Hold press conference to discuss its impact on jobs and patient care


(Washington, D.C.) – Saturday, March 23, 2013 marks three years since President Obama and his allies forced the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on the American people, without one bipartisan vote on the floor. Today, the House GOP Doctors Caucus held a press conference to highlight their concerns with this law.

Representative Larry Bucshon (IN-08) released the following statement regarding the three year anniversary:

“As a former cardiothoracic surgeon, I understand healthcare decisions are better made between a patient and their doctor – not by government bureaucrats.

“The Affordable Care Act takes the opposite approach and despite the President’s promises, premiums are on the rise for young people and middle class families, nearly 7 million Americans will lose their job-based health insurance plans, and care to our nation’s seniors is placed in the hands of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats.

“Among the many new taxes, the Medical Device Tax is also particularly troubling for Indiana. The Hoosier state is home to a strong medical device industry and this 2.3% excise tax has already forced businesses to scrap plans for expansion. I have personally depended on these devices in the operating room to save the lives of my patients.

“This bottoms line is that the Affordable Care Act is bad for patients. My goal is quality, affordable healthcare for all of our citizens. Private sector reforms are needed, not a near government takeover.”


The GOP Doctors “Doc” Caucus is composed of 21 medical providers in Congress who utilize their medical expertise to develop patient-centered health care reforms focused on quality, access, affordability, portability, and choice.

During his time in Congress, Dr. Bucshon has voted to four times repeal the PPACA in its entirety and over 30 times to defund, dismantle, or repeal portions of the law.

In February, Dr. Bucshon co-sponsored legislation that repeals the medical device tax, the 2.3% excise tax on the medical device industry; because of the harm it is causing Indiana businesses.

The latest Congressional Budget Office (CBO) figures show PPACA will increase spending by $1.88 trillion, double the estimate from 2010. And the Joint Committee on Taxation says taxpayers will be saddled with $1.1 trillion in tax hikes over the next decade.

The latest estimate from the Congressional Budget Office shows that 7 million people will lose their job-based health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. This is double what was previously estimated (The Washington Times; 2/5/13).