CHANNEL 44 NEWS: Evansville HUD Funding Could Be Eliminated


Evansville HUD Funding Could Be Eliminated

Evansville officials are concerned the federal budget ax is going to fall hard on subsidized housing programs in the city. According to a report in the Washington Post the Trump administration is considering $6 billion in cuts to the Department of…


  1. So far from what I read this project should be eliminated,if I remember correctly an old warehouse in Evansville was going to be transformed into 27 one bedroom apartments at a total cost of $6.1 million,,,,,$6,100,000.00 or in easier terms not quite $226,000.00 per 1 bedroom apartment
    HUD has no problem foolishly spending our tax dollars

    • I agree. A once useful program that has become a sacred cow for politicians to waste taxpayer’s money. Get rid of this whole federal bureaucratic boondoggle and come up with something that will actually serve those it was originally intended to help.

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