Home Breaking News Biden Directs HHS To Protect Abortion Pill Access

Biden Directs HHS To Protect Abortion Pill Access


Biden Directs HHS To Protect Abortion Pill Access

JANUARY 24, 2023


President Joe Biden on Jan. 22 issued a memorandum directing HHS to “consider new guidance” to protect legal access to abortion pills in the U.S.

The memorandum directs HHS to consult with the attorney general and the secretary of homeland security “to consider new guidance to support patients, providers and pharmacies who wish to legally access, prescribe or provide mifepristone — no matter where they live.” It also directs the agency to work with the Justice and Homeland Security departments on new actions that will ensure patients have access to reproductive care, including medication abortion from a pharmacy, “free from threats or violence.”

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke about the new efforts, which would have been the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, in Florida on Jan. 22. The landmark court decision was overturned in June.

“Members of our Cabinet and our administration are now directed, as part of the president’s order, to identify barriers to access to prescription medication and to recommend actions to make sure that doctors can legally prescribe, that pharmacies and dispense and that women can secure safe and effective medication,” Ms. Harris said.

Earlier this month, the FDA said retail pharmacies can dispense abortion pills in states where it is legal. CVS and Walgreens have said they plan to distribute mifepristone. Some states have moved to further restrict or protect access in response.


  1. .
    Take careful note!
    Before many of you jump on the bandwagon talking about how Judge Alito saved us all by taking away all women in America’s rights to determine their own choices in contraception and abortion?

    Alito said “there is NO RIGHT TO PRIVACY guaranteed in the Constitution” as the basis for overturning Roe v Wade.

    This is a fact. It is undisputed. Alito ruled there is no right to privacy guaranteed in the US Constitution.

    Warrantless wire-tapping according to Alito? (“Go to hell. You don’t have a right to privacy.”)
    How about forcing you to give up all of your personal info?
    How about a man’s home is his castle?
    NO. No right to object, Sir.

    You say, “Wait a minute. He didn’t say we don’t have a right to privacy.”
    Anti-Abortion advocates are scrambling to ease concerns, cause THEY KNOW this is dangerous for ALL OF AMERICA.
    Here is what THEY say:
    “Though Justice Alito correctly acknowledges that the right to privacy is not explicitly stated in the Constitution, he does not argue that the right to privacy is nonexistent!”

    Look at that again.
    They ARE ACKNOWLEDGING Alito said “the right to privacy is not explicitly stated in the Constitution.”

    What else does that mean?
    Are you serious?

    Take great caution, US Citizens. Our privacy rights are at grave risk.
    Proceed cautiously before you take away America’s right to abortion pill access, or contraception – as we both know, THAT WILL BE NEXT – I can hear it now “The Constitution does not guarantee a right to contraception, such a right being based in a right to privacy, and (here it comes) ‘the right to privacy is not explicitly stated in the Constitution.'”

    The right to privacy IS the issue here.
    Alito says it in plain english words.

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