McNeil Walk Across The 8th District Getting Attention



Andrew McNeil Freedom, IN- Republican Congressional Candidate Andrew McNeil had a busy week meeting with the voters of the 8th District. With only Sunday off for rest and Monday spent writing letters, Andrew spent every day on the road.

Saturday began bright and early with a GOP breakfast in Warrick County. From there Andrew took the opportunity to visit the Evansville Gun Show at the Vanderburgh fairgrounds. Saturday afternoon was capped off with Andrew speaking with the Vanderburgh Tea Party Patriots at the Evansville Public Library.

Tuesday saw Andrew stopping to visit with the residents of Loogootee and Shoals in Martin County. Many townspeople aired their discontent with the unresponsiveness of Washington. The night ended with Andrew at a Tea Party meeting at Hulman Street Wesleyan church in Terre Haute.

On Wednesday Andrew braved the cold snap to visit businesses in Jasper and Huntingburg. One of the many highlights of the day was a visit to Sturm Hardware, which has been in operation since 1886.

Boonville, Mount Vernon, and Chandler each saw Andrew walking downtown on Thursday. Many enthusiastic Hoosiers came out to meet with Andrew and thanked him for running.

On Friday Andrew traveled back to Newburgh to visit with more businesses. While there Andrew met Dennis Webb, a physical therapist in the area who was closing up his business after more than 20 years operating in Newburgh. Mr. Webb was closing up shop because the new insurance provisions being implemented through Obamacare could no longer sustain his business. Mr. Webb was excited to hear that Andrew is for defunding and repealing Obamacare as soon as he can.

Saturday brought Andrew back to Dubois County for two meet and greets. Azura in Jasper hosted Andrew for lunch and Cool Beans in Huntingburg hosted breakfast. Between meals Andrew again went door to door in the neighborhoods of both cities in the pouring rain.

“I have met so many wonderful people while out traveling. People take great pride in their businesses and love showing them off. They are proud of the work they have put into their businesses and the benefit they have brought to their communities. I am for anything that will promote the strong work ethic and sense of responsibility that I see in Hoosier families—even if that means doing nothing more than stepping out of the way and letting small business owners run their own businesses.”


  1. Great political move. Don’t waste your time on walking down snob street (S. E. First) because the 1% people love Larry B.

  2. Agree with history bluff that the alleged and self proclaimed power couples living on that street couldn’t deal with a common and down to earth person. You got my vote Andrew.

  3. I’m taking a repub primary ballot and voting for this dude. Hopefully he won’t disappoint me and start talking about rape babies or some other crazy right wing rhetoric.

    • Ghost, I would love to see you move more toward the center. However, why should a child conceived in rape pay with it’s life when the rapist does not? I hope he is pro-life without exceptions.

      The issue is not just theoretic. Please consider the real life stories of children conceived in rape and their mothers also.

      • My feelings on the issue are irrelevant. I’m talking about him slipping like Murdoch did and revealing himself as a radical opening the door for a democrat to win in a thoroughly red area.

        • Never underestimate a republican’s ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 🙂

          Feelings are irrelevant in the light of facts. So what did Mourdock really say? I agree that he poorly worded his response due to answering a question about a issue that he had not fully thought out before speaking.

          Furthermore, you are believing the spin more than what he actually said. Even the libertarian candidate said that Mourdock was not saying God intends rape. I was disappointed that the CCO gave a knee jerk endorsement before considering Mourdock’s intentions.

          All that said, I am sure we will have many opportunities for laughter and gasping over what comes out of a politician’s mouth.

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