AGENDA Of Vanderburgh County Board Of Commissioners

civic center

AGENDA of Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners on July 14th, 2020 at 3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Reconvene Emergency Meeting
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Permission to Open Bids:
    1. VC20-07-01: Replacement of Nurrenburn Road Bridge #1431
    2. VC20-07-02: Concrete Street Repairs in Willow Creek Subdivision
  5. Action Items 
    1. Cooperative Extension: Revised MOU with Vanderburgh County
    2. Continuation of Public Hearing & Final Reading of Vacation Ordinance CO.V-06-20-003: A Petition to Vacate a Portion of a 12’ Alley at 500 N. Woods Avenue
    3. Superior Court: Agreements for Professional Services 
      1. Abigail Vaughn
      2. Julie Braun
      3. Carson Hicks
    4. Computer Services: Non-Disclosure Agreement with FireEye
    5. Sheriff Department: 
      1. WOW Phone Service Contract for 3500 N. Harlan Avenue
      2. Agreement with Trinity Tech Solutions 
    6. Superintendent of County Buildings: Baret Fawbush Old Courthouse Lease Agreement
    7. Resolution.CO.R-07-20-010: A Resolution of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners Authorizing Submission of COVID-19 Phase 2 Grant Application
      1. Four Factor Analysis
      2. Permission Letter Authorizing SW Indiana Economic Development Coalition to Advertise and Conduct Public Hearings
    8. Resolution No. CO.R-07-20-011: Resolution Recommending Citizens to Wear Face Coverings to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Vanderburgh County 
    9. County Engineer: 
      1. Award of Kansas Road Phase 1
      2. Interlocal Agreement with EWSU for Relocation of Water Lines Related to Reconstruction of Kansas Road
      3. Oak Hill Road Financial Commitment Letter for Federal Funding
  6. Department Head Reports
  7. New Business
  8. Old Business
  9. Consent Items
    1. Approval of June 23rd Emergency Meeting Minutes
    2. Employment Changes 
    3. Election Office: Allocation of Funding by the Indiana Secretary of State for New Election Equipment
    4. Vanderburgh County Treatment Court: 2021 Indiana Department of Corrections Grant Letter of Support
    5. County Engineer: Department Reports and Claims
    6. County Clerk: June 2020 Monthly Report
    7. County Auditor: 
      1. Claims Voucher Reports 6/22/-6/26/2020 & 6/29-7/3/2020 & 7/6-7/10/2020
      2. Submission of Statement of Salaries and Wages
  10. Public Comment
  11. Recess Meeting