Recognizing Indiana’s rich agricultural heritage


During session, I make the drive between our Southwest Indiana community up to our State Capitol every week. This drive always presents spectacular views of Indiana’s rich agricultural heritage and the strong economy agriculture brings to Indiana.Every year, Indiana takes a moment to honor this rich heritage through the Hoosier Homestead Award Program. This award recognizes families with farms that have been owned and maintained by the same family for 100 years or more. Last week, I joined the lieutenant governor and the agriculture director at the Statehouse to congratulate the award recipients.The Hoosier Homestead Award Program began in 1976 to acknowledge the contributions these families have made to Indiana agriculture. More than 5,000 farms have been recognized since the program was established. Two awards ceremonies are held each year, in the spring and summer, to commemorate the achievements of the many outstanding Hoosier farmers across the state.

I am happy to say that Posey County had two award recipients this year. The Droege farm owned and operated by Arvin and Anna Droege of Wadesville, Ind., were recognized for the farms sesquicentennial. Arvin and Anna’s family farm has been in operation since 1850. Also, Ann Pfister Scarafia of New Harmony, Ind., was at the Statehouse to be recognized for her family’s farm being owned and operated for 150 years. Both of these family farms should be congratulated for their contribution to Indiana’s agriculture heritage and economy.

Agriculture has always played a significant role in our state’s livelihood, even before its founding. The most valuable crop grown in the U.S. is field corn. Indiana is located in the heart of the Corn Belt and our grower’s rank 4th in the nation for production of corn. According to the Indiana Farm Bureau, Indiana’s largest general farm organization, there are 61,000 farms in Indiana covering about 14.7 million acres.

The next Hoosier Homestead Ceremonies will take place this August during the State Fair. The deadline for the August ceremony is May 1st. For more information on the Hoosier Homestead Award Program, click here.

I am looking forward to being back home in District 76 now that session is over. It is an honor to represent our community.