ECVB Board Spent $10,205 on 5 Christmas Feasts: Charter Flight to Inspect Ballfields was $2,542.90 for 5 Travellers


2010 Bacchanalian Fest Over the Top
Can’t Five People Fit in a Minivan for Trips to Tennessee?

The article that we were working on and preparing to publish prior to the crash of our server was about the receipts for the Christmas parties for the Evansville Convention and Visitors Board of Directors for the immediate past. Those expenditures have been as follows:

2006: $1,836.07
2007: $1,765.00
2008: $1,357.33
2009: $2,167.04 (15 people, 9 bottles of wine, 22 alcoholic beverages: Most expensive wine was $65.00 per bottle)
2010: $3,079.00


Details were not available for years 2006 – 2008. In each year the tab was covered by the Executive Director of the ECVB.

A group of five people that included board members David Dunn and Joe Vezzoso, architect Mike Shoulders, Gray Loon’s Jon Ruthenburg, and Executive Director Marilee Fowler did charter a plane to visit little league complexes in Knoxville and Chattanooga at a cost of $2,542.90 on January 11, 2010.


  1. Wow,

    10,205.00 for boozed out ECVB parties.
    10,000.00+ apparently stolen from GAGE by an employee.
    70,000.00 lost courtesy of Mrs. Durham.
    (That’s just for starters!)

    I can’t help but remember that Evansville Democratic party slogan last Nov?

    “Vote for the advocates for the Economic Disadvantaged!”

    For every furious voter, there’s a knight township firefighter that has smoke rolling out of his ears!

    It’s too bad the voters kicked Andrew Smith out of town… “Sewers need to flow before the Opus” isn’t nearly as catchy as the old slogan, but… Ahh, never mind, the voters flat rejected that last time.

  2. What a lynching this is turning out to be and a sorry embarrassment for the dinner participants. To put this in perspective, it appears to me that an acceptable precedent was set in years past. These board members are smart people of which any one of them could have paid the bill in full and not blinked an eye. So, I have to ask … was this dinner party in the CVB budget? If not … why not since it appears to be an annual event? And if it is in the budget, who approves the budget? Something’s just not right in river city … I smell a rat.

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