Daily Topic Forum April 25, 2015



For the last couple of month we have been watching our bloggers getting off topic. Sometime the posters got real personal and insulting. With much thought and planning we have decided to add a new section to the CCO so you can go off topic long as you want. The name of this new section is called “OFF TOPIC FORUM.”  We placed this new section in the upper right hand corner.  This site is ready for you to post your off messages on a daily basis.

Attached is the new CCO posting rules for your review and compliance.

CITY COUNTY OBSERVER New Posting Rules And Guidelines As Of April, 25, 2015

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    IS IT TRUE – that on Monday March 16th – 2015 – Ol’ Man Winter
    showed a rare moment of mercy – and that the crisp 46 degree morning
    slowly and stubbornly yielded to a balmy and welcome 74 – by mid afternoon?
    And that the seldom seen and dearly missed sun was clearly visible
    riding low across the southern sky – across Evansville’s riverfront?
    And that there – I witnessed in awe – the rain swollen Ohio
    as it lunged past the Four Freedoms Monument and over the submerged plaza
    with a magnificence and uncontrolled power that
    cannot be described by words on a page?

    IS IT TRUE – that soon I noticed noticed my eyes and throat burning?
    and that it was strong enough to make breathing difficult?
    Was it burning rubber – ammonia – or something even worse?
    Then it came to me that what ever it was – smelled like a gas station bathroom
    that hadn’t been flushed or cleaned in weeks.

    IS IT TRUE – I remembered that a City upstream had experienced a power outage
    and had discharged millions of gallons of raw sewage into the river
    and I realized that we were surely adding to the mix
    and that Evansville discharges raw sewage into the Ohio as a matter of course
    and that there is no power outage or rare occurrence to blame?

    IS IT TRUE – most Cities are not located along great waterways
    and that they have found ways to deal with their waste
    in affordable and environmentally sound ways
    and that Evansville’s failure to achieve this fundamental function
    cannot be described by words on a page?

    IS IT TRUE – I am sorely disappointed and embarrassed by our city leaders
    both past and present who have chosen to ignore the basic principles of
    sanitation – environmental responsibility and public welfare
    by dumping our filth directly into the Great Ohio River?

    IS IT TRUE – that Evansville has borrowed and spent
    just about all she will ever be able to borrow and spend
    and that the cost of coming into compliance with EPA sewer mandates
    and the principles of common decency will be around a billion dollars
    and that City leaders plan to finance the gigantic project
    on the backs of her residents – by adding the cost to their water bills
    and that many folks will choose to leave Evansville
    rather than go bankrupt – trying to save her?

    IS IT TRUE – that this reader still hold a deep abiding respect
    for the natural grace and beauty that was once this Country
    and like that crying Indian – Iron Eyes Cody
    sheds a painful and heartbroken tear
    and that the shame and the sadness in my heart
    cannot be described by words on a page? …

  2. IIT that some people who are addicted to Meth use the new E Cigarettes to get high in public? I guess I’m asking this because it never occurred to me that this could be possible until yesterday. I was at the Walmart doing some shopping and saw a guy using one of those E Cigarettes inside the store. Now I wish I had a picture of the guy as it’s hard to describe him. But think of someone who is 6’3″ with a long scraggly beard and hair down to his collar wearing the same cloths for a week and smelling of some thing that I can’t place my finger on. But the smell lasted in my nose well into the next day. I’m blowing my nose every 10 minutes and still can’t get that smell out of my nose. Do E cigarettes smell like that? Does the vaps last for days after you encounter one of those things in use? I don’t know what burning meth smells like but this stuff smelled horrible. It reminds me of a trash fire that I’ve smelled when driving down the road and see a large 55 gallon barrel sitting outside in someone’s back yard burning all sorts of trash and garbage. A Putrid sort of smell. Now I can only remember one other smell that stayed with me for months and that was when I found a dead body that had died in a fire one time. The smell of burnt human flesh stayed with me for years after that. I’m finally over that but it took about ten years before my brain would not remember that god awful smell. This guy in Wal-mart smelled like that and I can’t get that smell out of my nose this morning. Heck I even tried using a saline nasal spray solution to wash that stuff out of my nostrils. And that didn’t work out well.

    Oh and I forget to say that I looked in this guys eye and noticed that his pupils were pin point. Now I know that some drugs make your pupils contract and others will make them dilate. I should have taken note of how other people’s pupils looked in the lighting at Wal-Mart that day.

    The guy also stated that he had lost his job. I felt like telling him that he needs to take a bath, shave and get a damn hair cut and go out looking for a job after he clean. And I should have added to put down the Crack Pipe!!! If I were a policeman I would have called for backup and asked those higher up if this guy was a danger to society and should I arrest him?

    If Kuesters still have 5 or 6 different stores in this area I’d never have to go to Wal-Mart ever again. But I need to buy a garden hose splicer in order to fix a garden hose that got a hole in it. I forgot to drain the hose last fall and the water froze inside the end of the hose and expanded to much that it cracked the hose.

    I should have entitled this essay as the “People of Wal-Mart”.

    • That’s not the only place one can encounter olfactory distress. How about and international flight sitting next to the queen of funkyland. That was years ago but my senses can still recall that nasty incursion. The woman was from France, I think her sweater and scarf could have been woven from skunk tails. That’s took about 48 hours to clear my sinuses. As I exited the plane at O’Hare, the stewardess quietly thanked me for not complaining about queen reek from funkyland. Whew…….

  3. When is the Sun going to come back out? It’s April 25th and it’s been raining for days upon days. I need some light therapy.

    • With the enhanced instability in the atmosphere today I’m afraid afternoon sunshine and its heating potential energy would be your enemy today @moveon. Today might get tough for some locations, the climate migration has allowed the atmospheres thermodynamic energy to come packing today.


  4. Does the CCO charge candidates for political adds? If so should that be reported on the candidates financial report. If not paying for adds it should be reported as a in-kind contribution. Found only one candidate paying $250 to CCO

  5. President Obama should be thankful to the Clintons this week The “new” stench coming from their finances over shadowed the President’s continuing to bow to the Iranians.

  6. The Community Organizer-in-Chief has his personal e-mails hacked by the Ruskies:

    “WASHINGTON — Some of President Obama’s email correspondence was swept up by Russian hackers last year in a breach of the White House’s unclassified computer system that was far more intrusive and worrisome than has been publicly acknowledged, according to senior American officials briefed on the investigation.

    The hackers, who also got deeply into the State Department’s unclassified system, do not appear to have penetrated closely guarded servers that control the message traffic from Mr. Obama’s BlackBerry, which he or an aide carries constantly.

    But they obtained access to the email archives of people inside the White House, and perhaps some outside, with whom Mr. Obama regularly communicated. From those accounts, they reached emails that the president had sent and received, according to officials briefed on the investigation.”

    Obama, Americas greatest security threat.


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