Zoeller’s office monitors propane prices as shortage worsens, warns cons



Greg ZoellerINDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller urges Hoosiers to conserve the amount of propane used to heat their homes as weather conditions and supply shortages worsen.

Zoeller said the propane shortage is being felt across the Midwest and a number of market factors have led to the current crisis ranging from logistical disruptions to weather conditions driving demand.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence recently ordered restrictions on propane transport to be eased through Jan. 31 to help increase the state’s supply. Transport drivers’ hours are limited which has affected the amount of propane available.

“Consumers have likely noticed the spike in propane prices as the costs of heating their homes have jumped significantly,” Zoeller said. “To help protect consumers from being illegally gouged, our office is closely monitoring the price of propane sold at all levels of the market. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to the current situation so we urge consumers to take adequate precautions now to make sure their homes stay warm during these frigid temperatures.”

Zoeller offered the following tips to consumers who use propane as their primary home heating source:

  • Turn down your thermostat and monitor your household’s use of hot water and time cooking using the stove or oven;
  • Closely monitor your propane tank’s levels as delayed home deliveries may result from the overall supply shortage;
  • If possible, use alternative sources of heat to supplement your household’s use of propane; and
  • If you are out of heat, contact the state’s 2-1-1 hotline to connect with local organizations who are providing assistance.


Zoeller also said Hoosiers should check on their relatives and friends – especially senior citizens – who may be struggling to keep their homes heated.

Hoosiers who want to report suspected price gouging can do so by calling the Attorney General’s Office hotline


  1. Basically an energy equation to look at as defined by Balance Sustainability*

    Its very good the State IG is putting some focus on the condition of affect due the LP(propane)supplies forward.
    Noteworthy structure evolution per the Agri-business applications are the primary factors for the midwestern supply chain liquid petroleum [propane] infrastructures. (Time span, needs applied methodology)

    Balance points by conditionals are more marginal per weather related timing as present systems and applications are spanning the perimeters of estimated supply structures.

    Balance sustainability* in supply chain infrastructure per locational drivers are experiencing predictable trending thereof.

    Improved seasonally effective solutions are secondary to supplies as the demands peak as an overall usage and supply equation.
    However increased supplies at any costing,are in fact availability laden by affected transportation infrastructures.

    Allowances through restriction adjustments,and fluid actions by Gov. Pence to find consistency of supply chain logistics can help balances for the short term.

    Energy policies,and logistics are perceived roadblocks/inefficiencies in support of evolving sustainability and balancing supplies. Both can be touched without point contact per emergency management situations predictable per effective climate change actions for supplied product availabilities and logistical timing balances.

    Climate Actions are a national issue,thus a federal headache,as well.

    Improved logistical technology has been forefronted as a viable solution,however the shortage is nationwide,so thus interstate transportation controls are conditional applications should be of an, interstate focus.

    Incremental solutions for balanced logistical sustainability when studied seems apparent to evolved real time control timing per conditional,locational application.
    The state that evolves the ground to cloud,orbital to cloud,cloud to logistical unit per real time events will thus improve forward with critical supply timing per demand.
    The solution becomes the answer and capital infrastructure logistics improvements through venture capital investment drives the change,and the state only governs., Thus,collects the increased revenue from such viable networks,when sourcing needs are required to meet supply needs across its “dot connected”, global trade economies.

    (New balanced,and thus sustainable careers & jobs.* “real stuff”)

    Adaptability,and the predictive enterprises (Wayne L.Staley)

    “Knowledge based intelligence to innovate products or systems and generate appropriate action in advance of the actual need.”

    “This prepares the enterprise to deliver the first and,consequently the most effective competitive actions.”

    “In order to compete in the global economy,manufacturing,and DISTRIBUTION companies have to be flexible enough to quickly react to marketplace opportunities.”

    “scientia est potentia.”

    “Knowledge is power.”

    • Someday you and I are going to have to have dinner and we’ll talk about the second law of thermodynamics, Maxwell’s demon, and how it applies to government bureaucracy and government policy.

      We can also throw in Asimov’s postulates about the size of government

      Government size is directly proportional to the population of the country, directly proportional to the standard of living/GDP of the country and directly proporational to the number and complexity of products and services available in the country.

      In other words no matter how much we wish government was smaller we can only reduce the size of government by reducing our standard of living or reducing our population.

      No society has ever willingly accepted a lower standard of living nor do we have an ethical way to voluntarily reduce our population, SOOOOO government ONLY increases in size.

      • only people the government can control are the beggars……the low self esteem among us that must depend on welfare……liberalism is a mental disorder……

      • Entropy thermodynamic law II,Maxwells equations; classical approximations and partial differential equations vs politics in macroscopic,dang! Brains.
        Over dinner,hell your local politics go a long way to causing appetite loss anyway,throw in some electromagnetic flux divergence theorem,and Stokes theorem of vorticity to constitutive relations in the damned politics!….I’ll,hurl,for sure.

        Speaking of dinner, while out tonight in your town with some Family, I spoke with the owner of a well known local establishment about his sustainability per utilities cost. [Increases sustained]

        He has mentioned the subject before,I sat down with him and explained a how some simple applications could help his competitive advantage over other sites that front the same fare.

        He told me of some issues they have run into with the local food inspectors,and,their inconsistencies with inspections per actual district or city county area businesses. Unfair timing per inspection rate,some are never timed so much…or inspected,so much as. So.

        I do respect the Fella’s wanting to stay incognito on the subjectictive statement,however,could be some Food Inspector Nazis are about,as well.

        Looks like the same methodology is applied with food inspections,as the old standards were applied per the sidewalk signs,storey boarding at some locations,and not at others,per favorites,and patronage sites, from the way it soundboards.

        Positive experience for him,not so much.me as customer,not so much.

        If so,that sucks,the place is great,the service is outstanding,and the preparation is about gourmet as one could expect anywhere in the nation. The place is popular enough,there,reservations are a must, way ahead per date also.
        I myself was in the food storage area,and the food preparation area while demonstrating some unique locational balanced energy blending for his application.

        I was given the required attire to enter the areas as well. Any plan for him is customer confidential,its his businesses unique plan,therefore his to apply competitively.

        The owner as a plan customer,is going to apply some techniques that will greatly improve his utilities costing,and the blending actually improves the food quality and dining areas ambiance,while,the process is moved forward.
        Hopefully,this shows them how easy balanced sustainability* really is,with its carbon sequestration balances, and the reduced carbon footprint, comes higher quality fare,with lower costing per each separate presentation.

        I’ve got an outta state company working on a certified decal that can be displayed and updated for viability,leveraged by actual standards,cross regional and nationwide. Surpasses existing standards and requirements for food service inspection grades across the nation,of course evansville In.

        One thing,if he meets the objectives with the utilities they will exceed the goal,The blending,will be shown in the timing and profitability of the floor throughput vs actual total cost per customer order.
        The mix includes some qualities he has there,that have never been in focus for profitability,so,as he brings that forward the customers will be amazed,they hadn’t observed the methodology,as well.

        This is a very common feature in new edge horizons,or learning accumlative vacation tours,and destinations overseas. American restaurants think they have nailed the concept,however have used less focus,on the actual reasons it was ever applied in the first place. 🙂


        look back,look here,look ahead.

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