Witnesses for Life Depart Today for Indiana March for Life.

    right to life

    Evansville, IN  –  Right to Life of Southwest Indiana annual bus trip to attend the March for Life in Indianapolis will depart from Evansville this morning at 7:00 a.m.

    The Indiana March for Life, which is Monday, January 22, 2024, is a peaceful witness for life. The March is held right after National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, established by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. People across the country bring awareness to the need for a culture that respects life and outlaws abortion. This year’s March celebrates the upholding of Indiana SEA-1 and reminds us of the continued need for pro-life laws to be established and supported at the state level.

    The day will begin at the Indiana Convention Center with a youth event followed by a Mass for Life. The March for Life commences at Georgia & Illinois Street and processes through downtown Indianapolis to the Statehouse, where a post-march rally will take place.



    1. .
      The Right to Life, after Roe v Wade overturn at SCOTUS? (Based on the Alito nearly f’n unbelievable claim, the US Constitution provides US Citizens no right to privacy and the government can pass laws that violate a person’s privacy…)

      After that? The Right to Life has become:

      1. A political cash machine. No one wants it to go away, because it’s Leaders, and their Politicians like the cash they get. It’s a fundraising organization with no goal. Likes $$, so, they stick around pretending to be relevant.

      2. As long as Right to Life insists on NO EXCEPTIONS for the rights of the Mother: To force her to give birth even if that Mom of an large family of her own, has been raped, R2L forces her to have the Rapist’s child? The morality of Right to Life, supporting Rapists rights over the woman she raped, is gone…over…pathetic. Even when that Mom of a family will die giving birth…even if she has another five kids and a husband of her own….even if it means she will die? The NO EXCEPTIONS crowd will force her to die. Why? She has NO rights.

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