FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming MONDAY ?

Todays “READERS POLL’ question is: Do you feel that the Mayors economic trip to Germany on behalf of the citizens of Evansville is worthwhile?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. Anybody know if ONB actually paid anything for the ONB Events Center naming rights? How much and when?

  2. Three magic beans, soft chairs in plush offices providing soft landings for has-been politicians, numerous candidates for public office and the willingness to fall in behind any public-private partnership the reigning administration favors.

  3. ONB has become one of our best people. They were pretty damn good even before the Supremes christened them, or at least their money, human. The service they provide by keeping their fellow people, those pathetic souls referenced above, off the streets is invaluable.

  4. I remember a story I heard around 40 years ago about a man who showed up in a rural town one day. Before coming in to town though, he put up a HUGE sign right outside of town that said, IT”S COMING.

    After about a week the curiosity of the town was totally aroused and everyone was wondering what IT was. Then another HUGE sign appeared in town that said, IT”LL BE HERE.

    During the coarse of that week, rumor evolved that the man putting up the signs was known only as Mister D, and the people noticed that Mister D was followed everywhere he went by a young boy of the town named Little Joe and although they never talked, Little Joe just found himself in awe of this mysterious man and his message.

    The following week saw another HUGE sign erected that said, IT”LL BE HERE THIS SATURDAY – DON”T MISS IT.

    By this time every person in town was beside themselves with impatient curiosity because they heard it was coming, that it was going to be here and Good Lord Almighty it was finally going to be here Saturday.

    Come Saturday the amphitheater was bulging at the seams with every person in town, even closing down all businesses and turning the town into a ghost town except for Mesker, I mean the amphitheater.

    Mister D was standing at the top of the venue with Little Joe standing behind him and after counting the proceeds, spoke to little Joe for the first time and asked him he would like to go down and pull the curtain back because IT was about to begin.

    Little Joe spoke for the first time saying, yes sir Mister D, because Little Joe had always wanted to see IT also and after bounding down the steps hitting every third one, Little Joe reached the ropes of the curtain and pulling them with one great adrenalin inspired thrust, opened the curtain to which exposed another HUGE sign that said, IT”S GONE.

    And so was Mister D….

  5. I saw a movie today where someone got angry and kicked a trash can multiple times. It reminded me of the old Mole #3 days when we got inside info about a former mayor pitching a fit by kicking trash cans.

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