

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