Winnecke Campaign Discloses Additional Contributions


Lloyd Winnecke

Winnecke Supplemental Finance Report 11022011


      • Yep, you is right. Dat company always greased daMayor’s palm on a regular basis.

      • They put together the big bond deals and represent municipalities in their dealings with the state legislature. They play both sides of the fence when it comes to donations.


  1. Yep…looks like $17.5k of it from Indy wonder what they are buying? probably just interested in our little burg, then again that big sewer project is probably gonna’ require a couple engineers and lawyers to see it through.


  2. Isn’t it true Rick Davis got some big money from Danks & Danks law firm? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO BUY?

    • Someone said Davis promised fire fighters not to be drug tested is that why they give him such whopper donation?

      • I can’t imagine that’s true. But he did promise to replace their boss. I don’t know a single firefighter that can’t wait for that to happen.

      • Are you, as a representative of the Machine and Winnecke campaigns, suggesting that our brave Firefighters use or abuse drugs???

        • Not at all but city workers should all be subject to equal policy – good for the goose good for the gander. And I just asked is it true what I heard said.

          • Any accident or mishap by a firefighter would immediatly result in a drug screen. If there were damages to be held accountable for due to an accident of some sort and that firefighter tested positive the city would be in for a huge lawsuit. No politician in their right mind would promise such a thing.

      • This has got to be one of the most disgusting expamples of disrespect I have seen to this point.
        I have tried to stay away from the name calling, but you have pushed the envelope on this one.
        Anybody that would associate themself with YOU or anyone that has worked with you to undermine Davis is just as dispicable as you are.
        You are clearly so desperate to keep your machine intact, that you would stoop to this level. Shame on you.
        Anyboody that votes to keep the status quo will get the government they deserve.

        • Somebody should print this out and show it to every Firefighter they know.

          I can’t believe anyone would be callous and stupid enough to accuse our heroes of voting for someone because they are on drugs and want to get away with it.


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