December’s Southern Indiana Democracy For America Town Hall will discuss, What’s Right? What’s Wrong with Obamacare? The event will take place in the Browning Room A of the Central Library beginning at 7 PM on Wednesday, December 4.
The political right wants it eliminated, the political left had sought a single payer system similar to that of Canada to the north, what came about was a plan offered by Republicans as early as 1996 but now hated by that same party. The result: it is an unpopular law.
Now, in States where it was embraced, it is working but in States where it has been fought, like Indiana, it is mired in negativity. Instead of promoting a law that will insure millions with policies that cover pre-existing conditions and offer generous subsidies for people at the lower end of what is considered middle class, those opposed are doing everything they can to make it fail.
SOINDFA believes that civil discussion of a broad range of issues important to the Tri-State will reveal factual information and correct misinformation that happens when there is such a political divide.
Citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in our “first Wednesday” Town Halls. Events are free to attend.
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