What Can I Do?

Those of us who have lived in the Tri-State area of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky for most of our lives have, no doubt, listened to and even participated in countless conversations covering our “weird” but also interesting weather.  I grew up on the stories of the 1925 tornado outbreak and the 1937 Ohio River flood.  My maternal grandfather was a lineman, foreman, and eventually North District Manager (Ft. Branch Office) for S.I.G.&E.Co.  He participated in the cleanup and restoration efforts in Griffin, IN as well as other places, so I was privy to firsthand memories and stories.  

Perhaps you, like me, were also amazed and shocked by our most recent installment of “weird” Tri-State weather.  My wife and I were visiting family in Connersville, IN from Friday through Sunday so, thankfully, we were not in Evansville.  However, being true Tri-Staters, we followed the television news as delivered by the Weather Channel and other networks.  Early Saturday morning the television all too vividly showed us the wrath Mother Nature leveled on several towns in Kentucky and we were, to say the least, sickened and heartbroken for the loss of life and property.

So what do we do now?  This latest tragedy surely calls for more of a response than “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”  I’m no longer a young man so I cannot simply roll up my sleeves and wade into the aftermath of the storm’s damage.  Nor do I possess the skills and abilities that are so desperately needed for a “hands-on” approach.  What can I do?  I believe I know what to do and it’s my hope that you will join me.  

Unlike others of the animal family, we humans are unable to witness the death and tragedies affecting other people and just walk on by.  No, our innate human nature tells us to help whether by prayer or presence or with money.  It is within my power to do two of the above.  I can pray and I can give and I certainly intend to do so.  But how?

Our Tri-State television stations are doing a great job by listing the several agencies we can give to which enables us to be actively engaged in helping with the cleanup and restoration.  “Hats off” to local meteorologists and their television stations!  Their “public service announcements” are a tremendous help!  They have done the necessary leg work in compiling the list and letting us know how we can get involved.  

Now it’s up to us to respond.  But before you give, please pray and ask God to give you discernment so you will make the right choice.  It’s sad to acknowledge but we live in the day of scams.  Give but give wisely! 

Grace and Peace!

Rev. Steve Seitz- Retired       

Evansville, Ind,  Â