Zoeller’s office to recognize outstanding crime victim advocates


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – As October marks national Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Indiana Attorney General’s Office is now accepting nominations for the first-ever Hoosier Hearts Hero Award for Distinguished Advocacy.
“Our criminal justice system relies on the strength and courage of victims to speak out about the crimes committed against them,” Attorney General Greg Zoeller said. “Victims’ lives are touched everyday by those who are devoted to providing them support and encouragement. Just as advocates work to ensure victims’ voices are heard, my office will make sure their selfless efforts to help others do not go unrecognized.”
The Attorney General created three Hoosier Hearts Hero Award categories to help recognize shelter volunteers and staff on an annual basis:
• Career Advocate: This individual has made a career-long commitment to helping victims and advocacy for sexual assault victims and their families;
• Volunteer Advocate: As advocacy centers often have limited resources, an outstanding volunteer demonstrates a strong commitment to helping with everyday tasks which range from sorting donations to even some victim assistance; and
• Rookie of the Year: A new advocate to the field can bring different ideas, a refreshing perspective to a career of service or can go above and beyond to help those in need.
Zoeller encourages Hoosiers to nominate an advocate who deserves special recognition by visiting www.in.gov/attorneygeneral. Nominations are due by Dec. 31 and winners will be announced during a formal ceremony in April at the Statehouse in Indianapolis during National Crime Victim’s Rights Week.