FOOTNOTE: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday?

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Todays “Readers Poll” question is:  Do you believe that City officials intentionally lied to us about not having a $6 million dollar deficit in 2014?

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  1. About the audit news. According to the C&P commenters this is all old news that was already known. That it is a good business practice. That it has been going on since the 90s. And we are all a bunch of whiners. Great spin for the Mayor.

  2. So tired of the “Sue their ass” Lawer ads over and over and over on TV, I would like to Barf on their shoes in response to their obnoxious pleading..

    • Personal injury and public interest attorneys are among the most valued contributors to progressive causes. Just because you get a letter from them less than a day after a typical distracted or drugged-up Evansville driver has dented your bumper, urging you to go to the nearest emergency room for a full check up, even if you were not in the car at the time, and informing you that sometimes wink-wink injuries do not become apparent until the shade of green of the other driver’s insurance is known is absolutely no reason wink wink to think that you are being solicited to commit insurance fraud wink wink. And really, as Comrade Hillary would say, what difference does it make, because some insurance company is going to be paying anyway? Besides redistributing money into the coffers of the Democratic Party, the lawyer’s lion’s share of any settlement helps stimulate the local economy–for example, by sponsoring wild parties by their underaged offspring in which the youth gain valuable experience with consuming huge quantities of alcohol purchased locally.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

  3. There is yet another animal cruelty case in Posey County. And it does not just happen in Posey County either. You can bet it is happening in Vanderburgh Co. This is a truly disgusting occurrence in SW Indiana or Indiana in general. This CCO is filled with news about budgets and money and that has been disgusting as well. But it is fixable by competent honest people that we as citizens must stand up and put in places of authority. Why they are not elected is amazing to us all. But once a human(?) goes so far as to abuse another living thing it is only another step to abusing another person. (Think Ted Bundy who tortured animals as a child) I personally believe that all living beings have a right to live safely and well and to be protected from harm, whether it be a dog or a human or an eagle. The reason I bring up the Posey County arrest and subsequent court hearings is that this seems to be part and parcel of the whole package of really bad behavior that is occurring in this area. What is the matter with people here? Is it the polluted environment? The lack of strong moral upbringing? The “It’s all me all the time” attitude? Many people are basically good but just step back and let the idiots run a muck. If you see something wrong, do you step up and speak up to correct it? Would you take a stick out of the hand of someone beating a dog to death? Would you stand up to the state and demand they do something about this audit garbage? I do not have confidence that anyone here would do that? I am the worse of all I guess. We are trying to find a more peaceful and quiet place to live where we are not under the control of a government that we oppose. I will take the stick away from anyone touching my dogs and I wish you luck on taking the power away from those in local government who are screwing you over. We all have to find what we are best at and do it well to make our lives and the lives of others better. At 67 with MS, my elder rescues are safe with me.

    • If there’s any abuse in this household I’m the one that is being abused
      Dang dog tries to sleep on me or push me off bed ,,,another one I’ll be on
      Couch watching tv and dog will be on arm on the couch ,,,for no reason at all
      She will start barkyapping for no reason at all right next to me

      • You are a patient parent Evilt, and I know you wouldn’t hurt either one of them. These dogs I wrote of lived in a foot of feces and an infestation of fleas which burned their skin for years. There were many other health problems as well as you can imagine. I am talking totally inhumane and disgusting living conditions. One deputy who worked the case has served on the force for 16 years and remarked it was the worse situation he had ever seen. Really sick sick people.

      • Speaking of abuse, it costs me right at $300 dollars a month to feed all the animals on my property and my wife WILL NOT allow me to hunt here.

        She claims it is a nature preserve.

        I see it as welfare gone wild….

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